What I hate about you

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I ask myself why I am sitting writing a poem
about you when I should be past it all,
and why I am still tempted to give you a call.

And I hate that I can't get you off my mind
because out of a hundred thoughts,
you take up 99.

I hate that you're in so many of my memories.
I hate how your name is in all my stories.

I hate how I remember every little thing about you.
And I hate how the more I learned,
the more my heart grew.

I hate that I want you here
And I hate that you made me happy.

I hate that you've moved on.
I hate that any hope for us is gone.

I hate that I can't talk about you.
I want so badly for someone to bring up your name so I have a reason to.

But I think what I hate most is that the thought of you now makes my heart blue,
unlike the glowing red it used to beat for you.

And how I would let you break my heart
no matter how many times you made it fall apart.

And lastly,
I hate that I loved you then and how I love you still to this day.

I hate how no matter how much time has passed
I think my heart will always feel the same way.

a hopeless romantic's heartbreak | poems Where stories live. Discover now