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A few days later, Ky and Colson haven't spoken a word to each other. Right now they are in San Francisco, California. Kells just stepped on stage to start the show. Ky is sitting on a chair backstage.

"Hey." Ash says. She walks in and sits next to Ky. "We're headed out to party tonight. I don't know if you'd want to come." Ash says.

"I'll go." Ky says. "I haven't gotten drunk for a while."

Ash smiles. "Yay!" She says.

In the background, Colson is singing "Lonely". Ky is quietly singing it backstage.

"How do you know all of the words?" Ash asks.

"I helped him write this sing right after his father died." Ky says. "I still love Colson. I just don't know if he'll ever actually love me back and mean it."

"Ky, I know Colson loves you. I'm telling the truth. He's told me so many times that he loves you." Ash says.

"Ash can I tell you something that only I know about?" Ky asks.

"Yeah of course." Ash says.

"The night that Colsons dad died, he cried in my arms in his room and he told me, 'Thanks for being here Ky. I love you. I don't know what love feels like but I don't want to be with anyone else but you.'" Ky says. "That's actually the first time that anyone said that they loved me."

Ash smiles. "Ky, thats so sweet." She says. "I think that came from his sober heart."

"Really?" Ky asks.

"Yeah. It sounds like pure love to me." Ash says.

Ky smiles a little. "I hope you're right Ash."

A few hours later, the show ends and everyone is getting ready to head out to the bar for the night. Ky puts on a short pink dress and some pink high heels.

She does her hair super nice and then heads out of the bathroom

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She does her hair super nice and then heads out of the bathroom. Colson is right outside of the bathroom and his eyes go wide when he sees Ky.

"Ky, you look beautiful." He says. He smiles at Ky a little.

"Thanks." Ky says. She says it emotionless. Not happy, not sad. She walks past Colson.

After everyone is ready, they all walk into the bar, its not far of a walk. Ash and Ky sit next to each other and drink. On the other side of the bar, Colson is with rook and Slim. It's raining a little bit.

2 hours go by and Ky is pretty drunk. Ash is drunker.

"Ky, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Ash says. "I'll be back." She says. She slowly walks into the bathroom.

Ky drinks some more and then some dude sits next to her. "Hello." The guy says.

"Hey." Ky says.

"Can I buy you a drink?" The guy asks.

"Yeah sure." Ky says.

The guy buys Ky a drink but Ky isn't really paying attention. The alcohol hits her.

"Here you go." The guy says.

Ky doesn't know what the guy bought her but her mind drifts off. She drinks the whole entire glass but then can't move.

"W-what did you give me?" Ky asks. She gets dizzy.

"Ketamine." The guy says. He carries Ky out of the back door of the bar and lays her in an alley.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ky asks. The guy doesn't respond but instead he starts taking off his shirt, then his pants. then Ky knows what's happening. "No." Ky says. "P-please."

Everything else is a blur. She can't remember anything when she wakes up 2 hours later. She sees her ripped dress and her messed up hair.

Ky immediately starts crying. Sexual Assault is one of her biggest fears. She curls up in a ball and sits against the alley wall. She knows who to call.

She starts calling him. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hello?" He asks.

Ky sniffles and starts crying. "C-colson. Can y-you come get me?" Ky asks.

Colson sound concerned. "Yeah of course. Where are you?"

"In the alley behind the bar." Ky says.

"Wait why are you back there?" He asks.

"Colson. P-please." Ky says.

"Ok ok I'm coming." He says. He hangs up and then sprints to the alley. He's the most sober out of everyone. He's trying to change for Ky.

Ky puts her head in between her knees. She rocks herself back and forth. Then she hears footsteps.

"Holy shit Ky." Colson says. He looks worried and concerned. Ky looks up at him with teary eyes and tries to cover herself up. She starts crying. "Hey it's ok, you're going to be ok." He says. He takes off his shirt and puts it on Ky.

Colson picks Ky up and kisses her forehead. He starts carrying Ky to the bus. It's raining harder now.

When the two get inside the bus, no one is there. Everyone is still drunk in the bar. Colson carries Ky back to the room with the big bed and he sets her on the ground at the end of the bed.

"I'll be right back." Colson says. He runs out of the room and grabs one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants. Then he runs back and gives Ky the clothes.

"Th-thanks." Ky says. She keeps shaking.

"Do you need anything?" Colson asks.

Ky sniffles and looks at Colson's beautiful blue eyes.

"You." She says.

Colson smiles happily. His eyes have a thin glaze of tears on them. He hugs Ky. "Of course Ky." He says. "I'll help you get dressed if you want." He says.

"Y-yeah." Ky says. Colson helps her take off the ripped dress and put on some of Colson's sweatpants and a one of his hoodies.

Then the two lay down in the bed together. Ky is still shaking a little bit. Colson wraps his arms around her.

"I love you Colson." Ky says.

Colson gets a little teary eyed. "I love you too Ky."

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