Chapter Four- Fred

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I stood there, frozen on the spot. Should I use my powers? But I shouldn't, should I? It would be wrong.

But then... He knows.

Fred was staring at my wings, his mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.

I changed forms quickly and then looked up at Fred.

"You can't tell anyone!" I said, pleadingly.

"What are you?" He whispered.

"I don't know." I said, just as quietly."But please, Fred, you can't tell anyone!"

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

"Fred!" I said. He was still staring at where my wings had been.

"Can you do that again?" He asked.

"Only if you don't tell a soul. Not even George."

He nodded, so I let my wings come out again.

"Can I... Touch them?" He said.

I nodded, and he gingerly stretched out his arm, touching them around the edges.

"Can I ask you something?" I said quietly.

"Sure." Fred said, stroking my wings. I shivered slightly as he did so.

"Do I... Do I scare you?" I asked.

Fred looked into my eyes.

"From the second I met you, I knew there was something special about you. I didn't know what, but it was there."

He reached up and trailed the back of his fingers along my jaw line.

"You didn't answer me."

"You don't scare me, Averil. The only thought running through my head is that you look utterly gorgeous. No, not gorgeous, angelic." He said, a smile on his lips, which were very close to mine now. I could feel his soft breath against my skin. I smiled.

"Fred!" A familiar voice shouted. I quickly retracted my wings as George came round the corner. Fred pulled away from me and I sighed slightly.

George looked at Fred and me weirdly.

"Did I miss something?"

"No!" We both said in unison. George looked at us both even more weirdly.

"Ok then. Fred, McGonnigal wants you. Something about putting Snarflepod slime in Filch's shoes."

I smiled slightly and watched Fred go.

I think... I think I like Fred. As in like like him, if that makes sense. I'd got to know the Weasley family quite well during the time that I spent at the burrow. But I wouldn't really know, being stuck in that orphanage all of my life.

When he was touching my wings, it felt like small electric shocks went through my body. I wanted to hold him, for him to kiss me...

I'll spare you the rest of my Fred-centered thoughts.

I got back to the common room, where Kaitlin and Izzie were waiting for me.

"What are you so smiley about?" Izzie asked.

I quickly wiped the smile off my face.

"Nothing." I said.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes.

"Come on. We have transfiguration next. Mind you, didn't McGonnigal say something about animagus testing? So we probably won't actually have to do any work." Kaitlin said, grabbing both me and Izzie by the arms and leading us out of the common room.

We walked along to room thirty two smiling and laughing together at Izzie's latest crush, Harry Potter, who was already claimed by Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw in our year. Izzie was a bit... Well, not particularly happy, when she heard.

When we finally got to class, our sides were hurting and we were completely out of breath.

We came in and sat down.

"Good afternoon class." Professor McGonnigal said. "Today we are going to test you all for animagi. If you could all line up behind my desk please. I will reveal any animagi after all pupils in this class have been tested."

We all stepped into line. I saw Goyle push into the front, followed by Crabbe, and there were lots of glares in response.

McGonnigal performed a spell on the student, and then checked her parchment.

The closer I got, the more I worried. What if something strange showed up in the parchment due to what I am?

It was my turn and McGonnigal muttered:

"Aniforigus." She then looked down at her piece of paper. She looked up and smiled at me before moving in to the next pupil. What did that mean?

After we were all sat down, she picked up the parchment again.

"After testing, there are three revealed animagi. This is a surprisingly high amount as there are only twenty registered animagi on the planet. Our animagi are: Felicity Green, Kaitlin Affordson and Alex Reffordshire."

Wait, what?! Kaitlin was an animagus!

"The rest of the students, you are dismissed. Reffordshire, Greene and Affordson stay behind, please."

I packed my things up and themes smiled encouragingly at Kaitlin, who looked very nervous and excited. I wonder what her animagus was?

I saw Izzie outside the class. We both beamed and bit our lips, waiting nervously for Kaitlin.

"What do you reckon she'll be?" I said.

"A cat." Izzie said.

"Why a cat?"

"I've known her a lot longer. Really, it'll be a cat. Cats just suit her personality perfectly."

I nodded.

There was a long "miiaow" and a small black cat brushed against my legs. I heard Professor McGonnigal shout:

"Miss Affordson. Just because you can now change shape doesn't mean you have to!"

I looked down again.

"Kait?" I asked, in awe. She responded by jumping on my shoulder.

Izzie laughed.

"Told you so!" Izzie said, and we laughed. Kaitlin looked up at us with her big yellow eyes, her tail tickling my neck.

We walked back to the dorm, and Kaitlin transformed back, after a few tries. We changed into our pajamas and then all sat on my bed.

Izzie looked at me and Kait mischievously.

"Let's play truth or dare. Kait, you first! Truth or dare?" She asked.

"Erm... Dare!"

By the time we were in bed, I had told all my dirty secrets and even had to clean off a toothpaste mustache that I did for a dare. Kaitlin had put itching powder in Ron's pajamas for payback for humiliating her last year, and Izzie had described in detail her first kiss, which was George Weasley, and confessed that she still liked him, despite havng a crush on Harry Potter. We were all exhausted, but I found myself worrying.

What if Fred told someone? What would happen to me? And I felt so bad, lying to Izzie and Kait. Could I tell them? How would they react? I couldn't lie to them anymore. I wanted to tell them, but could I trust them? I had to. I couldn't lie to them.

So I went to sleep certain of one thing.

I had to tell them.

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