02: Coffee

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Waking up this morning felt worse than what I'd felt in a long time. I didn't remember much from the day before. Everything after the kiss with that guy, seemed blurry. And the worst part of all, I clearly didn't do a tactical vomiting, as I felt the liquor rush up through my throat and I ran to the toilet.

After flushing the toilet, I washed the sweat off my face and brushed my teeth before deciding to take a quick shower.

Of course when I went the club the day before, I intended to get drunk, but after that guy seated next to me, I didn't keep count of my drinks and I could tell by the nauseating feeling in my weak body that I had drunk way too much, considering I had work in an hour.

I had taken the year off school after I graduated high school last year. It was currently April and my first semester of college would've started last month, but after I lost someone dear to me, I couldn't seem to get my feet back on track, and I chose to stay working at the part time job I had instead of starting college. I couldn't go to school as if nothing had happened, when everything had changed.

I worked part time at a bakery in the streets of Seoul. I didn't bake anything, but just worked as a service assistant, assisting costumers and cleaning the quite popular bakery. I loved working there. My boss was the sweetest old woman ever—though she could be scary—and my colleagues weren't the worst either.

"Y/n, is that you?" My mother called from the living room when I exited the bathroom and closed the door after me.

"Yes mom." I called back before entering my own room again.

I fell back onto my bed, grunting as I felt sorry for myself. I felt so nauseous and my head hurt like hell.

After some time of laying still with closed eyes, I grabbed my phone to check if there was anything new.

I had received a few mails and a lot of other daily notifications, but my eyes fell on one particular message notification that stood out.

"From Jimin?" I muttered. I recognized the name belonging to the guy from the day before, but I didn't remember sharing my number. I pressed the notification and unlocked my phone.

As soon as I entered our conversation, I sat up in the bed and threw my phone. I mentally screamed, slapping my hands over my mouth to not let any screams come out.

I looked at my phone in terror, hesitantly picking it up after a while.

Above Jimin's message there was one sent from me, sent earlier the same morning at 3:04 am.

Me: Jimin you are such an attractive man


I almost panicked, my cheeks growing warm from embarrassment and after reading his reply I grew even more embarrassed.

Jimin😘: I know, but thanks for telling me😉

I took a few deep breaths, pulling myself together and started typing.

Me: I don't remember sending that, sorry...

A surprisingly quick reply chimed in as I had only managed to let my legs out of the bed to sit on the edge of it.

Jimin😘: You didn't, I did to save your number.

That explains the emoji, I thought.

I only got to let out a sigh of relief as another message chimed in.

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