Chapter 1

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"Look, they come", a girl said to her friends, as she smile little shook her friends due to excitement. All the girls start to giggle and smile when they look at the group of 5 boys students walking to the entrance school.

Every girl stared at them, and some also try to get their attention.

"Yo, guys", a man walks approaching the 5 boys' students. They smile as look at the man, high five. The girl began screaming a little, melted due to the smiles.

They didn't bother or pay attention to the girls, just walking inside the school. "What was that?", a girl who just walks to the entrance to the school, confused.

"The popular group just walks into school", said one of the girls, trying to calm herself down. That girl didn't give any reaction, nods. "You don't know them?", that girl early shocked, turns to her and grab her shoulder.

"Auch", flinch a little, of sudden grab. "Oops, sorry", she automatically let go of the handheld. "No, I'm a new student here", she said, looking at that girl.

"I see... Actually...", she was about to explain about that popular group but she cuts. "Hold on, I'm already late... Maybe later", she said. "What's your name?", she continues, so that they can continue. "Asuka", she replied, and that girl walks away.

She walks into the school and searches for the principal office. Her eyes locked at every sign at every door, to the point she didn't look where she going.

"Auch", she said, she bump into someone. "I'm sorry", she continues, as she realizes she walks into someone.

She looks around, and she was surrounded by 8 boy students, which shocked her. "I-...", frozen for a second, she faster run away, from them, embarrassed. Damn, that's so embarrassing. She faster her step, and with a miracle, she found the principal office.

Knock on the door, the same beat as her heartbeat.

"Come in", a voice in the principal office, flinch her whole body. Breathe in, breath out, she pushes the door and carefully closes it.

"Yes?", A woman sits at the counter, smiling at her. "I-... My name is Asako, I'm a new student here", she said walking near the counter. "I see, do you have the transfer documents?", she asks. Asako nods her head and pulls a file from her sling bag. The file changes hands. "Here", Asuka said, bowing as the woman accept the file.

"Okay, please wait a moment", said the woman, standing up and walking to the room behind her. Asako looks around the office. A few portraits of the old-old pictures, maybe past principals. Asako walks to the cabinet, full of school achievements. Eh, this boy I bumped into earlier, is one of the photos that Asako recognized.

His name..., her pupils scrolling down at the list of names. "Sorry for keeping you waiting", a sudden voice shocked Asako and she faster turns around.

It's the same woman. "Oh, umm... No, I'm sorry I was late", Asako replies, walking back to the counter. "This is your class, and your timetable, keys for your locker, one for your main locker while another one for your changing locker", she explains and gives it to Asako. "And last this is your student card", only then did she give the student pass. Student needs to scan every time they enter the room even their class.

Asako nods her head and takes the student card. She then walks to the class. The woman already told her, where she class and, after that, she just need to follow her classmates.

A knock on the classroom door. "Please wait for a moment class", a woman that write something on the whiteboard, stop once heard the knock.

She opens the door, to see Asako standing there nervously. "Yes?", she asks pulling Asako back to reality and looking at her.

"Um, hai... I'm a new student here", said Asako. The woman nods her head, "and?", She asks.

"The officer told me, that this is my class, but I don't know why I can't open the door even though I already scan my student card", explain Asako to the woman, still looks at her.

"You want to know why you can't open the door?", she said, with a mocking tone. Asako looks at her, waiting for the answer. She freezes and looks at Asako. "B-because... You are late for my class", she said, Asako nods.

"Yeah, I know I'm late", Asako replied, didn't get the mocking. "So are you gonna let me in, or are we gonna stand here until the bell rang?", asks Asako. Since they both lose communication.

She lets Asako walks into the class.




Ai-chan: Hello everyone, how are you guys going today? Ai-chan hope you guys are doing fine... Okay, first Ai-chan knows this chapter is kind of short but Ai-chan already decides to write this story in a short chapter... since it is also a short story. So it will many 10 chapters if Ai-chan follows the draft but who knows right

Ai-chan: Right right, everyone... How's the homework that Ai-chan give to you guys? Do you do it? No? What homework? Who asks what homework sure, you guys don't do it right? 

Ai-chan: The homework Ai-chan left, check them up for M!lk, do you guys look them up, Ai-chan sure you guys have google right? Just google them... For those who haven't done it, do it... please, for Ai-chan. Now Ai-chan gonna introduce the new character and of course, Ai-chan wants you guys to check them up too... They are the friends of the M!Lk group, and I put them as friends of them too here

 They are the friends of the M!Lk group, and I put them as friends of them too here

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Name: Miyase Ryubi

Birthday: 22 January 2004

Birthday: 22 January 2004

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Name: Itagaki Mizuki

Birthday: 25 October 2000

Birthday: 25 October 2000

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Name: Yamazaki Haruki

Birthday: 15 February 2000

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