Chapter 3- The new rule

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The end of the week was painfully slowly coming to an end. I still finished all my work before their due dates, I finished all the homework until next wednesday. I was walking down for breakfast when i heard a few ghosts crying. It was weird hearing them cry, and when I approached them and asked whats wrong, they didnt answer. I slowly approached the great hall and saw Shacklebolt sitting at the teachers table. I sat inbetween Harry and Ron and said, “The ghosts are all crying. I asked them what was wrong and they just cried harder and diddnt answer me.” They looked like they were in thought as Ginny came in and sat next to Harry, kissing his cheek and started to eat.

“Do you think it’s about what Shacklebolt is going to talk to us about?” Harry asked.

“I think it does. It must be really badi f it’s making all the ghosts and some of the paintings cry” Ginny said.

“Bloody hell, Everyone’s crying. Why?”

“That’s what I want to know” I replied.

We sat outside the whole day, just talking and mucking around and acting all silly. We spent hours just talking about anything and everything. All of our friends from Gryffindor was there sitting under the trees at the black lake.

As it started to get dark we all walked into the Great Hall, as a big group. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. We were all joking around as we sat down for the feast. McGonagall Stood up “The years 7 and 8, Please stay behind at the end of the feast” and suddenly the food appeared and everyone dug in. Everyone got up and left and except for the 7 and 8 years.

Shacklebolt stood up. “I have an announcement to make. As you all know, The Great Second Wizard War killed thousands. Our numbers have gone down, and to make these numbers to go back up, I The Minister of Magic have come up with a new law. It;s called the Marriage Law. You wil be paired up with someone else at Hogwarts to marry. Now, we have already choosen who you will be marrying. You cant change who it is.

Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood;

Susan Bones and Semus Finnigan;

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger;

Ron Weasely and Pansy Parkinson;


After everyone was paired up, we were told to fo back to our dormitories for our last night as a house. Im glad that Ginny and Harry are stuck together, they’ve been so happy together after everything thats happened. Ron was stuck with Parkinson. “HAHAHAHA” Everyone was looking at me. “What, I just think its funny that Ron got stuck with Parkinson” Everyone got a look of recognition before they to started to join in the laughter. When everyone went to bed, I stayed in the common room, sitting infront of the fire. Whe it was announced that I was to marry Malfoy, I looked at him and he looked angry. He turned to me and glared, he then stormed off.

I stood up and did a spell that made the rug were the fireplace was amd turnedit all to soft bouncy pillows. I layed down and summend a House Elf.  “Hello Miss, my name is Twinkle. How may Twinkle help you miss?”

“Can I have a hot chocolate with marshmallows and a few cookies please Twinkle.” Twinkle nodded and dissapeared before reappearing and placing the tray in front of me. “Thankyou Twinkle” Twinkle bowed before dissapearing again. “Im to marry Malfoy” I whispered to myself. I slowly drank my hot chocolate and the cookies Twinkle left me on the small tray. As I stared into the fire, i heard foot steps walking down one of the staircases.

“Hermione? What are you doing up?” I looked up to see Ginny and Harry standing at the base of both staircases.

“Im marrying Malfoy, the one person who made fun of me and hurt me emotionally, is the person I have to marry. Im scared!” I whispered towards the end. Ginny ran over and said;

“Maybe he’s changed? After all, he did apollogise to us. I heard he never says sorry to anyone”

“But Gin, what if he continues to hurt me while we are living together or after we’re married? What if he-“

“Hermione, if he hurts you I will kill him, got that? I will kill him, but not before hexing him into oblivion” Harry argues.

“Can you guys stay with me tonight? I don want to be alone.” They nod and sandwhich me between them. We all fell asleep in the light of the fireplace. Harry laid on my right side and Gin on my left. I felt comforted with them beside me. I woke up a few hours before dawn and decided to get up and head to my dormitory to have a shower and get dressed. I had packed my things last night. After my shower I got dressed in my dark wash denim jeans and a light blue singlet with a dark gray hoodie.

I excited the common room through the portrait of the Fat Lady and walked up towards the astromony tower. I sat down at the edge of the balcony and watched as the sun raised up, and the start of a brand new day. Last night I had the same nightmares as every other night, I constently saw people who I concidered family die before my eyes. I saw my parents being tortured by Voldemort and Bellatrix. I could hear their screams of terror and pain.

“Why are you crying?” An unknown voice asked me. I turned around and saw Malfoy.

“It’s nothing Malfoy, dont worry about it” I say;

“Well it is something if your crying about Granger. Whats wrong?” He says sitting down beside me.

“I don’t want to talk about it Malfoy. You wouldn’t understand.” More tears went down my face.

“Try me.” I shake my head and laughed unhumourously.

“You would never understand Malfoy” I reply furiously brushing the tears away and standing up. I walked away as he watched with sadness? I made a detour to the girls labatory to quickly fix my face up to look like I never cried and headed to the Great Hall for some breakfast.


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