Straykids reaction to you pushing them in the pool

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You and Chan decided to do something fun. And since he'd been dying to teach you swimming you suggested the idea.
Chan was over the moon about it and told you the things to do and not to do.
This spiked your nervousness to learn.
You've always been afraid of water so swimming was always a no for you.
But of course for your sweet adorable boyfriend you decided to give it a shot.
When you got to the pool after changing you saw Chan waiting for you. And my, my. You were ready to faint for this man.
His chest was fine, his abs making it no better. Honestly you felt like covering him up so no girls would look at him. Of course he didn't care about them, you did. You were a bit nervous to start but Chan assured you that you'd be fine with him. You didn't need any assurance on that, you knew you were safe with him but you were afraid that you'd make a fool of yourself in front of him.

Chan went to the edge the pool to give you some space while he waited.
After slowly calming yourself down, you looked at Chan and started admiring his back. This is when a small idea came to mind.
You went beside him and gave him your signature smile. He took this as a sign you were okay to begin.
But when he was half standing you pushed him into the pool with all your might. You yourself almost went with him with the amount of force you needed to use to get Chan in the pool, so you got some water on your face.
But seeing Chan's face sent you into fits of laughter.
The look of betrayal on his face was so adorable you almost felt bad, almost.

Chan moved to the edge of the pool, you didn't bother to move and let him pull you into the pool with him. The water didn't even reach your chest cause Chan made sure that only your legs were in the pool. This was to make you feel safe and assured that nothing bad would happen. It was comforting.
You stayed like that for a while until you had to pull away so Chan could teach you. He pouted a bit but didn't complain and started with the basics, you picked it faster than Chan thought. Making him the proudest boyfriend. Later on more pranks were played in the pool. At first Chan just let you have your fun splashing water on him but after water went in his mouth, enough was enough and he joined in the war.
By the time you guys were done you looked you draine. But it was worth it. Cause that meant a lot of cuddles!


You and your friends we're going to swim in the hotel pool. Just to catch up on some girl talk. It had been a while since you last saw your friends, and you missed them. Minho noticed this and being the lovely boyfriend he was, suggested you all have a small vacation, both your friends and his plus their partners. You were over the moon about it. Minho went into a blushing mess with all the kisses you gave him. You were so grateful you had him.
Today you and the girls were supposed to go to the pool, leaving the guys to their guy talk.
But Minho was very clingy. It was war to even get out of bed. And when you did get out he gave you those big eyes that looked so hurt and lonely. This was your week spot so you went back to bed.

He pulled you to him so your back was facing him, placing his face at the crook your neck, holding your waist firmly. He wasn't going to let you go.
After staying like this for a while you told him you needed to go but he whined and held you tighter. You added that he could come with you, he was silent for a while. He grunted lazily as he let you go getting up with you. When both of you were ready you went to the pool. The girls weren't surprised to see a sulky Minho behind you cause you already informed them about how clingy he could get. You jumped in the water with the girls and Minho sat at the edge with his legs in the water.
You felt bad that he couldn't follow you in the pool cause he couldn't swim. So you didn't stay too far from Minho's side of the pool. The girls tried getting you into a water fight but you just dodged while giving them a silly face.
You looked back to Minho seeing him in his own world. A nice idea popped in your head, hopefully one that doesn't kill you. Confirming if he was still zoned out you held your breath and went to the bottom of the pool. After reaching the bottom which wasn't deep you swam to him. His feet were still in the water but they weren't moving. After contemplating for five seconds you went to the surface of the water with force splashing water everywhere. Minho was surprised by your entrance and held his chest dramatically. You got him.

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