Chapter Fourteen- Dumbledore and the Letter

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Me and Fred were sitting comfortably on the sofa watching the television when the phone rang. Fred picked it up, and talked to whoever was on the other end. I watched his face fall dramatically.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, putting my hand on his cheek. He put his hand over mine, brought it down from his face and squeezed it gently.

"Dumbledore's dead."

That summer was awful. The funeral was held just outside the school grounds, and it was filled by the sound of crying students mourning for their headmaster. I saw Harry, Hermione and Ron at the front. After the service, silence fell like the plague. No one dared to break it. Fred lead me back to the portkey we had taken to get here, an old leatherbound book, and we came home.

"What'll happen now to hogwarts? Without Dumbledore, there's no one to protect the school. You know who will attack. And what about Harry? He can't stay at school."

"I don't think anyone's expecting him to, or Ron or Hermione for that matter. Mum will make him stay for Bill's wedding, in the summer, but I think after that, they'll go and do whatever Dumbledore told them to. Mum's pretty certain that he gave them a job to do, but she doesnt know what. Harry wont tell her. Good thing too, otherwise she'd find a way to stop him."

"Oh ok. But all the other kids at Hogwarts. What'll happen to them? Ginny, Luna?"

"I don't know, sweetie."

I could protect them, I thought. And it was true. I could at least use all these powers to help others. But how would I go? I was too old to be a student.



"How would you feel if I went back to Hogwarts? Think about it. I could use my powers to protect people."

"But how? You're too old to be a student."

Realisation struck and I smiled. I closed my eyes, reached inside of me and circled energy around me. I made my hair black, my eyes dark, made myself shorter and a different figure. I changed my face and my features so that I was a couple of years younger.

I heard Fred gasp.

"Even if you could, it would be dangerous."

"Honey. I'm a powerful Witch with extra abilities that have no restrictions and wings. I can defend myself."

I got up on the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding, at the Burrow. I knew that something was wrong. I could feel it, like a shadow inside. With Fred still sleeping, I went downstairs.

On the way down, I saw Hermione in her and Ginny's room, packing a bag.

"Hermione." I said. "Make sure you have everything you could possibly need. Something will happen today. I'm not sure what but it will."

She looked at me incredulously, but I went downstairs before she could ask any questions.

"Hey, Averil. A letter arrived for you today." Molly said, handing me a white envelope.

"Thanks." I made my breakfast, and then took it outside to eat in the morning sun.

Dear Averil,

If you are reading this, I am long gone. I write to ensure a plan I have already put in motion.

I have asked Harry an impossible task. Voldemort made seven horcruxes, and I have burdened him by asking him to destroy them.

I ask that you protect them when you can. I know you will try to go back to Hogwarts to protect your friends, but I ask of you a compromise. I have ensured you a part time job at Hogwarts, helping professor Hagrid. I ask that you take it, and help protect the students, but I also ask that you find Harry in your free time and help him, and no doubt miss Granger and Mr Weasley too, with their task.

I know how much this is to ask of you, even with your extraordinary abilities, and for that I am sorry.

Burn this after you read it.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

I folded it and put it in my pocket.

The ceremony was lovely, but thoughts of Dumbledore's letter plagued me. Fred did admittedly get me to dance a few times, though. I think I must have crushed his toes. I didn't tell him of the letter. He was already worried enough.

"The ministry has fallen. He is coming." The voice cut through the celebrations. There was a sudden screaming and panicking.

"Averil!" Fred shouted.

"I have to find Harry! Go!" I shouted. He was about to protest, but I crashed my lips on his for one last time and told him to go. Dazed, he did as asked, and apparated away with George and Ginny.

I saw Hermione calling out for Harry. I took her hand just as Harry took hers and she apparated us all.

Right in front of a bus.

We walked to a deserted café, and then sat down.

"Why did you grab my arm?" Hermione asked.

I pursed my lips, and then took out the letter, which was still in my pocket. I let them read it, and then tore it many times and put it in the bin.

"Will you take the job?" Ron asked.

"Yes. And yes, I will look out for Ginny and everyone else."

He nodded, smiling slightly.

Just then, two men came in, in blue all-in-ones and stood at the counter. I saw the flash of wands, and so did Harry, as he shouted at us to get down.

I cast a shield over us, and then stood. When the others saw the shield, they also stood up and shot spells back at them.

We left them with no memories at all.

We apparated onto a street of some sort. It was cold, and an icy breeze brushed my cheeks despite the fact that it was mid summer.

I watched as the houses moved to reveal Grimmauld place, number thirteen.

I stayed the night, sleeping on the floor, a few metres away from the others. I let my wings out when the others were asleep and sat up against the wall. I sighed, not feeling tired in the slightest.

"Can't you sleep?" Harry sat up on the couch and then walked over.


"Why not?"

I looked up at him.

"Things have been set in motion that can't be undone. By the end of this, everything will either be so much better or so much worse. And I'm afraid. Afraid that I'll be locked up in a cage, and tormented because I'm different. Forced to do things I don't want to. If voldemort finds out about me, I'll wish I was dead."

Hey readers! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages, but I hope you like these two chapters!

I tried to make this one long, but I can't tell because I'm in my phone, but enjoy!

Soph :)

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