Chapter 42

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Since Dante was released, everything seems brighter. The war is over. The threat has been eliminated. It's safe now. Luca decided to step up and take his former place as Don. He seems to be doing better, coming to the compound each day dressed to the nines. This also means that Dante has his free time back.

And I haven't decided if I want to stay or not. I don't know how to bring it up either. How to ask Dante to take me back to my apartment. To go back to work at the cafe. But at the same time, I don't know if that's what I want anymore.

Living in a cramped apartment, eating cheap food, and working full time for minimum wage was never the future I saw for myself. Sure, it could be worse. But, as I've been experiencing, it could be so much better.

I fiddle with my rings at the breakfast table. The room is filled with loud soldiers and busy maids. Luca sits at the head of the table, taking Gio's typical spot.

But Rosa remains in the place she's always had. I know that she's making a statement by doing this; that she's trying to prove a point to her older cousin, but I'm not sure what exactly that point is.

Dante puts a croissant on the plate in front of me with furrowed brows. It's something I both love and hate about him. He always knows when something's wrong.

"What is it, amore?" he asks, lowering his voice for only me to hear. The tips of my lips quirk up at the nickname; love. He still doesn't know that I've been learning the language.

I shake my head, "nothing. Don't worry about it."

"We'll talk about this later," he says firmly. I roll my eyes. I was hoping to get a few more days of overthinking before actually discussing the idea of me leaving.

"Charlie?" Luca starts, placing his mug on the table.

"Yeah?" I lean forward to look at him.

"How's your brother doing?" he asks. "I spoke with the headmaster. She says he's fitting in well."

"He is," I nod. "I spoke to him last night. He says he has a bunch of friends and might even join a sports team."

"What sport?" Dante asks.

I look at him with a straight face, fully aware that he is the reason for my brother's latest interest. "Boxing."

Rosa barks a laugh but quickly tries to cover it with a cough. Luca elbows her making her glare up at him. Dante's cheeks begin to form a pink hue and he looks away.

"I'm glad he's doing well," Luca continues to address me. "He is more than welcome to come here for school holidays as well."

Surprised by his sudden kindness, I narrow my eyes, "thanks."

"Well," Luca pushes back his chair and stands. "I have shit to do. Rocco, come see me before lunch."

"Yes, sir," Dante nods curtly.

Luca stalks out of the room, tapping soldiers shoulders as he goes. Those same men rise to their feet, abandoning their meals, and follow after him.

"I'm off too," Rosa finishes her coffee. "I'm taking the kids up to see Gio today."

"Good luck," the words slip from my mouth without thought. I brace myself for her response, some quippy vaguely classist insult.

But she smiles, "grazie."

"Let's go for a walk," Dante suggests as Rosa walks away.

"Where?" I ask confusedly.

"C'mon," he stands and extends his hand. I take it and rise as well. He leads me through the compound to the foyer. He grabs both of our coats from the closet and helps me into mine.

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