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Colson wakes Ky up as the plane flies lower to the ground. "Hey, Ky, we made it!" He says.

Ky opens her eyes slightly. "What time is it?"

"3:13am." He says. "Well, since we're in Cali, it's 12:13 am. You can sleep on the car ride home."

Ky nods. "You're probably really confused about what happened at the airport earlier." Ky says.

"Don't worry about it. It's not the time or the place right now. Just promise to tell me later." Colson says.

"I will." Ky says. She leans her head on Colson's shoulder. "I'm tired." She says.

Colson laughs a little. "I could tell." He says. He still has his arm around her.

When the plane lands, Ky is super tired. Colson tries to carry her bag for her but she makes him let her carry it.

A few minutes later, Colson grabs the suitcases and they walk to the car. Colson already has a driver so he sits in the back with Ky.

Ky lays down across the seat. She rests her head on Colson's lap and he strokes her hair. She falls asleep.

It's about 4:30 when they arrive. Kierra is in a deep sleep so Colson carries her and her bag inside. He lays her on his bed and puts the blanket over her.

He crawls in the bed next to her and she starts to wake up.

"Colson?" She asks.

"Go back to sleep Love." He says. "It's 4:30."

Ky falls back asleep before he even stops talking. Colson wraps her in his arms. He falls asleep as well.


Kierra wakes up around 1:00 pm. Colson is on his phone next to her but still has her tucked into his bare chest.

"Morning love." He says.

"Good morning." Ky says. Her stomach grumbles.

"You want something to eat?" Colson asks.

Ky nods and notices that Colson must've changed her into his pj pants and she still has his sweatshirt on.

They both walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ky sits down at the small, marble table area in the kitchen.

"So did you sleep well last night?" Colson asks.

"Yeah. Better than I've slept in weeks." Ky says.

"Can you tell me what the thing at the airport was about?" Colson asks. "Because I wanna know. You cried for a half an hour."

"Well, my dad supposedly died when I was 6 so after that, my mom got into drugs and alcohol and started abusing me." Ky says, trying not to cry. "Then, 3 years later she disappeared and I lived on the streets for basically my whole childhood. Then I figured out that my dad faked his dead and actually went with his new family in Florida." Ky sniffles.

Colson sits down next to her.

"He saw me at the airport and I just got all angry and he got mad too." Ky says. "He said I'll be a junkie like my mom." A tear falls down Ky's face.

"Do you want to let it out? When I'm angry or sad or mad, I take it up in the studio." Colson says.

"I've kept it inside for so long." Ky says. "I haven't even told Harley. Only you. Maybe I'm just better off dead."

Colson pulls Ky into a hug. "You're not better off dead. I need you right here." He says. Ky sniffles and then pulls away.

"Okay, enough of my childhood trauma sob story." Ky says. "What's for breakfast?"

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