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Ember's scream filled her house and what felt—to her neighbors—like the entire block

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Ember's scream filled her house and what felt—to her neighbors—like the entire block. She set her eyes on Bel who was rubbing her ears as if her eardrums had been ruptured, how dramatic.

"This is why we do not text men back, Bel! Who the hell even says it's a date, who even says that?!" Ember's chest was heaving and while she may have sounded angry her face displayed at least three shades of bewilderment.

"It's just a turn of phrase," Bel argued.

Ember shook her head, taking a deep breath and steadying herself against the counter. "I don't even have anything to wear." She looked at the digital clock on her oven, "oh my god, we have to meet him in three hours!"

She ran up the stairs to her bedroom headed for her closet and began pulling clothes off their hangers, "How about this?" Ember held up a red T-shirt and a denim skirt.

"Uh... that's a no," Bel stepped into the closet and assessed Ember's wardrobe, "What about the dress you wore to that dance senior year?"

"You mean the Prom?! I'm not wearing a gown to Wicked Brew, are you nuts?"

"I'm just sayin', your boobs have never looked better than in that dress."

After an hour and a half of looking, Ember had exhausted all her options, with Bel providing no help other than to suggest low-cut tops and old skirts that she wouldn't be able to bend over in. "I have to cancel, why did you do this to me?!"

"First of all, you started typing before I even touched your phone, and second, isn't your ex-boss like obsessed with you dating? Maybe, she has something you could wear. That woman is fantastic, she could dress a fire hydrant and I'd make out with it."

Ember's eyes went wide, "You actually are nuts!" Bel's ideas were normally outlandish, but this one took the cake. How on earth was she going to call Amara after she'd screamed at her and walked out on her job? Hey, Amara, mind dressing me for a hot date with your friend? Absolutely not!

"It's a good idea," Bel said, looking insulted, "friends with that kind of closet do not just fall from the sky."

"I'm just gonna cancel."

"And then what? You just become an apartment person, and we let Miranda thin-lips Milton have everything? You worked for your happily ever after, don't let some bottle blonde control your happiness."

Ember narrowed her eyes at Bel. Her best friend knew her too well, she knew that the idea of Miranda succeeding in her campaign to destroy her was out of the question. "Fine. I'll call her, but if she says no I get to cancel."


Ember dialed the number to the shop and Eric answered on the second ring.

"You Had Me at Merlot, this is Eric!"

"Hey Eric, it's Ember."

"It's Ember!" he whispered and she could hear a distant gasp and then another male voice shout for Amara.

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