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After Missouri, they start driving to Arkansas. They're staying at a hotel because they'll get there early. It's about 2 pm when they arrive at the hotel. Everyone gets separate rooms but Ky will probably end up in Colson's anyway. Or the other way around. Their rooms are right next to each other. They all get in the elevator and Ky holds Colson's hand. Then, they all get out and head to their rooms.

"Woah." Ky says as she walks into her hotel room. This room is better than her old apartment. Ky set her bag down and then goes and lays on the bed.

"Comfortable?" Colson asks. He's leaning on the door frame.

"Absolutely." Ky says. Colson lays down next to her. Then Ashleigh walks in.

"Hey lovebirds." Ashleigh says. "I need to borrow Ky for a second." Ash pulls Ky out of the room.

"What do you need?" Ky asks.

Ash shows Ky her phone and it has a video of Kierra and Colson singing going viral. "You're at millions of views!"

Ky is shocked. "Millions?!" Ky asks. She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know if she's happy or scared. "So people like it?"

"Hell yeah!!!!" Ash says. Ky smiles a little with relief. "We might head out to the bar later just so you know." Ash says. "Go get back to your wild boy." Ky smiles and walks back in.

"Did she show you the video?" Colson asks. Ky lays on top of him.

"Yeah." Ky says. "We really do make a good duo."

Colson smiles. "We sure do."

The two lay there and kiss and make out and mess around for a little bit. Then they head out to the bar. Everyone has a few drinks and everyone is pretty drunk. Later, they walk back to the hotel and all pass out in their beds.


"Colson!!!" Ky says, shaking Kells awake. "Get up! Your concert is in 5 hours." Ky says.

Colson groans and pulls Ky into the bed. "Can't you just stay with me? Can we stay here together?" He asks. "Can you also get me some Advil? My head is killing me." He says.

Ky laughs a little and kisses Colson's forehead. "Sure. But then you gotta get up." Ky says. She goes and grabs the Advil.

"Oh then never mind." Colson says. Ky rolls her eyes jokingly and gives Colson some Advil.

"Now come on. Ash and the crew is waiting in the car." Ky says. She pulls Colson out of bed and hands him some coffee.

"Thanks." Colson says.

They both walk into the elevator. Colson crosses his arms and closes his eyes. Ky leans against him. A minute later, they get out of the elevator. Colson is still sipping his coffee.

"Finally!" Ash says. "Lets go." She says.

Everyone gets in the bus and they drive to the spot where Colson is performing. About 20 minutes after, they get out and start getting ready. Ky helps Colson do his hair. Then Colson puts on his outfit. Colson looks a little nervous.

"You've got this wild boy." Ky says. She kisses him on the lips.

"Thanks." Colson says. "On the way back to the bus after the show can you find my phone? I don't know where it is."

"Yeah of course. I'll see you back in the bus. But until then, I'm standing right here and watching you." Ky says.

Colson kisses Ky. "I love you." He says. Then he runs out onto the stage. Kierra is standing there shocked.

'Did he actually say that?? Is he high??'

Ky smiles a little in relief. They finished their blunts hours ago.

Ash walks over to Kierra. "What are you smiling about?"

"He actually said it. He said 'I love you'." Ky says. She's smiling huge now.

"Really?!" Ash asks. "Ky, you're the first person he's ever said that to. Besides Casie and his fans." Ash says.

Ky just smiles and watched the love of her life sing and rap on stage.

'He's so hot. But I don't deserve him.'

Ky keeps smiling and she blocks out the negative thoughts.

About 3 hours later, the show is over and Ky starts looking for Colson's phone. She calls it with her phone. Ky walks into the dressing room and sees it on the seat. Then she walks to the bus which is behind the stage. There is loud music playing and Ky walks inside. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees what's going on.

"Oh shit." Rook says.

There are 3 girls around Ky's age around Colson and giving him lap dances and flirting with him. Colson is just sitting there but then he notices Ky.

"K-Ky." Colson says. "I-I"

Ky starts getting hit with a wave of emotion and cuts Colson off. "What the hell are you doing!?!?!?!?" Ky yells.

"Ky- I can explain." Colson says.

"Fuck you!!" Ky says. "I fucking loved you!! You're the first person I've ever loved!! And I actually believed that you loved me back!" There are tears streaming down Ky's face.

Colsons face is filled with regret. Ky runs out of the bus.

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