21. Moving in

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When Mason asked Alina to move in with him, they didn't waste a second moving in her things. The morning after he asked, they had began packing her stuff in boxes already.

The only things Alina wouldn't take with her are the heavy things like her bed, counters, couches, her wardrobe, tables, and chairs because Mason already has those things. He had also already made space for her in his house from the times she has slept.

Alina's parents were able to help out even though they're going back to Canada tonight. None of them let Alina help carry anything because she's still not strong enough to do that, and it's too dangerous for her to carry heavy weight. Mason was also being careful due to his light injury, but he still helped with some stuff.

The last boxes were put in the van; luckily, Alina didn't have that much stuff in her apartment, so by the time it was dinner time, they had emptied the apartment and were ready to put it on the market and sell it.

Everyone had gone over to Mason's house; the boxes were already carried inside. Alina hasn't been here for over two weeks so she was surprised to see that Mason and his family had decorated the house beautifully with Christmas decorations.

"It looks so cozy," Alina smiled as she looked around. Mason hugged her from behind, smiled and placed a kiss on top of her head, happy to finally have her here, permanently.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but we're heading to the airport," Alina's dad said, grabbing everyone's attention their.

"Let me take you to the airport," Mason offered, but both Peter and Lisa shook their heads.

"We've already called a cab; just sit down and relax you two; you both need it," Lisa smiled.

A car honked outside, and Alina looked over, seeing the cab. "How did he come so fast?" She looked confused.

"We called an hour ago," Lisa chuckled at her daughter's confusion.

"I wish you could've stayed for Christmas." Alina looked at her parents.

"I know, sweetie; I'm sorry, but we can't leave your grandparents alone at this time, can we?" She smiled as she brushed Alina's hair away from her face.

Alina chuckled and hugged her mom, while Mason and Peter gave each other hugs and said goodbye.

They switched; Alina hugged her dad, and Lisa walked over to Mason, hugging him. "Look after her for me," she smiled at him.

"Don't worry," he assured her.

"Don't do anything stupid, ok?" Peter joked, placing a kiss on Alina's forehead. "Ha ha, dad," she said, rolling her eyes.

They grabbed their tiny suitcases and headed over to the cab outside. Alina and Mason waited at the door, watching them get in the car.

"Merry Christmas!" Her parents shouted while also blowing kisses to them. Mason and Alina both smiled, "Merry Christmas," they shouted back and waved them goodbye. They stood outside until the car was out of sight.

"What do you say? Wanna make dinner and watch a Christmas movie?" Mason suggested. Alina was able to eat better food now, without it hurting too much, and she had been craving to eat warm dinner from home.

Alina looked at him with a smile, "That sounds perfect," she agreed to it.


"Wanna watch the Grinch?" Mason asked as he scrolled through the movies on Netflix.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing!" She sat up and looked at him, shocked that he thought of the same thing as her.

"Great minds think alike," he laughed. She chuckled at his response and laid back, letting him spoon her on the couch.

They had already had their dinner, and they had managed to mess up the kitchen like always when they cook together. Now, they were spending the night on the couch, watching the Grinch.


Throughout the movie, Mason had noticed that Alina had gone quiet; she wasn't sleeping; she was just focused on the movie, thinking about Christmas and how she wouldn't celebrate it with her family for the first time. She felt bad about it.

"Want to watch another movie or are you ready to go to sleep?" Mason softly asked

"Do you think I'm a bad daughter?" She turned around and looked at him. He looked down at her, confused as to why she would ask that.

"Why would you ask that? Of course you're not," he said to her. She sighed, turning her gaze away from him and looked up to the ceiling.

"I feel bad for not going back for Christmas. Do you think they're upset?" she asked, turning back to him.

"I get what you mean; I had to leave my family too when I went to Vitesse, I missed so many birthdays, family dinners, and traditions...but in the end, I knew I had time to make up for it. Last year, when you left for Canada, a simple phone call from you on Christmas made my whole day," he told her.

"Really?" She whispered. "Mhm," he nodded, caressing her cheek.

She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. "Thank you," she simply said, cuddling back into his arms.

"Speaking of Christmas, I need to go Christmas shopping tomorrow," she said, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry about it too much," he said, placing a kiss on top of her head.

The babysitter (sequel) | Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now