Epilogue: 19 Years Later

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Kora's POV

"Merlin hurry up, the others are waiting!" I shout for my brother. Hi, I'm Kora Rose Vasuki. Oldest daughter of Tom and Hermione Vasuki. My dad runs the whole magical world and mum is starting her first year as Headmistress at Hogwarts this year. We no longer hide as my parents once did from muggles. We live out in the open without fear and are treated like saviors by the muggles. For curing them nineteen years ago of a disease that was wiping them out.

Anyway I have three younger siblings. Merlin Severus Vasuki who is entering his third year at Hogwarts. He's a Gryffindor like our mum was. I myself was in Ravenclaw during my time at Hogwarts. Was prefect and head girl, my parents were so proud of my achievements at school.

Today is September first and my two youngest siblings will be starting at Hogwarts. Salazar Godric Vasuki and Rose Jean Vasuki. I got to Rose's first name and I wanted us to share a name. So choose my middle name for her first one, which my parents were fine with. I have no idea what houses she and Salazar will be in.

"Coming!" Merlin shouts as he appears with his beaters beat. "Couldn't find my bat" he says sheepishly. I roll my eyes and push him along to the others. That are waiting by mum's car.

"About time, honestly Merlin" dad says.

"Tom, go easy on him" mum tells him as she pins back Rose's curls. "You all packed?" she asks Merlin.

"Yes mum" he assures her.

"Ok everyone in" dad says. We pile into the car. Mum drives us to the station. Well flies us there.

"Come along kids, the train leaves in ten minutes" she tells us as dad got them a trolley each. We loaded their luggage and run to the entrance. We go through in pairs. Me with Merlin, mum with Salazar and dad with Rose.

"Wow!" Salazar says in awe looking up at the train.

"You've seen it before" Merlin tells him.

"Yeah, but this time I get to ride it" Salazar states.

"Merlin!" Fred Jr calls waving Merlin over. He's the son of George and Angelina Weasley. Merlin's best friends and Gryffindor's other beater.

"Gotta go mum and dad. See you at the feast mum, take care dad" Merlin says taking his trolley. And rushing over to his friends. They board the train together.

"Honestly, he was supposed to help you two find a compartment" I mutter.

"We'll be fine" Rose assures him.

"Besides it'll be easier to make friends without him around" Salazar adds. I nod my head in agreement. Knowing he's right. Just then a blonde boy bumps into Rose, knocking her books from her hands.

"Oh Merlin, I am so sorry. It was an accident!" the boy exclaims. As he bent down helping her get her books.

"It's fine really, accidents happen" she tells him. They lock eyes. "I'm Rose, Rose Vasuki" she says holding out her hand.

"Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy" he says smiling shaking her head. Salazar glares at him.

"Come no size, lets go find a compartment" Salazar states grabbing her hand. "See you mum and dad" he says leads her to the train.

"Bye mum and dad!" Rose yells.

"Scorpius, what has your mother told you about running off?" a blonde haired men demands.

"Sorry dad" Scorpius says sheepishly.

"Draco, long time" mum says.

"Hermione, beautiful as always. Heard you became headmistress, congrats" they man states.

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