⚔️ 4 ⚔️ Escape of the Pit

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After getting some rest and seeing Cici and Utu off, the group boarded the dragon queen (save for Reyna, who insisted on flying beside them during most of the flight) and took off for Umber Tor. Everyone onboard save for Enya and Soren had fallen asleep, choosing to stay awake.

"Hon, you've been super tired lately, you should sleep!" Soren yells over the wind as he and his wife were clinging to the dragon queen's horns.

"I'm perfectly fine! Plus I took a nap earlier before we left, remember?" Enya yells back. "I'm too restless now anyways!"

"Oh now you're full of energy after a short nap!" Soren laughs as he turns back to their sleeping friends and smile before looking forward. "It feels nice being one of the good guys this time. Humans, elves, dragons; we're a Draggang!"

"Its kind of the humans to bring their court jester on the journey." Zubeia chuckles.

"Not a jester, I'm the head crownguard." Soren corrects her. "It's like the dragonguard but the Ezranguard. And my wife is a crownguard member in training!"

"Well, if your sword is as sharp as your wit, then the young king is in good hands."

"Wow, thank you! Dragons are so nice! You heard that, right hon?"

"Loud and clear Soren." Enya chuckles as she looks to him with a soft smile. "Loud and clear."


It wasn't until morning did they arrive at their destination, a large mountain surrounded by beautifully colored trees that covered every inch of the base. Zubeia managed to land in a large flat area of the mountain with what had a set of doors, allowing the seven passengers to hop off and approach.

"So, what now?" Reyna asks as Ezran walks to the large doors. "Do we knock, or let ourselves in, or-"

The mountain began to shake, rocks falling near Ezran, who was standing by the doors of the entrance. Out of the corner of her eye, Enya could see a large stone figure emerging from the side of one of the walls and immediately she rushed forward to grab the king by his backpack.

"Move!" She yells as she dragged him back to their friends, who were poised to fight as another stone figure emerges from the side of the mountain. The second they reunited with their friends, Zubeia immediately moves forward and covered them with her wings.

"We are the guardians of the gates of Umber Tor!" The tall and more round looking stone giant bellowed.

"Guardians is a bit much, don't you think?" It's companion, a tall lean stone giant asks. "We're more like doormen."

"Guardiansip of this gate is a sacred duty! I've been saying this for five hundred years!"

"Yes, but do we really guard it? We just open and close the-"

"Enough bickering, open the doors!" Zubeia snapped, interrupting the squabbling. "We must see Rex Igneous!"
The two stone guardians look at each other before the more round one steps forward. "Rex Igneous is not accepting visitors."

"Maybe try that next century?" His companion suggests.

"Seriously? The queen of the dragons is commanding you to let her see your master, and you are refusing?" Reyna asks with a frown. "This is an emergency!"

"Sorry little elf, but rules are rules."

"Hey, I know you guys are just trying to do your job." Ezran says. "But-"

"I AM THE DRAGON QUEEN! OPEN THE DOORS OR I WILL REDUCE YOU TO PEBBLES!" Zubeia shouts before letting out a loud roar at the stone guardians, knocking one of them to the floor.

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