Chapter Eight:Part Two

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Gracelynn plummeted to the ground listening to Easton's yelps,"Gracelynn!"
This time though the drop wasn't that deep a plus! But the person who caught my fall was... "Justin!"
"Gracelynn, are you alright?" Easton and Brighton call.
"Yeah, fine." She says helping her old boyfriend up.
As soon, as she gets Justin up Katelynn comes up out of nowhere and tackles her to the ground. "Hi Katelynn,ugh." Gracelynn gasps.
Easton and Brighton fall through the remaining floor on top of all three of them.
They all slowly get up and look at each other. "Where have..." Katelynn and Gracelynn start to ask at the same time.
"Sorry, you can go ahead." Gracelynn apologizes.
"No, you go. I want to hear your story first." Katelynn urges for Gracelynn to go on.
"No you can go." She urges Katelynn on.
"Well, we were looking for you all when the floor collapsed and everyone fell from that gaping hole in the ceiling."Katelynn explains.
"Then we got tied up." Justin smirks wickedly. Katelynn gently punches Justin's arm telling him telepathically to knock it off before they get in BIG trouble.
"Alright then."Brighton says, rolling his eyes. Before he can say more, Gracelynn bursts in.
"Right. Since we found each other, do you want to stay with us or go on your own?" Gracelynn says, while fidgeting with her hair as she watches Easton look in her general direction. 'What is wrong with me'.
"Um, we can stay with you three, if that is okay?"Justin asks as Katelynn nods in agreement.
"I don't see why not. What do you guys think?" Easton asks Gracelynn and Brighton.
"That's fine." Gracelynn says. Now it's up to Brighton.
He frowns and ponders this. "Well,... Well," Gracelynn begs him and he gives in. "Okay. Let's just leave."
Easton, Justin, and Brighton lead with Gracelynn and Katelynn close behind them. "So...," Katelynn smiles. Gracelynn wonders what she will ask about. "Your dating Easton Turtle?"
'Oh great.' "Yes." She says, wondering why'd she ask about them.
"That's wonderful! Easton is like the perfect match for you. I'm so excited for you!" Katelynn exclaims, so excited.
She then hugs her.
"Thanks, but..." She freezes because Katelynn Austin is now walking hand in hand with Justin Bailey. So who's...
Gracelynn turns around to see Easton Turtle, the Tamworth Chargers star quarterback, the most popular guy in Tamworth High School, a boy who has 5 football scholarships to several different colleges, her boyfriend is right beside her.

Gracelynn's POV... Future
Now I'll tell you one thing I have NEVER been the most popular girl in school so when the Popular people think you are the berries, you start to feel self- couscous or like this is awesome.
When these kids talk to me, it feels awkward. Like when Easton Turtle asked me on a date I really didn't know what to say, "Yes, I would love to be your girl." or "Never in a million years."
I've had a crush on Easton Turtle since 3rd grade.
We were in Mrs. Summers class and he glued my hand to his, not realizing it was super glue. No one noticed until dodge ball. Once Easton got hit he went to sit down and I had to follow him. Mr. Louche really hated us up until we went the junior high across the street. In seventh grade, we went our separate ways.
Easton dated Hannah Matters for two months and I dated Justin Bailey up until our sophomore year. We really didn't talk again for a while, I didn't even think he still went to our school.
I guess he does.
- Present - 7:20 A.M.-
They look at each other for a long time then, Easton threads his fingers into Gracelynn's, latching their hands together as they walk. Brighton keeps looking back at them and at Katelynn and Justin. When they reach a fork in the tunnel, they split up.
"Okay me, Easton and Just..., hey where are you going?" Brighton asks, distraught.
"Well, me and Gracelynn are going this way(points to left) and Justin and Katelynn are going to the right. Who are you going with?"
"I will go with you and Gracie." Brighton says.
"Brighton, please don't call me that." Gracelynn groans very agitated.
"What ever you say Gracie." Brighton laughs.
"Let's just go guys." Easton says, walking along the dark tunnel with a flashlight.
We leave in separate directions. Soon we pass the same Boulder and Justin and Katelynn are right there.
"Well so much for the short cut." Brighton sarcastically says.
Two hours later...
They were all waiting for Justin and Brighton to get back. Katelynn fell asleep by the fire and it was only Gracelynn and Easton.
"You alright?" He asks, smiling at her.
"Yeah, my head is throbbing but I'll be alright." She smiles while looking at Easton's sooted face. Gracelynn sighs a long sigh and Easton looks at her interested.
"What's wrong?" Easton says,looking down at his girlfriend.
"Why do you ask?"
"Do you feel alright, your forehead is a little warm."
"Uh-huh." I say, confused.
"Then why did you sigh?" Easton asks, nervous he did something wrong.
"Oh, that." She says, blushing. "Well, I guess it's exhaustion setting in and I've never really looked at your face before."
Easton's ears turn the brightest pink Gracelynn has ever seen them. She giggles. He then whispers something in her ear that consisted of three little words.
"I love you." He says, pulling away when the last word rolled off his tongue. Gracelynn begins to fan girl and hugs Easton happily with her face glowing.
"Easy, there Rudolph." He calls, jokingly.
"Opps." She covers her nose up with her sleeve. Then, her Alfalfa ears begin to wiggle. He lets out a soft chuckle. Katelynn then rolls over with Justin's grey windbreaker wall-erred up in her arms.
"I love you too, Easton." She says, sitting close enough to not be on top of him. He then pulls Gracelynn closer, wrapping his right arm around her right shoulder and she looks up at him and Easton smiles. Gracelynn laughs and lays back. Then, her phone goes off. It's Justin!
"Hello." She says, slowly and quietly to make sure Katelynn is still asleep.
"Hi. We have a minor problem." Justin says, through the phone's speaker.
"A minor problem." Someone growls from the other end, probably Brighton.
"What happened?" I ask, thinking of what could happen when the two of them are together.
"Well, Brighton thought we could brave the sloping hill and he's gotten, well, stuck."
"Alright we'll be there in a few minutes." She hastily remarks hanging up.
"What happened?" Easton asks sitting up.
"Brighton fell."She says, handing him white 'The North Face' jacket.
As he puts it on, Gracelynn attempts to wake Katelynn.
"Hmm..." She says waking up. "What's going on?"
"Brighton is in trouble. We have to go now." Gracelynn tries to keep Katelynn conscious.
"I'm awake. Let's go!" Katelynn says, keeping wrapping up in her boyfriend's jacket.
Fifteen minutes later...

