Chapter 6:True friendship, Love and babysitting?

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When we got back to our apartment, I went to the kitchen while Draco talked with our friends in the loungeroom.

I rang a small bell, and winky appeared.

"What can winky get for you Hermoine?" Winky asked enthusiastically.

"Can I have ice cream, small cakes, cookies, and hot coco, please Winky?" I ask.

"Right away, Winky will get it quickly!" She disappeared and then reappeared in a matter of seconds.

"Thank you Winky!" I say as Winky bows and disappeares once more.

I placed everything on a tray, including the hot coco in a teapot, and mugs, before walking into the loungeroom.

As everyone ate and goofed around, I sat beside Draco with my hand entangled with his. Everyone decided that they wanted to watch what muggles call movies. I conjured up a tv from my bag that had an extendable charm on it and got the small collection of movies from my trunk. We ended up agreeing on watching Eragon, The Conjuring and then we ended the night by watching Dear John. I was laying between Draco's legs, with my head laying on his chest. His arms were wrapped aound me tightly and my fingures were wrapped around his arms.

I looked at all of our friends, and noticed that they were all asleep. I giggled and looked up at Draco. When my eyes met his, he was already staring at me. I could feel myself blushing and I turned my head back to the tv. I felt him shift until his face was closer to mine. "Whats so funny my love?" He asked, staring into my eyes.

"Nothing.... Okay I was just wondering when everyone fell asleep and how funny it is that Theo is snoring his head off." I say giggling again. His chest rumbled with laughter as Theodore produced a very loud snore before there was no sound. I got up quietly, before grabbing extra blankets from the closet in the hallway before placing the blankets over everyone. Draco turned the lights off and followed me towards our room.

When I awoke I the morning, Draco was gone. I got up and walked into the bathroom to bathe and then do my make up and hair before getting dressed. After I had done my morning routine, I walked out of the room, and into the lounge room, everyone was gone, so I walked into the kitchen where Draco was trying to cook breakfast. I watched him struggle for a few more minutes before bumping him away from the stove and saving the pancakes before they burnt. "How long were you watching me struggle for?" Drake asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. I let out a giggle,

"Long enough" I say before giggling again. Drake sighed before allowing me to cook breakfast.

Draco and I ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence, before there was a knock at the door. "Are we expecting anyone today, Love?" Draco asked.

"Well... What day is it?"

"23rd of October" Draco replied.

"Oh that's right, my Uncle and Aunt were coming to visit with little Teddy!!" I say excitedly. I got up and ran for the door.

"HI!!!" I said with so much happiness and enthusiasm.

"Hahaha Hello 'Mione!" Uncle Remus said as my Aunt Tonks carried a small bundle in her arms.

"Hello Hermione, sorry I would hug you but my hands are a little full." Aunt Tonks said.

"That's okay please come in. I'm sure you could put little Teddy in my room for now." When she agreed I lead her to the bedroom and she placed Teddy on the bed with a pillow wall around him. We quickly hugged and quickly walked into the lounge room where my Uncle and Draco were sitting on opposite couches. I sat down next to draco and kissed his cheek before turning to my family. We spoke for a while over some biscutes and tea, before my Uncle asked the one question I was dreading. "How did Harry take the news 'Mione?" Draco's hands turned into fists and he started to shake in anger. I placed his hands in my laps before uncurling them and linking our hands together. "It... It didn't go as planned Uncle. He hasen't spoken to me in weeks. Actually, none of my friends except Neville and Luna have spoken to me. I guess he took it really hard. I heard Harry and Ginny are going to be married in a month but I wouldn't know to be honest."

"Yeah, and if that Git was to hurt 'Mione anymore than he has I will personally turn him into a bug and kill him." Draco said with pure anger and malice in his voice.

"I don't understand why he is acting like that Hermione. I thought he would have been thrilled to know that he had another family member apart from Sirius and I. You know what, I'm going to knock some sense into that boy." Uncle Remus says before marching to the door. Aunt Tonks stood up as well. "Hermione dear, can you look after Teddy for me? I should make sure Remus doesn't do anything rash."

"Of cause Aunt Tonks. It would be my pleasure to look after the little one!!" I say with enthusiasm. She told me where everything was before following my Uncle to Harry's apartment.


Hey guys!! I know its been forever since I have updated and I'm zoo sorry for the year wait!! The picture on the side or top is a picture of Teddy Lupin! I hope you enjoy it!

Paigie xoxo

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