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Precisely one week later, beneath the star-speckled evening sky of Mount Olympus, Aphrodite, goddess of fertility, love, and beauty was hosting a party in honor of her triumphant return home and well-earned house arrest

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Precisely one week later, beneath the star-speckled evening sky of Mount Olympus, Aphrodite, goddess of fertility, love, and beauty was hosting a party in honor of her triumphant return home and well-earned house arrest. Her mansion was decorated lavishly with white marble flooring, crystal chandeliers, and a fleet of deep red chaises, a selfless gesture intended to provide her guests with the utmost luxury she had become accustomed to.

She was, after all, a benevolent goddess even though some of her fellow deities had whispered rumors of her failure, her punishment changing with each retelling. In one grand tale, Zeus had condemned her to a wine-free eternity, the thought alone nearly killing her. Failures however did not have parties thrown in their honor.

As she welcomed god and goddess alike into her home for the first time in what felt to her like a century—Dionysus leading the way, of course—she made sure she had several fountains, each flowing with the finest red wines. He did so love her parties, and a petty statement piece was always in style.

At the center of it all stood a very modest—not at all elaborate—fifteen-foot ice sculpture in the likeness of Apollo, God of the Sun, and one Ember Michaelson. The banner above reading: Aphrodite, Matchmaker to the Gods.

It was a statement that was sure to have the entire mountain knocking at her gate, and she did enjoy a good groveling.

So, if you ever find yourself falling in love, remember to raise a glass of red wine in honor of the Goddess of Love or you may just find yourself the next unfortunate mortal she decides to help. 


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