Chapter 27

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The blaring alarm from my phone wakes me up. I groan and reach for the bedside table. Dante's firm arm around my waist makes it nearly impossible to reach but I hit at the glass screen until it stops making noise.

Dante grunts and tightens his hold on me pulling my back flush against his chest. A soft smile rests on my lips and I cuddle further into the embrace. He places feather light kisses in the crook of my neck making me shiver.

"Good morning, dolcezza," he rasps. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Dante," I whisper my response.

"What time is it?" he nuzzles his nose into my hair.

"About ten," I reply. At least, that's what I set my alarm for. "I need to shower."

"Stay for a little longer," he practically whines. "I never get to sleep in like this."

"Okay," I happily agree to his request.

He hums and kisses the top of my head. I scoot even closer and take the hand that's draped across my waist, interlacing our fingers. His chest brushes against my back with every breath. His warmth surrounds me and I sigh contentedly.

"Alright," Dante sighs, pulling back. "Go get ready."

I'm finally able to turn around to face him. I kiss his lips quickly before jumping out of bed. I scurry into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I step into the hot water and bask in the beating against my skin. I use all of the fancy shower supplies Dante got for me and even take the time to shave.

I step into a towel before grabbing my hairbrush. I work out the tangles in my hair and return to the bedroom. Dante is tapping at his phone by the windows in nothing but his boxers. His gaze lifts to me when I enter and he quirks a brow.

"Don't get any ideas," I warn, raising a finger at him.

"It's hard not to," he snarks back, tossing his phone onto the bed.

I roll my eyes and go into the closet. I quickly slip into some underwear before propping my hands on my hips. Most of the clothes hung up before me aren't from my closet. They were picked out by God knows who and now sit here waiting to be worn. I grab a cute skirt and simple sweater to match.

"Wait!" Dante calls out from the bedroom. He hurries into the closet with a large black object in his hands. I tilt my head; what the hell is that?

"Put this on first," Dante grabs a tank top from one of the shelves in front of me. I do as he says and slip the thin shirt on.

"Now arms up," he demands. My brows furrow but I abide.

He slips what he's been holding over my head. His eyes narrow and tongue pokes out slightly as he tightens the straps. He gives the thing a tug before nodding in self satisfaction and taking a step back. I look down at myself. He put a fucking bulletproof vest on me.

"This seems overboard," I declare, tugging at the uncomfortable material.

"Wear it or you don't go," he says simply before turning on his heel and leaving.

I roll my eyes but finish getting dressed nonetheless. I really shouldn't question him, at least not right now. I don't actually know how severe this threat is. It's not my place to tell him how to handle it.

I grab a pair of cute boots and slip them on to complete the look. I look at myself in the mirror critically. You can't really see the vest, despite how bulky it is, under the sweater. It just looks a little extra baggy.

Dante strides into the closet with a towel wrapped around his hips. I watch his reflection, water droplets traveling down taut muscles. He really is one hell of a man.

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