Chapter 5: The truth comes out but trust and Loyalty is needed

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I walked down the corridor until I reached the common room. I saw Harry and Neville talking, I walked slowly to them and once I reached them, Neville walked off. “Hey ‘Mione, whats wrong?” he asked, as he saw the fear on my face that I had hidden from him all these years.

“Harry, what im going to say may make you upset or angry or both but you need to listen to what I have to say. Meet me in the shrinking shack after supper.” Harry nodded before I walked off.

 Dinner came and went, as all the couples were forced to sit on the same table. I sat next to Malfoy, and across from Ron, Harry and their “girls” or “soon to be wives” I didn’t eat much, as I was frightened. I rose out of my seat and wondered to the base of the wimping willow tree. Sending a spell to hit the nob, in which stops the tree from moving, I ran into the entrance and up the stairs. I sat on the couch that we had moved into the shrieking shack and sat down. A few minutes later, Harry walked in.

“Hey, ‘Mione, what do you need to talk to me about?”

“Harry, there’s a secret that I have been keeping away from you and I’m scared to tell you, afraid that you would hate me…” I whisper closer to the end of my sentence.

“’Mione, what is it? You know you can tell me anything right?” I nodded before I swallowed a big lump in my throat.

“Harry, we have been through a lot with each other for the past seven years, and I didn’t want to tell you this for six years, since I found out. I just hope you don’t hate me after this. Just please try to keep an open mind?” When Harry nodded I quickly spoke before I could chicken out.

“When I was little, my birth parents gave me to the Granger’s, because they couldn’t look after me. My real parents had written a letter to me for when I turned twelve. Harry, your dad had a sister, and Lupin had a younger brother. I guess what I’m trying to say is, Harry, you’re my cousin. Your parents had gone into hiding and so did my parents. My parents didn’t want to die, or for me to be an orphan. They gave me to the Granger’s in hope that I could grow up some what normal. My parents names are Clary Marie Potter and Thomas Ash Lupin. My parents married before You were even born. Im a pure blood Harry. You’re a half blood. I just thought you aught to know”

 It’s been two weeks since Harry last talked to me. I guess he didn’t believe me. A lot has changed since Harry learnt the truth. Draco and I shared the bed in the master bedroom. My friends didn’t talk to me, and I guess Harry told them what my true identity is. In class I’m known as Miss Lupin instead of Miss Granger. I guess im kinda happy that I don’t have to fake my own name anymore. Draco was sitting on the stool behind the kitchen bench when he looked up. He put down the daily profit before he opned his mouth and asked, “‘Mione, you’ve been extremely quiet lately. Why don’t you go hang out with your friends?” I kept facing the black lake, while the fat tears poured from my eyes. After a few seconds a muffled sob escaped my lips as I placed my head in my hands.

 Draco, ran around the counter and pulled me into his chest.  He held me close, so close that I could feel his abs and his muscle arms around my petite body.  When I looked up, I noticed that we were sitting on the floor, well Draco was, while I was strandling his lap, with my head on his chest. I had noticed that Draco wasn’t the same boy, well I should say man that he was when we were in our fith year of school. I noticed in our sixth year that he wasn’t as cruel or horrid as he was in the past years. I cold see that he really didn’t want to be cruel or horrible to everyone, especially me, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I looked into his eyes, as the tears slowly stoppedand decided that it was time that I started to trust him more. In the past few weeks that we had lived together, he had tried so hard to show me that I could trust him with my life. As I looked into his Grey sparkling eyes, I knew that I could trust him.

 “Well, you know how people have started to call me Hermione Lupin? Yeah well my mother is Harry’s aunt from his dads side. Remus Lupin is my uncle from my dads side. Sirius and Lilly, Harry’s mum are my godparents. I told Harry that we are cousins and he freaked the hell out. Now, he isn’t even talking to me, just because I held the truth from him for the past sevsn years. Does that make me such a bad person Drake?” I whisper the last part, while my head rested on his chest as one of his hands combed my hair with his fingers and his other hand held me by my waist. Draco untangled his fingers from my hair before lifting my face up and cautiously pecked my lips saying, “No, ‘Mione, your not a bad person for not telling him. The Grangers must have told you and said that you can’t tell anyone, until the danger had past. Hermione, it’s his loss. Your one of his only family members he has left, and the way his going, his gonna loose you if he continues.

A small smile came onto my face before, I looked at his lips then his eyes. I think he caught the look and started to lean in. He gave me time to pull away but I smashed my lips against his surprisingly soft lips. His arms went around my hips while while my hands travelled to the sides of his face my headwas above his while his hands travelled up and down my waist. I pulled back a few minutes later, but Draco had other ideas because his lips travelled up and down my neck, making small love bites. When I could breath properly, I pulled his lips back to mine. I let my hands travel up and down his chest. I felt for once in my life, complete and utter happiness. We both pulled away and Draco placed his forehead against mine, we both smiled breathlessly.

 “’Mione, I know that I have been so so cruel to you in the past, and you might not feel the same way but I need to tell you. Hermione Jean Lupin, I love you with my whole heart and I would be nothing without you”

 “Drake..I…I…I love you too, with my whole heart and soul” we both leaned in and shared a passionate kiss.

 Afew days have passed since Draco and I have proclaimed our love for each other. My Uncle Remus and Aunt Tonks have been owling me nearly everyday to see how I was and if Draco was treating me well. I also told them about me telling Harry who I really was to him. Ny Uncle advised that I just ignore Harry until he and our friends “Grow Up” as my Uncle put it nicely. I also told them about Drake and how much he had changed from when we were younger. My Aunt seemed happy for me and my Uncle… Well he pretty much threatened Draco straight up.

 After we spoke with my Uncle and Aunt, we set out for the Great Hall to have dinner with our fellow students. We were told that we were aloud to have or make our meals in our appartments but it was required that we have atleast one to two meals in the Great Hall. It was dinner now and as we made our way to the table for eighth years, everyone stared at us. Draco pulled me closer to him, knowing that I wasn’t comfortable with all the attension. We sat down at the end of the table and waited for the feast to begin. Draco and I were talking quietly, making jokes and just talking about my Aunt Nymphadora and my Uncle Lupin. We started to talk about the rumors of my birth parents being alive, even though I dismissed the rumors.

 “Hey Drake!!” Someone said and once we both looked up, we saw, Blaise had spoken. He sat down across from us with his fiancé Hannah. Before we knew it, Pansy, Crabbe and Theodore sat down in front of us with their fiancé’s with the exception of Pansy’s.

 “I’m sorry about the way Ron is behaving. He is such an idiot and I seriously don’t know how you survived all these years with that git and his git of a friend top. Sorry I know Harry is your cousin but seriously, who could blame you!” She whispered the last part so no one else can hear what we are talking about. Once the feast began, the Slytherin’s began to make jokes and tell stories of things that I don’t know are true.

“Drake, maybe we should invite them to our apartment for dessert?” He nodded with a smile.

 “Why don’t you guys come over for dessert?” Draco sked as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I leaned me head on his shoulder and smiled at them.


Hey Guys!!! Heres Chapter 5!!

Im so glad that everyone is enjoying From Hate to... Love!! It makes me so happy that all of you are enjoying it as much as I am enjoying writting it!! 

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