Chapter 9

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I woke up at 8am,did my morning routine and then cooked myself something.I was feeling something sweet today so i made myself some waffles.

I sat on my couch and i was scrolling through my phone while eating since i didn't have anything to do till 1.

good luckk today
you got thiss!!💪♥️
Thank youuu🫶🫶

If i'm not busy
let's hang out after you're

I put my phone away and got up to look at what i would wear.I already knew what but sometimes when i make outfits in my mind they turn really bad when i wear them and i don't want this to be one of them.

It was 11pm so i got in for a shower.I styled my hair simply and washed my teeth and put some sunscreen on my face.

I went to the wardrobe and pulled out a white shirt and a black tie.Made sure i didn't let any strips when i ironed in and wore it slowly.On top of the shirt i wore a black leather jacket and for pants i wore some black oversized ones.

On top of the shirt i wore a black leather jacket and for pants i wore some  black oversized ones

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I was so proud of this outfit cause it's really comfortable and serious,you can't do both.I sprayed some perfume and deodorant since i don't want to smell bad and opened my phone to text the gc.

Espresso yourself☕️🫰
you guys ready?
yup driving to get you guys.
i'm waiting for Hwan.
so am i.
greattt i'm coming down in a bit.

I fixed my hair for the last minute,took some deep breaths kissed myself in the mirror cause i looked really hot and as i an encouragement and got out.

As soon as i got out Hwan and the others were in the car waiting.I walk to them and open the door and get in.
"Heyy."i say as i high five all of them.
"You look great."Yoon-Sol says.
"So do you."i say to her with a smile which she returns back.
"Aren't we going to get any compliments?"Mingyu says with a smile.
"Yeah i spent 2 hours coming with this outfit."Hwan says as he fixes his jacket with one hand.
"Well it's something for the effort."Yoon Sol says causing us all to laugh.
"That hurts."Hwan said making a sad expression.
"You look great,Hwan."i say and he smiles."So do you Mingyu."he also smiles as a thank you.

We played some music on the drive there so we could calm down our anxiety and it worked.We were singing all the time that we had forgotten where we were going.

"And we're here."Hwan says as he parks the car.
I check the time and saw that we were 15 minutes early.
"Okay guys we got this."
"Yup."we all say as we confirm to each other.
We get out of the car and start walking to the building.

Rosé's POV
Currently we're all at the Yg building getting ready for the meeting we have.I saw Y/n out of the window and so did the girls.

Look up.

I text her while waiting for her to turn at me.She finally saw me and i waved my hand at her and holding my thumbs up and she did the same.

You gott thiss!!

I'll try my best.

We went to the room when we would have the meeting and the boss was saying somethings but i wasn't really paying attention cause i don't care.I was just waiting for y/n to come in.

5 minutes later she did.We greeted them all starting first with Y/n.She shook my hand and gave me a smile and so did with the others.Then i was met with another girl my height,black long hair and a really beautiful face.I smiled at her too and the other boys who looked really nice.

We were sat on a round big table.In the centre sitting our boss and on the right is Jennie,Jisoo,Lisa and me while from the other side was y/n,a guy,the girl and another guy.

All the meeting i was looking at y/n.Watching how naturally and free she is while talking and passionate too.I could tell that our boss was liking her cause he would laugh at her jokes.Y/n also talked with us,mostly Jennie cause she can do the leading thing better.

It got a little hot causing y/n to unbutton some of her shirt buttons and loosing her tie a little bit.
This gave me a clear view of her collarbone and the necklace she had around her neck.I don't know if i was getting red because of how hot was here or because of y/n but Lisa pinched my arm and whispered to me "you're eating her with your eyes."and it was true but whatever.

"Great then.I can't wait to work with you and your team y/n."Our boss says shaking y/n's hand and the others.
"Thank you and we can't wait to work with the girls."she says shaking all of our hands and at the end mine and giving me a big smile which i returned proudly back.

After we finished we headed out and i felt the cold as soon as we left the room and then i realized i had forgotten something.
"I'll catch you guys later cause i forgot my jacket."i say and start heading back.

I walk where we were and i hear someone from the room.I noticed that it was y/n cause i could notice her voice by now and she was talking on the phone.
I waited a little till she hanged up so i could go in and when i saw she stopped that's what i did.

"Hey."i say.
"Heyy.Good to see you again."
"You too.I told you,that you had this."
"And i guess you were right."
"Can't wait to work with you.Partner."i say remembering when she first said that to me.
"Me too.Partner."she says and we both laugh.

"Did you forget anything?"she asked while putting on her bag the papers that she signed.
"Oh yeah my jacket."i say while walking to my chair to get it.
I put it on and we were walking together.

"Shit it's so cold."she says trying to button her shirt up but struggling since her hands are busy.
"Wait let me help you."i say and get closer to her.
I button her shirt and then her jacket.
"Thank you."she says as we're still close.
"No worries.I really like your outfit."
"Thank you.I like yours too."she says.

"Y/n we're leaving.U coming?."a soft voice from the door outside calls her.
"Yes sorry."she says.
"Hey i'm Yoon-Sol."the girl says and takes out her hand for me to shake.
"Hi i'm Rosé."i say and shake her hand.
"I know i'm a big fan."she says with a really beautiful smile and i could see her cheeks getting red.
"Thank you i appreciate it."i say with a smile back at her.

"Well uhm I'll see you Rosé."y/n says.
"Bye."i say and wave to her.

"Do you guys know each other?"Yoon-Sol asks while we're walking to the car.
"Kinda.She comes by the shop every time really late cause of work and we kinda have talked a lot."i say.
"You guys would look good together."
"Not you too.I've heard Ann enough."
"Just saying."
"It's not like i have a chance anyway.She's famous and really rich.What could she possibly have with me."
"You aren't that bad you know."she says and playfully hitts my arm and i do the same.

"We did it guys."Hwan says when we get in the car.
"I can't wait to travel around the world."Mingy says.
"It's going to be so fun."Hwan says excited and we all laugh.

Honestly i'm also excited about this.I'll get to know all of them better and visit new places even though i'm going to get tired.Still it will be fun.

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