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"She's like a modern-day Helen of Troy," The twins sat side by side on the counter of the wine shop, Eros swiping through an assortment of photos and videos he had taken from the night before

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"She's like a modern-day Helen of Troy," The twins sat side by side on the counter of the wine shop, Eros swiping through an assortment of photos and videos he had taken from the night before.

"Important question," Himeros said, raising a finger into the air, "Does she have a sister?"

"I don't know," Eros shrugged, "But she does worship Athena."

"She does not," Aphrodite jeered. "Humans do not worship the true gods anymore."

Eros eyed his brother and spoke in a whisper, "She does too, she even declared it at one point. Watch!" He gestured to his phone again, as if Aphrodite couldn't see or hear him.

She blew out an exasperated breath and leaned back into her chaise. "Enough about the tall one, how about my little Ember and Apollo?" When Aphrodite said she was going to fix a mortal's love life she fixed a mortal's love life!

"Oh!" Eros slid from the counter and uncorked a bottle of wine, pouring it into the glass Aphrodite held in an outstretched hand. "There was archery, and you know my history with Apollo, it's always a tie, it's so frustr-"

"The girl!" Aphrodite boomed, "Why would I want to hear a story of an event I've personally witnessed several hundred times?"

"Well let's see," Eros hummed for a moment, his eyes floating to the right, "In my professional opinion if I didn't know better, I'd have sworn she'd been struck with one of my arrows."

Aphrodite's head snapped in his direction.

"I didn't shoot her!" Eros barked. "But I could have done so days ago and we'd already be back home."

"If I hear the idea even cross your mind, you'll be delivering supplies to Hephaestus for a month. He still owes me an apology and a favor for putting me in that net and parading me in front of Zeus, which was honestly the hottest thing he had done to me in the entire marriage if we're being transparent here." A menacing smile danced across her lips, "Either way, I do know how much you love the heat and soot, and Hephaestus, the poor thing just toils away at his forge, I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to talk about shooting anyone again, especially because I'm hanging out with Bel again tonight."

"Hanging out?" Himeros asked, his lip curled in disgust, "Are you adopting their colloquialisms now?"

"Who knows bro, maybe I am!"

"Enough you two, it's 10:30."

Eros and Himeros shuffled into the stockroom while Aphrodite slipped into her apron and stood behind the counter with a smile.

"Oh my god, Amara!" Ember was practically screaming from the door, she skipped toward the counter and pushed a black garment bag across. " Your dress, shoes, and everything, I had them cleaned already!"

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