⚔️ 6 ⚔️ The Rescue

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It had taken the two girls a lot of time to find their way back to the grove where Enya was last at, which for some reason had a lot of puddles of weird pale green goop and some wilting vines.

"So...this was it?" Sigfrid asks as she kneels to poke at the goop on the floor with her boot. "Eww slimy."

"Last place I remember before I ran." Enya says with a nod as she sits herself down on a nearby rock, already feeling exhausted. "You think we can stop to rest? I feel tired."

"Of course, here I have something to eat." Sigfrid says as she removes her bag and digs around in it before pulling out a strip of jerky from it. "Got this from a marketplace near the Moonshadow elf territory, really tasty and high quality stuff."

"Thanks." Enya says as she takes it and bites into it, savoring the flavor. "Haven't had this in...years. Last time was two years ago, and funny enough, I was in Xadia when I ate this."

"What were you doing in Xadia two years ago, if you don't mind me asking? Was this before the elves, dragons and humans made peace with each other?"

"Yeah, a few days before it was established the war was over. My husband and I were among the many humans who were traveling to go to war with the elves and dragons - well, he and I weren't. He only went with them to not look suspicious and I went with him so I could keep him safe and keep an eye on him. And at the time, we weren't even married yet."

"Aww, that's so sweet! But what happened to you two?"

"We deserted the army to go warn our friends at the Storm Spire and gear up to help defend it against the humans coming to kill the dragon queen. Thankfully our side won and peace was established, but here we are trying to prevent it from being destroyed."

"Yeah, it sucks that your sister-in-law doesn't understand that unleashing that elf isn't a great idea, but what is her reason anyway?"

"Beats me, this is Claudia I'm talking about. I've been friends with her since I was eleven and there are times I still don't understand less than half the shit she does without a full and over detailed explanation from her." Enya groans before raising a hand to her flat belly. "And now that I know about this little one, I have a more personal reason to stop Aaravos."

"I'm sure by the time you start to show, it'll be over and your friends and family and everyone will be safe from him." Sigfrid assures her. "We're going to save your husband and friend and find your other friends, I promise."

"Then we should get moving, we'll rest later." Enya says as she gets to her feet and stretches. "And I hope those two are giving them hell and doing everything in their power to slow them down, it's what me and another friend did when we were prisoners to my husband and his sister."

Sigfrid blinks in surprise. "Wait, you were a prisoner to your husband? Am I missing something??"

"It's...that's a long story to explain, I'll tell you another time." Enya says, waving her hand dismissively. "So anyways, maybe if we follow the goop we can find them. Do you have any weapons on hand, like a sword or knife? Lost my weapons- again."

"I've got a hunting knife, will that suffice?"

"Yeah it should. If we catch up with them, maybe I can steal my supply bag back, it has my knives and they still have my short sword."

"Hey quick question, which guy is your husband anyways?" Sigfrid asks as Enya gets up to walk, following the trail of slime.

"He's the tall cute looking one." Enya responds, smiling to herself. "And handsome too."

"The one with all the scars and blind in one eye?"

"Kasef? Gross no!" Enya gags. "He's not even my type, plus he's my friend's boyfriend, why would he be my husband?"

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