Chapter 2- The bad guys, aren't the bad guys?

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Me and Ginny woke up, when the sun was rising over the tree tops. I quickly got up and ran to my trunk, got clothes, then I ran to the bathroom. By the time I finished having a shower and brushing my hair, I then magically straightened my hair.

A few hours later we were all standing in front of Platform 9 and 3/4 waiting for the train to leave. We grabbed our things and boarded the train walking into an empty compartment. We were all laughing and joking around, until Draco Malfoy and his friends Zambini, Parkinson, Crabbe and Nott came in. Looks like Goyle didn't come back this year. "What do you want Malfoy?" I ask. "Well, I wanted to know if you heard about the new law that was made by the ministry"

"Of course we have. Ron and Ginny's dad works for the ministry and told us straight after the law was passed." Draco nodded and then him and his friends sat down. We looked at each other and just went back to our conversations. It went quiet when we heard someone cough. We all looked over to see that it was Malfoy who coughed. "What do you want Malfoy" I asked.

"I.. I mean we, want us to all be friends."

"Is this some kind of joke or are you for real?" I asked.

"No, we wanted to be friends in our second year, but our parents would have disowned us and killed us. As for Voldemort. Well lets just say he would curse is and then after alot of torturing he would kill us. Please, we just want to be friends. We're so sorry for everything we ever did to you guys." We all looked at each other before me and Ginny nodded to each other. "Fine, me and Ginny accept your apology but you have to show us that we can trust you guys."

"We'll I guess if the girls accepted your apology than, so do we." Harry replied for the rest of he gang.

They nodded and it was silent for about five minutes before, Parkinson suggested we dress into our robes before we got to school. Parkinson, Ginny and I walked out while the boys got changed in our compartment. When we finished getting dressed We walked back to the compartment. We walked in to the guys eating the whole sweet trolley that the nice old lady rolls around the train. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pumpkin pastie, four chocolate frogs and three boxes of Bertie's every flavor beans.i sat down next to Malfoy seeming there were no other seats available. I could feel his stare but I didn't acknowledge it. As the train slowed down I stuffed the rest of my sweets into my bag and got up.

We all got out of the train and we headed towards the carriages and we all piled into the same one. We all sat in silence as we reached the front gates of Hogwarts. Next thing I know an owl has flown into the carriage and landed on my leg. I looked down and hastily untied the letter before the mysterious owl flew out again.

Dear Hermione,

I know your probably just arriving to school but I need to tell you. This year is going to be different, it's going to be full of truths and adventures, but you must be warned, you may feel betrayal from those who are close to you.

I looked up than reread the letter twice, three times and then just sat back and thought really hard. "Hermione? What's wrong?" I looked up to see that Mal- Draco was speaking to me. I shoved the piece of paper into my pocket and replied "Oh, it's nothing" He must have seen that I didn't want to speak about it and he left the matter alone. As we approached the front doors Ginny started to jump up and down in Harry's lap. I let out a few giggles as Harry groaned. When the carriage pulled to a stop Ginny was the first one out. I jumped out and me and Ginny yelled out "BONER!! HARRY'S GOT A BONER!!!!" Before we ran for the doors and made our way to the Great Hall. We sat down next to each other and waited for ten minutes before the rest of the gang entered. I giggled again and waited for the sorting hat to place the first years into houses.

After the feast was finished:

McGonagall stood up and everyone grew quiet. "I would like for the eighth year student to please stay behind. Everyone else must go to your common rooms at once." Everyone got up and left the Great Hall. Everyone that was left got up and sat at the front of the tables and waited. "I have an announcement to make. The new Minister of magic will be coming to our school this Saturday, and will be informing a new law, one of which you all shall not know until he arrives. That is all, you may all go to your common rooms." We all nodded and went our separate ways.

The next day I was awoken by someone jumping on my bed. "Oh go away!" I exclaimed. "Not until you wake up Mione!" Ginny yelled. I groaned but got up. I quickly ran into the bathroom, showered, brush my teeth and ran out to get dressed into my robes before grabbing Gin's hand and running out of the portrait of the fat lady and jumped onto the banister and Sid down the stairs hopped off the banister and continued to run down the rest of the stairs.

As we entered the Great Hall we searched for Ron or Harry's head before sitting with them and talking. Suddenly my timetable was in front of me. "Hey Mione, what do you have?" Ron asked.

"I have double Potions with Slytherin, then I have DADA with Ravenclaw, Transfiguration with Slytherin..." I mumbled off when Gin and Harry snatched my timetable off me. Gin had a creepy grin on her face as I just slid further down the seat. I sat on Ron's lap trying to get away from Ginny. I then proceeded to push Ron inbetween agin and I. I eventually got my timetable back and grabbed my stuff before walking to the dungeons. I had Potions with Slughorn. Yay. Not. I walked to the dungeon and sat in the middle, I wanted to be different this year. I'll still ace all my classes but I don't want to seem like the nerdy girl anymore. I want to let loose and have some fun this year. Professor Slughorn walked in and the class started five minutes later. Ron sat next to me with Harry and Ginny on the other side. Class went by fast and so did the rest of my classes.

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