"Where's he at?" Gracelynn says, sprinting to the end of the tunnel.
"Down there." Justin points down into the incased cavern ahead of them.
They all look over the edge and see a smiley faced person at the bottom of this hole in the ground.
"He's fine but we better get down there fast." Justin says. They begin to climb down.
Once the group reaches the bottom, Gracelynn notices there is a old wooden door at the other end of this tunnel.
"Katelynn, where do you think that door should lead to?" Gracelynn asks, pointing towards that door.
"I don't know, Gracelynn. Maybe somewhere outside?" Katelynn says, shaking the dust out of her hair.
"I could do it more diligently, if you'd let me assist you." Justin smirks, wrapping both arms around Katelynn's waist. Katelynn uses her free hand to playfully pat Justin's arm and they both laugh softy.
Brighton rolls his eyes while walking away, leaving Gracelynn and Easton alone for a while.
We walk a little farther, then Gracelynn clears her throat. "Easton, I was thinking, since it looks like we will be out of here soon, I wanted to know, I mean, I was wondering if you wanted to be my, I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, I mean,...," She starts but stumbles over her thoughts.
"Gracelynn, are you asking me on a date?" Easton queries.
"Yes, Easton." Gracelynn says, soft enough for only him to hear her voice.
"Well, I don't know..." Easton says, hesitant.
Gracelynn looks away, very crestfallen.
"How I could say no to the only girl I love." He says, winsomely. Easton holds out his arms out for the only girl to jump into them. Gracelynn jumps to fast and accidentally bumps her boyfriend's chin and apologizes. He begins to hackle, a long, low laugh.
Once he finishes, he apologizes. "I'm sorry. It's just you look as if you fired a grenade into your camp."
"So, you aren't mad at me?" Gracelynn asks Easton nervously.
"Nah, when you do football, basketball, and track things, like being gently hit in the chin, don't really hurt boys who get concussions once in a while. Girls who lightly tap your chin on accident don't even get onto my Richter scale of pain." He smiles.
Gracelynn guesses that she wasn't all that calmed down because Easton lightly pecks her cheek. They both smile and then, they race to catch up with Justin Bailey, Katelynn Austin, and Brighton Andes. Before Brighton sees the two of them, Gracelynn calms down from the sudden whirl in her and Easton's relationship.
She must of not of hidden her emotions that well because Katelynn sees my face and pulls back to ask her, "What happened?"
"What ever do you mean?" Gracelynn asks, tiring to play dumb for as long as she can.
"You know what I mean so spill it out, Gracelynn. We've been best friends since First grade."
She finally spills it out and both friends squeal with excitement.
"So, are you excited to date a really cut guy whose name is Easton Lakefeild."
Before Gracelynn can answer Katelynn's question, Justin has a question for Gracelynn.
"Hey babe, if you don't mind, may I talk to Gracelynn alone, please?" Justin asks.
"Sure. We'll finish our discussion later, Gracelynn." Katelynn waves and leaves.
"Okay, bye." Gracelynn waves and turns to her ex. "What do you need to talk to me about?"
"Well, I wanted to talk to you about Easton for a minute, privately."
"Okay, over here." She says, hustling him to a rocky area. "Let me text Brady then we can talk." Gracelynn does that then turns her undivided attention to Justin.
"What do you need to talk to me about?"
"Well, it's about Easton." He says.
"What about him?"
Once Gracelynn says that, she realizes that Justin is crying. "Justin, did you want to,... date me again?" Gracelynn says, now knowing where this conversation is going.
"You were good to me, Gracelynn and we got along pretty well."
"Well, I guess better if we didn't go to the party at Katelynn's house and I ended up getting drunk and..." Justin breaks down and Gracelynn hugs him, trying to keep him from losing it anymore.
"Justin that was when we were in eighth grade we would have probably broke up anyway and I'm not that narrow that I would just dump you like that." Gracelynn says, as Easton comes to check on us, She shoos him away for a minute and he leaves.
"If it makes you feel better, I think you and Katelynn are the prefect match." Gracelynn says, still rocking him.
"Really?" He says, sniffling.
"I truly do think so." Gracelynn says."I can see you two being together for a long, long time."

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