new faces

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I wake up and hear someone banging on my door, "Y/N!!!" it was my mom. I lazily roll over and climb out of bed, i open my door to see her standing there with a dissappointed look on her face, "huh??" i ask, confused as to what is going on. She looks at me in disbelief, "did you already forget what today is?!" she asks unamused, It think for a second before remembering that today is the day i finally get a taste of freedom! I smile before turning around and rapidly start packing my things in my suitcases. Today is the first day of school, I've never really been out of the house let alone to a school!! Especially not Hogwarts, even though my brother Draco attends there. He told me he would help me make friends and show me around so I wasn't completely lost on my first day.

I finish getting dressed and packing my things before heading downstairs. I put my suitcases by the front door and make my way to the dining room where the rest of my family is. I walk over to the table, grab a plate and some food, and sit down next to Draco. "So, Y/N, are you excited to be attending Hogwarts? It's a big change from homeschooling." my father says sternly. "yes, I am father." I say smiling at him, "Just don't get into any trouble. If I get even one call saying that you've been causing trouble, your ass will never see the outside world again." I nod my head understandingly. My father is very strict and is mean most of the time, but I know he means well. Although sometimes is just wanna Avada Kedavra his ass. :/

After eating breakfast, Draco and I make sure we have everything before grabbing our bags and apparating to Platform 9 3/4. "Goodbye my little snakes!" our mother says while hugging us tightly, "Bye Mom." I say quickly before grabbing my bags and quickly shuffling to the train. I wanted to get away from them as fast as possible. "Remember what i said about causing trouble Y/N! If you do, i'll have your head!!" my father yells after me. I pretend like i didn't hear him and continue making my way onto the train. I put my bags in a room then went to go find Draco, i don't even take one step out of the room before i run into someone.

I stumbled backwards and fell into the doorway, "Ugh! watch where your going dipshit!!" i yell, "I could tell you to do the same." the person responds annoyed I look up to see a tall boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and the best jawline i've ever seen. I must admit, he's no no what am i thinking? He's an asshole, we don't like assholes. I roll my eyes, "keep doing that, hopefully one day they'll get stuck." he says picking up his bags, "it'd be better than looking at you." i say pushing past him. "You don't know who you're messing with.." he says under his breath, i abruptly stop and turn to face him, "enlighten me then" i say, every word dripping with venom. He looks at me, he seems a little shocked that im standing up to him, "Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle." he says his last name like it was special. Riddle, Riddle, Riddle..that name sounded so familiar. Then it clicked, this was Voldemorts son. I let out a little laugh, "Oooohhh soooo scary" I say sarcasticaly, "and who are you darling??" Mattheo asks me smirking. "DON'T call me that." i say through gritted teeth, he was really starting to get on my nerves. Mattheo saw that he hit a nerve and decided to keep hitting it, "why not...darling?" he asks slowly getting closer to me. I stand my ground and don't move an inch, my hands are now in tight fists and it taking all my strength not to hit him right in that pretty little mouth of his and shut him up for good. "Oh you bette-" "Y/N!?" I hear my name and stop midsentence, i turn around to see Draco at the end of the hall looking at me annoyed, "What the actualy fuck? he yells while storming over to us, "It's not even been 5 minutes since you've been out of mom and dads sight and you're already getting into a fight!" I hear Mattheo snicker behind me. "So you're a Malfoy?.." he asks while smirking, "you follow and obey my father so that means you follow and obey this world you're weak compared to me. You're mine..darling" That's it, he's pushed me off the edge. I clench my fist even tighter, turn around and sock him in the nose. He trips on his bag and falls over, I go grab my bags out of the room I had previously just been in and storm over to the other side of the train.I turn around to look at him again and I see him using his wand to heal his nose. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

