there's a difference between liking and tolerating

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I slowly get up from my chair and start walking over to Dumbledore. I knew Mattheo was right behind me, I felt him staring at me. I finally made it to the front of the great hall and found myself stading in front of Dumbledore, "Since you two are the only two new students in the 7th years you will be sharing a dorm, your room is just down the hall from Draco and Pansys dorm so just ask them to show you where it is. That is all, you may return to your seats." I stand there in shock of what Dumbledore just told me, I..have to share a room with Mattheo!? I quickly nod before turning around and speed walking back to my seat, "well, love, I guess you're stuck with me.." Mattheo says as he walks past me, I knew that he was smirking and it bothered the shit out of me. I went back to my seat and aggressivly sat down and continued eating my food, "what happened?" I look up at Pansy, "are you introuble?" she asks concerned, I simply shake my head, "No, but I do have to share a room with that douche." I say glancing over at Mattheo, "ohhhhhhhhhh" Pansy says nudging me with her elbow, "Someone gets to room with Mr. super hot new kid~" Pansy says teasingly. "NO!" I yell a little to loudly, causing other people to look at me "well after dinner I can help you move your stuff" Draco offers, I nod my head in reply.

After dinner we head over to Draco and Pansy's dorm to grab my stuff, on the door was a plaque with their names on it. Once we grabbed my stuff and got to my dorm I saw that there was also a plaque with Mattheo and I's names on it, ew. I opened the door and saw Mattheos stuff was already in the room, I thanked Pansy and Draco for helping me and went to go unpack my stuff. I put all my clothes in the dresser and went to lay on the bed. That's when I realized instead of having two seperate twin beds we have one king bed.."Welp, guess im sleeping on the floor.." I grab my pillows and a couple blankets and lay them on the floor. I was laying on the floor playing with magic, I was making a little flame jump from fingertip to fingertip. I did this for about 5 minutes before getting bored, that's when i remembered Draco saying something about the astronomy tower. I changed out of my uniform into red pajama pants, a black crop top, and a grey zip up hoodie. I slipped on my shoes and walked to Dracos dorm to ask for direction on how to get to the astronomy tower. Draco said that since it's late at night we're not suppoed to roam around the school, but Pansy told gave me directions and I went anyway.

I start ascending a spiral staircase, when I get to the top I see a giant open room with giant open windows with little garder rails infront of them. There were telescopes and globes everywhere, it's so quiet and peaceful. I walked over to one of the windows and leaned on the rail, it felt nice being up there. The cool breeze gently flowing through my hair and caressing my face, the silence except for the slight rustle of the trees blowing in the wind, and the view was incredible. I closed my eyes soaking it all in, I had ony a few minutes of silence and serenity before I hear someone open the door. I turn my head to see who it is, once the figure came closer and i realized who it was i immediantly wanted to leave "Can't I just exist without you being around me 24/7?" "Well what's the fun in that darling?" Mattheo answers, "whatever.." I say trying to stay calm.

Mattheo made his way over to me and was now leaning on the rail next to me. Another gust of wind came through and I smelt him, he smelled like cigarettes and cologne, he smelt really good. I glanced over at him, the wind was blowing through his thick curly hair, messing it up a bit...cute...NO NO NO what was I thinking! he's an ass!! I looked back at the stars trying to get him out of my head, "Why are there blankets and pillows on the ground in our dorm?" I saw him look at me out of my peripheral vision, "Cause that's where I'm sleeping?" I keep looking up at the stars, hoping he'll drop it but in the back of my mind I know he's not going to. "ummm no." Mattheo says flatly, "what do you mean no?" I ask annoyed, "I mean no, do you wanna hear it in spanish? Nó" (iykyk) "There's only one bed, and I am NOT sharing with you." I say turning to look at him, he looks back at the stars and there's a moment of silence, "Look I know what I said earlier hurt you, but what you did also hurt me...physically. But I would like to make a proposal." I sigh knowing he gonna say something stupid, "what.." "since we got off to such a rocky start I say we start over." I look at him unamused, but for the position im in right now that's the best option. "sure...Hi i'm Y/N Malfoy! Nice to meet you!" i say smiling and sticking out my hand, "It's nice to meet you too Y/N, I'm Mattheo Riddle." He takes my hand and kisses the top of it..for a second I thought I got butterflies. I pull my hand away and go back leaning against the rail. "See? it's not that hard to like me." Mattheo said while smirking, "no no, I tolerate you.." i say correcting him, "pfft same thing" "ummmmmm no." I say while looking at him, he lets out a little laugh which causes me to aswell
We stay up in the astronomy tower for about 15 more minutes before going back to our dorm. In all honesty once you get to know him Mattheo isn't that bad.

