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Hermione's POV

I woke to a familiar meow. My eyes flutter open and I'm in an unfamiliar room. I hear the meow again and turn to see Crookshanks lays on a pile of books. "Crookshanks!" I shout getting out of bed and gather him in my arms. He purrs happily nuzzling into my chest. "What are you doing here? Where is here?" I ask confused. He just meows and I pat his head. I then notice something like a tattoo on my wedding finger. "What the heck?" I say as I examine it.

I then notice I'm in a silk nightgown, who had changed me? Why do I have a tattoo on my finger? Are the girls ok? Crookshanks jumps out of my arms and trots out the door. "Crookshanks!" I call following him. When I enter the hall way, I notice some familiarity. "We're in Grimmauld place aren't we?" I ask him. He just meows heading for the stairs.

I follow wishing I had my wand. He heads for the kitchen, where I smell someone cooking. "Ah morning Crookshanks is Hermione up yet?" I hear a guy ask Crookshanks. I enter to see Voldemort cooking. "Morning Hermione, made us breakfast" he tells me.

"Where are my friends Voldemort?" I demand.

"Oh with their respective families" he states. "There they'll remain until school starts" he tells me. "Speaking of, did you wish to go complete your final year?" he asks me.

"What are you playing at Voldemort?" I demand.

"Please do not call me that, Voldemort died when the last of his horcruxes was destroyed. I am Tom Vasuki now" he tells me. "I'm not playing, I am generally curious if you wish to complete your education before we have our child" he states.

"Child? I'd rather die" I snap. He chuckles as he serves up pancakes.

"In time you'll come to see things my way, especially as we are married by magic" he states. Showing me his hand and I notice he has the same tattoo mark. "These marks bind us for life, you may attempt to annul it, but it won't work" he tells me.

"Why would you marry me?" I demand.

"I contemplated marrying Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter's girl and having you marry Draco Malfoy. But I decided on you instead, as you are a very gifted witch and I want to have a strong child" he states. "Unlike the weak girl Bellatrix produced with Voldemort" he states.

"You had a a child?" I ask shocked.

"Voldemort had one, yes. I killed her though, this is a new me and I wanted nothing to taint my new image" he states. "Or get in the way of our future" he tells me.

"I'll never love you" I tell him.

"You will in time" he states. "Now lets have breakfast" he tells me as he sits down.

"Where's my wand?" I demand.

"Hidden, you will get it back when you learn to behave and decide to return to school" he tells me. "Come eat" he says.

"You really think I'd eat anything you'd make?" I ask with a scoff.

"I haven't poisoned it or lased it with love potion" he states. "But if you wish to not ate, so be it" he states. He starts to ate and I notice Crookshanks eating.

"Why is my cat here?" I ask him.

"Thought it'd make the transition easier, if you had a familiar face" he states. "I tried to find your parents, but they are dead. Terrible car accident" he tells me.

"What?" I ask him shocked as tears fill my eyes. He summons a paper and tosses it to me. It's a paper from Queensland, Australia. Tragic Death of Mr and Mrs Wilkinses. Said the head title and an image is shown of a wrecked car.

"I am sorry for your lose" he tells me. He looks at the clock. "I have work, I will be back later. You won't be able to leave the house without my permission. But do not fear, some friends will be over to keep you company in an hour or so" he states. Then left.

I relax once he was gone. Then make myself something as I am hungry. I tried to leave, but discovered I couldn't. So I decided to explore the house. I notice it's being renovated. I notice a plank on my old room that says nursery. I opened it to see only a crib inside and nothing else yet. I can't believe he expects me to give him a child. He must be mad.

I left the room and continue to explore the house. I return to the room I woke up in, which I realize is Sirius mother's old room. Where Buckbeak had lived. I go to the wardrobe and found some clothes my size. So I changed, making a mental note to ask Tom later about the nightgown as I had forgotten this morning.

I hear a knock on the door. I frown and head downstairs. The knock sounds again. "Enter" I say. "Ginny, Luna, Neville!" I shout hugging them tightly. They return it happily. I'm so glad they're ok. But where's Ron? "Where's Ron?" I ask them. Neville and Ginny share a look. Before bowing their heads.


Gif above of Crookshanks and picture on the external link of the wedding bands.

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