Draco was not far behind me yelling at me for punching the Dark Lords son, i didn't get any fucks, he deserved it. Once Draco was done lecturing me he brought me to a seperate room where all his friend were. "Y/N, this is Blaise and Pansy, and this is my sister, Y/N" Draco says, introducing us. I smile and go to sit next to Pansy, Draco and Blaise started talking about random stuff so I took this as my chance to get to know Pansy, "soooo how long have you and my brother been friends?" i ask trying to spark a conversation, "well if we're in our 7th year....about 4 years?" she says, I was a bit shocked, "wow, I never knew Draco had friends! let alone a friend for 4 years!!" I say shocked. Pansy giggled a bit before continuing, "yeah! He can be a dick sometimes but ya know he can also be sweet.." OMG! does Pansy like my brother!? i elbow her and she looks over at me, you could see a faint crimson red blush on her cheeks, I was right!!!! I smirk at her, she playfully hit my leg..I can tell we're gonna get along.

About 20 minutes later the train stops so we grab out stuff and hurry off. I look around and see everyone talking and catching up with friends, once in a while a group of 5-7 would apparate away. I asumed they are apparating to Hogwarts, "ok, we have 35 minutes before we need to go to the great hall to eat and so you can get sorted into your house, we all know it's Slytherin but you still have to get sorted" Draco says looking at his watch. "we can't bring your stuff to the dorms yet because you haven't been sorted and put in a room with someone, so in the mean time we can show you around!" Pansy says smiling, "thanks!" i say grabbing my bags. Panys, Draco, and I all hold hands and apparate away, it feels like squeezing through a hole the size of a penny but just as fast as it began it ends. I open my eyes and see the most beautiful sight i've ever seen..... Hogwarts.

Everyone was hustling everywhere with bags, brooms, wands, and so much more. It was fun looking around and seeing who was in which house. I was wearing the same thing as everyone else, except my robe was just plain black while all the others had their houses colors and emblem. Draco and Pansy went to their dorm (yes they're sharing) to put their bags down, since I didn't have my dorm yet I just left my stuff in their room. After that they showed me around campus and helped me memorize where all my classes are, we got a little carried away and forgot about the time. "I can't wait to be sorted!" i say excitedly, "Well we have... 3 minutes to make it to the great hall." Draco says while grabbing me and Pany's hands, we apparate to the great hall where we sit with all the other Slytherins.

"Quiet down everyone!!!" everyone quickly quiets down and turns to face Dumbledore, "To start off another great year at Hogwarts I would like to invite up two new students. Mattheo Riddle and Y/N Malfoy" everyone gasps when they hear Mattheo Riddle. I see Mattheo stand up and I do the same, I follow him up to the front with Dumbledore and the sorting hat. Mattheo goes first, he sits down on the stool and has the hat placed on his head, a few seconds go by before the hat says anything, "well you seem very fitting for.. SLYTHERIN!!!" Mattheos robe started to turn green on the inside and the Slytherins emblem appeared by his chest. All the Slytherins cheer and clap as Mattheo goes to sit back down. It's my turn now, I sit in the stoll and the hat gets placed on my head. "Hmmm yes, a Malfoy.." huh? i think, did it say something? "I am talking to you in your head, no one else can hear me" the hat explains, "well not only are you a Malfoy, it seems that you were made to be a Slytherin.." the hat says trailing off. "I declare thee... SLYTHERIN!!!" the hat yells once more, my robe turns green on the inside, and i also get the emblem on my robe up by my chest. I get up and walk back over to where I was previously sitting. I sit down next to Draco, "I knew it." Pansy says, "well duh. i'm a motherfucking Malfoy!!" i say winking at her. We all start eating and i feel like im being watched, I start looking around to see who is staring at me. I look diagonal from me and guess who I see... Riddle. I decide to fuck with him and smile sweetly while flipping him off. I then hear me and Mattheos names get called, I turn to see Dumbledore calling us over.

Authors note: EVERYONE IN THIS STORY IS 18 AND UP!!!!!!
but i hope you enjoyed! pt.2 coming soon!! <3 :)

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