I had forgotten all about the sleeping situation until I saw the little pillow and blanket nest on the floor. I stopped and stared at it contemplating what to do, "Look, just sleep in the bed. I'll stay on my side if you stay on yours." I look up at mattheo, "whatever, im gonna get ready for bed.." I say closing the bathroom door behind me, "don't take to long!!" I just roll my eyes and continue to brush my teeth and wash my face. I dried off my face, then went to go get in bed. "took you long enough." Mattheo says, grabbing his clothes and locking the bathroom door behind him. I climb into bed and just lay on my back staring at the celing, I got bored so I started playing with magic again. I made a ball of energy in my hand and started forming it into different shapes. A bunny, a butterfly, a heart, and many others. I heard the bathroom door open and something drop on the floor, I looked over to see matthoe standing in the doorway looking at me, he had dropped his uniform on the floor. Mattheo was wearing a white T-shirt and black pajama pants. His shirt was slightly see through, I could see the outline of his abs...damn... I stared at him for a second before realizing what I was doing. Mattheo didn't notice though, he was to focused on the cat made of energy sitting in my hand, "how are you doing that??" he asks, picking up his uniform. "I don't know, I've been able to do it ever since I was little. It's the same thing as using a wand, except it's my hand. Some spells I don't have to say out loud though, I just think it and it happens." I explain, morfing the energy into a snake. "cool.." Mattheo says, putting his uniform on the dresser and walking over to the bed. I put my hand down, making the energy disappear.

I looked up at the celing, just enjoying the quiet. I saw Mattheo looking at me out of my peripheral vision, I turned my head to look at him. "what.." Mattheo looked at me for a few more seconds, I could get lost in his eyes..they're like little pools of chocolate, "can you do anything else?" I refocus, "huh?" Mattheo points to my hand, "can you do anything else?" "Oh, umm yeah. I can." I say, picking up my hand and making a little flame dance from fingertip to fingertip. I look over to see him mesmerized, that's when I got an idea. "wanna try?" Mattheo looked up at me, he looked confused and slightly shocked, "sure princess, but how?" he says while smirking. I ignored the princess comment and went on to explain, "well, when I first found out I could do wandless magic I went to go show Draco, and when I touched him the flame transfered to him. So I pulled away thinking it would hurt him, but as soon as I did the flame disappeared. So whenever I am using my magic and I touch someone else, the magic can transfer to them. It doesn't hurt, and aslong as I keep in contact with the person they can control it. I do have the ability to take back the control do you wanna try?" Mattheo just nodded his head and smirked. I made a little flame appear on my index finger, "ok, hold up your index finger.." Mattheo does as he's told and holds up his index finger. I take my index finger and touch it to his, immediantly the flame transfered to his finger, I slide my hand down to his wrist and wrap my hand around it. Mattheo moves his hand, making the flame jump from finger to finger, it lands on his middle finger and he flips me off, "hehe, wow so creative" I say smiling, I look up and lock eyes with him. He moves his hand down to mine and interlocks our fingers. I stare into his golden brown eyes, he looks into my eyes beofre his eyes shift to my lips then back up again. We where so close to where we were breathing the same air. I could smell his cologne again, he smelt so good.

I realized we had both slowly leaning in, "mattheo-" I whisper before being cut off by him crashing his lips into mine. His lips were so soft, and he tasted like mint. He quickly pulled away, "s-sorry-" he began, but I immediantly kissed him back, cutting him off midsentence. He moved his hand to the side of my face, sliding his hand into my hair. I slowly climbed ontop of him without breaking the kiss. His hands rested on my hips while the kiss got more heated, He laced his fingers in my hair and started playing with it, tugging on it every once in a while, causing me to let out a moan. I felt Mattheo smirk against my lips, he quickly flipped the tables, so now he was hovering over me. I snaked my arms around his neck and we stayed like this kissing for a bit longer before pulling apart gasping for air. We stared into each others eyes for a while, breathing heavily. Mattheo hovering over me with his hands placed by my head supporting himself. "I told you it's not that hard to like me." He said smirking. I just smiled and rolled my eyes, Mattheo held me in his arms as we went to sleep, "goodnight darling~" "goodnight Theo.." "theo??" I turn around to look at him, "yeah. I just figured since I have nicknames, you needed one too" he simply just smiled at me in response. I pecked him on the lips before snuggling closer to him and falling asleep.

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