Chapter Six- Hogsmeade and the DA

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I walked through the common room, and up to the dorms, with my lips tingling and butterflies still dancing in my stomach.

Izzie and Kaitlin were both fast asleep, probably bored of waiting too long. I undressed, quietly, and snuck in to bed, to fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up having been shouted at by Izzie.

"WAKEY WAKEY SLEEPY HEAD!" She shouted again. I groaned and got up, and dragged myself into the bathroom for a shower.

We walked down to the hall, before I was grabbed from behind and squeezed.

"AVERIL! Guess who." He said, placing his head on my shoulder. I stopped a moment, breathing in his scent. Grass and freshness and mint and apple and...

"That's easy." I turned my head towards his, so that our faces were very close, and put my hands on his, which were around my waist. "Who else?" I said.

There was a sharp hm-hm from in front of me, and we jumped apart. Izzie, Kaitlin and George were all stating at us accusingly.

I smiled sheepishly at Fred before joining my friends at the Slytherin table.

We ate and ate until we were full, slumping over the table groaning when we were done.

"Why did we eat so much?" Kaitlin groaned. "Oh, and how did your date with Fred go?"

"I told you, it wasn't a date!" I said, blushing.

"Yes it was, don't deny it. How was it?" Izzie asked.

"It was great, actually, he was really sweet and we talked for hours." I smiled.

They both smirked. "We noticed."

The first lesson was history of magic, which was really boring but I sat next to Fred, so it wasn't that bad.

We sat down, smiling and probably blushing at eachother.

We sat in silence for a while, but then Fred got out a piece of paper and started writing on it, before passing it to me.

It read "Are you going to hogsmeade today?" to which I scribbled a quick yes and passed it back.

He kept writing, and then studying it, and then scribbling it out again. He finally passed me the note.

It read "do you want to go with me?"

I think my heart skipped a beat. I squealed slightly and then replied "of course."

Fred smiled once he saw my reply and then blushed slightly. I tried not to giggle at the sight.

After classes,I rushed to the dorms and put a little bit of mascara and eyeshadow on. I was really excited, and the butterfly feeling was back.

I met Izzie and Kaitlin on the way to Hogsmeade and told them all about it. They were equally as excited.

I met Fred outside the three broomsticks, and we walked through the forest, talking.

"So, do your friends know?" Fred asked. I was confused as to what he meant at first but then figured it out.

"No, but I'm going to tell them. Only you and Dumbledore know at the moment and I'd like to keep it that way if that's ok."

"Of course. So can you fly with the wings?"

"What are wings for if not flying?" I said smiling.

"Is there anything else different about you that I should know?"

"Erm, well I have powers, that tend to burst out when I'm angry or really happy." I said reluctantly.

"Really? Like what?" He asked, his eyes wide.

I smiled and leant against a dying tree, pushing energy out towards it. The tree grew fresh leaves and the bark turned from a sickly grey colour to a rich brown. Fred just watched, his eyes wider still.

He walked over to me slowly.

"You're so beautiful, Averil. You're like an angel. My angel." He said.

He carefully leant down, bringing his lips closer to mine, until finally they touched, sending tingles throughout my whole body. Our lips moved in sync, softer at first but with more desire now. I could taste him, like apples and mint, and it left me wanting more.

I hardly noticed it when my wings sprung from my back, because I was too emotional to keep them in, and my familiar white dress appeared. Fred stopped for a moment, and watched my wings appear and then looked straight into my now purple eyes.

"So beautiful." He whispered, and then kissed me again.

After a few minutes, we stopped for air.

"I have a meeting with Harry, Ron and hermione, about him teaching us defence against the dark arts, in fifteen minutes. Fancy coming?" He said, and just because he would be there, I nodded.

We walked back, my wings safely tucked away, and hand in hand. We talked and laughed about experiences we'd had, and he told me about the yule ball last year, and the triwizard tournament.

When we came into the hogs head, everyone stared at me and whispered things like "She's a Slytherin!" And "What's she doing here?" Under their breath, not thinking I could hear.

The golden trio talked for a bit, about why we were here, and although it went off to a rough start it was going smoothly by the end.

They asked us to all sign a piece of parchment to agree not to tell umbridge, so we all lined up to do so.

When I got to the front, I could feel the jinx radiating off the parchment. I could feel what it was for : to reveal anyone who did tell umbridge.

"Good idea hermione." I said to her, but I don't think she understood me.

I got back to the dorm knowing that I had to tell Kaitlin and Izzie now. I don't know why, but I had to.

They were on Kaitlin's bed playing exploding snap.

"Guys? Can I talk to you for a second?"

They turned to face me.

"I... I've been lying to you. I'm sorry, I needed to know I could trust you with something that could ruin my life. I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna show you."

I let my wings come out.

Well, I didn't get any sleep that night. They both asked me a million questions, and I'd be surprised if their eyes weren't sore from staring at my wings too much. But all in all, they took it pretty well.

Well, erm, fairly well anyway.

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