Pt. 2 (NSFW)

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"I have boxes of 'em. This is a frat house," he jokes. "You can't swing a cat here without hitting a condom."

I chuckle. "Especially a used one."

Sam grimaces, and I keep laughing. Slowly, though, my chuckling is muffled by Sam's lips on mine. We share one more quick kiss before he turns and opens his bedside table. It's difficult to see in the dark, but I can hear cardboard and plastic. While he's turned, he also flips on a lamp.

"Don't you normally turn the lights off for this?" I ask.

"I guess, but I want to see the look on your face when I finally make you cum." Hearing that almost makes me cream myself right there. As he rolls back over, I can see he's sporting a boner through his shorts. I hope I'm not visibly drooling.

"This isn't why you said I could stay with you, right?"

"No ma'am, very separate thoughts."

"Good." I swing a leg over him, straddling the pressure building up in his shorts and kiss him. Since when was I this forward?

"We're both ready to do this, right?" he asks, and I almost moan right there.

(a/n- remember consent is sexy guys <3)

"Yeah. I mean, I am. Are you?"

"How much did you drink before you came up here?" he questions, concern in his eyes.

"Three beers. I'm good."

"I had four. I hold my liquor well though," he says, looking for reassurance.

"Last time we were out, it took you 6 to start hiccuping." I remember that night pretty fondly. It was the first time he ever looked at me without seeming platonic.

"So we're good?" He shifts his hands lower, caressing my lower back.

"Yes, can i just fuck you already?" I move slightly, rocking my hips back and forth on his growing erection.

"Absolutely." He slides his hands up my shirt and traces the lining of my bra before undoing the clasp in one movement. I can't even do that. I pull off my shirt and shuffle back so he can do the same. I pull my brassiere off of my arms and throw it on his floor, then lean down so he can stick his tongue down my throat again.


"You locked the door, right?" Vick asks into my neck.

"Shit, one sec," I say and get up. After I flick the lock, I turn around and see Vick, laying back on the bed, pinching her tits and twisting her nipples in her thumb and forefinger. I basically run back before dropping my shorts and sliding in between her legs. I lean down and she moves her hand away as I wrap my lips around her bud, biting and licking with just enough force to make her squirm.

"Mmh, fuck, I need more," she groans. I happily oblige, pulling her leggings off. I look at her face for the 'ok', and she nods, so I throw her panties on the floor with the rest of our clothes. I massage her thighs for a moment, admiring her, before running my thumb along her folds. She twitches under my touch, and I increase the pressure, drawing little circles around her clit.

She moans aloud but immediately slaps a hand over her mouth. I reach up and pull her arm away, but she protests. "I don't want th-them to hear -mmh- me," she whimpers.

"No one is going to care," I reason. "Everyone else is more worried about getting laid than other people." She still looks skeptical. "Vicky, I want you to make noise for me. Be as quiet as you want, but I need to hear it when I make you feel good." She nods and mumbles a small 'okay' before nudging me to keep going with my fingers.

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