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📆: August 18th, 2025 (Two Years Later)
📍: MHS clinic, Manhattan, NY

"Congratulations, Antionette, you're officially off of anti-depressants." Dr. Boroughs offers the brunette a gentle smile.

"So that's it?" Toni beams, proud of herself.

"That's it." her therapist confirms. "No more nasty side effects or the stress of having to renew them."

Toni smiles to herself while rubbing her hands over her leather jeans. "This is amazing. I mean, I've been waiting for this day since I got those dumb pills."

"I know." the older blonde chuckles. "But, be advised, if you start showing signs of depression or anything but, I will have to re-prescribe you."

"That makes sense." the latter nods, smiling. "Thank you, Dr. B. I mean, without you, I wouldn't have come this far."

"It's was all you, Antionette." she waves off. "Now, let's get on with our session, shall we?"

"How are you feeling today? Anything exciting happened yesterday?"

"I'm feeling amazing today. And yeah, Theo is finally running now."

"That's good. He's getting so big, I remember the day you told me he was born." Dr. Boroughs chuckles. "How is your sister? Or family, rather?"

"They're doing alright. It gets easier with time, nonetheless, the pain from my mother's passing is still lingering over us but everyone is in good spirits now. As for Mikayla, she's a bit on edge about Theo's newfound terrible two-stage."

"Ah. Let her know that I will be wishing them the best. When my daughter went through that phase, I was so ready to send her with her grandparents."

"Ha, yeah, her husband's mothers come around a lot more now, so he's more tamed around them."

"Well, that's good." the woman simpers. "And how has your anxiety been? Last week you mentioned that you felt anxious."

"It's been...there off and on. But I'm getting better at calming myself down. And with Mikayla's new job at the hospital, she's good at helping me as well."

"Good, that's amazing. Kudos to her." Dr. Boroughs hums while she looks through her notes. "I believe I can up your dosage on your anxiety medication, but that's only if you want to."

"Yeah, I'll stick to my regular dosage. It's bad, but nothing I can't handle."

"Alright then. How about your sobriety, how is that going?"

"Pretty well actually. My last AA meeting was this previous Tuesday. I even got a certificate." the athlete boasts proudly.

"See? Two years ago, you told me that you didn't see yourself ever getting better. Look at all the progress you've made."

"I know," Toni murmurs with flushed cheeks. "Thank you for everything, Dr. B. Honestly," she says gratefully.

"It's my job. I'm just happy to see that you're right where you want to be."

The rest of the session continues with Toni filling in a few things Dr. Boroughs may have missed. As the session comes to an end, the older blonde leaves the brunette with a bit of advice.

"You're right where you want to be and sometimes that'll fall through, but don't feel as if you failed, feel as if you've succeeded. Because with a pessimistic mindset, you'll go nowhere but down."

Toni exits the building with a sense of confidence and pride coursing through her veins. She goes into her jacket's pocket to retrieve the key to her 2022 Harley-Davidson Nightster motorcycle, humming when the engine revs to life.

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