Chapter 1

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It's been now 2 years since you moved to Seoul.It was hard for you to leave your family alone but they supported your decision to come and study here.You liked music since you were little basically you couldn't live without it.When other kids asked for a phone as their present you wanted a guitar and your parents were always by your side.You came to Seoul to continue the university of music but mostly because your uncle lived here and you wouldn't have to waste much money on buying a place to live.He was really nice to you and presented you to many opportunities like for example he had a friend who owned a restaurant and he found you a job there.Every Thursday and Friday you would go and play the guitar.You saw that as your first stage so you were really happy.Also your uncle owned a coffee shop and he hired you as his barista.Over time you got better and your uncle was really proud.He was like a second father to you,he was always there when you needed him both emotionally and financially.Until one day when you were at the shop he had a heart attack and unfortunately passed away.The last 4 month has been terrible.

Your uncle's apartment which is now yours was always empty.It was quiet and dark.You liked quietness but not like this.Also the coffee shop is now yours.You haven't been there since that day.Other workers are running it and they have been calling you and asking if you were okay and you have said yes just busy and tired of school.Your friend Seo-Jun was your friend here since day 1.She helped you a lot with the language and the places around basically everything.Seo-Jun would come at your house every weekend to eat together and watch a movie.She was the only one you trurly enjoyed having around.

The doorbell rang.You knew it was your friend so you ran to open it cause you were hungry but also cause you missed her.                                                                                                                                          

"Hi,god I'm so hungry"

"Hey Y/N I missed you too"she says with a sarcastic voice and gives you a hug and you both laugh.

"So what did you get us today and what are we watching?"you asked while helping her with the bags she had with her.

"I got us your favorite."Seo-Jun says as she's opening the bags."Tteokbokki and Twigim also jjigae.My mom made this."as soon as she said that I knew it was going to be amazing.

"I love you so much and thank you for everything."i say and gave her a big warm bear hug.I'm not really clingey but when it comes to people I love I am.

"So now what should we watch?"this was always the question.We never knew what to watch.We would sit in front of the TV for hours and still couldn't decide what.

After thirty minutes scrolling through Netflix we decided to watch Alice in borderland.We got comfortable on the couch turned some of the lights off and started the show.Every night we would binge watch but in the middle of the show the internet connection goes off.

"Oh come on."i say pissed off.

"It must be cause of the snow."Seo-Jun says while looking out the window.

"Yeah probably."i say as I get up to watch it with her.

I like snow.Mostly winter in general cause the clothes are more cosy and you get to drink hot chocolate.I went to the kitchen got two mugs and prepared some.

I gave one to my friend and the other for myself and we sat down on the floor while watching the snow falling from the window.

"How have you been feeling lately?"Seo-Jun broke the silence.

"I'm trying to get better.I started going to the gym today and after that I decided to walk home."

"Yayyy I'm really proud of you.Have you thought about coming back to the shop?"

The coffee shop Rosé x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now