Valentines Day

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Hermione's POV

My first week of NEWT exams are behind me. I took a me day and had a nice long bath in the prefects bathroom. While everyone else was in class. Did my nails and other beauty treatments. You know, being a girl. Then went down to the lake with the Tale of Beedle the Bard that Dumbledore had left me. And relaxed under mine & the others old try. Reading the tales to my daughter Kora. As I felt her move around lazily.

She'd been very active these last couple of days. I think she knows we'll be seeing her daddy. I think she's going to be a big daddy's girl like I was.

After reading I went to Hagrid's for afternoon tea, got to see Buckbeak again. Sorry, Witherwings as he is now called. He actually has a girlfriend now, Esperanza. A palomino hippogriff mare, who is pregnant with their future foal. I then returned to the great hall for dinner.

Anyway today is Valentines day. And I was freaking out about to wear for my date with Tom. When Ginny and Luna appeared. "Draco let us in" Luna tells me as Ginny begins to rad my closest. I nod my head.

"Here you go" Ginny says tossing some clothes at me. I catch them. "Wear those and we'll find you some shoes" she states.

"And accessories. We'll do your hair" Luna adds.

"You guys at the best" I tell them with a smile. They help me get ready. Before walking me to the gates. Where Tom was waiting with a carriage.

"Have fun" Ginny tells me and they left.

"You're carriage my lady" Tom tells me with a charming smile.

"How did you know I didn't feel like walking?" I ask with a smile as I hug him.

"A little birdie told me" he says with a smile.

"By birdie, you mean Annie" I state with a giggle.

"Nothing gets past you my loving wife" he states. "Shall we?" he asks gesturing to the carriage. I nod and we get into the carriage. It sets off taking us to Hogsmeade. "So how's our Kora today?" he asks me curious.

"See for yourself" I say taking his hand placing it on my baby bump. Kora kicks his hand.

"She's kicking" he says proudly and bends down kissing my stomach. "I love you my little princess" he says to my stomach. She kicks again harder. "Now now, no hurting mummy. Gentle baby" he tells her.

"She's not hurting me Tom" I assure him. "Though I wish she'd leave my bladder alone. Instead of hitting it like it's a bludger" I state. He chuckles and pecks me on the lips.

"A quidditch reference, do we have a future quidditch player in there?" he asks me.

"Hope not, it's a dangerous sport. I've just been hanging around Draco to long" I tell him. "Did you hear, Slytherin won the Quidditch cup" I state.

"That's great, I'm sure head of slytherin was very pleased" he states. I nod my head in agreement. "Who's in the lead for the house cup?" he asks.

"Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are tied, Slytherin close behind" I tell him.

"Well I hope your house wins, though I won't be sad if Slytherin wins" he tells me.

"I know you won't be" I state. As the carriage stops.

"We're here" he tells me and gets out. He helps me out and I see we're at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. I'm surprised Tom would bring us here. "Lucius told me about this place, says it's a nice place for couples" he states.

"Some couples" I giggle. Who knew Mr Malfoy had a sense of humor? We go in and Tom is shocked by the interior. The decoration was very tacky, frilly, covered with bows, and cramped. The windows steamed up and the gaudy tables and chairs were all claimed by teenagers holding hands or kissing over cups of tea or coffee.

"I'm going to kill Lucius" he grumbles and I giggle.

"How about we get a slice of treacle tart to go?" I suggest. "Then we can go to the Three Broomsticks for lunch" I state.

"Sounds perfect, but I'm paying" he tells me. I nod and we go order a slice of treacle tart. Then left heading for the Three Broomsticks. We both got a butter beer each. I then ordered a Rotisserie Smoked Chicken Platter, served with roasted corn and roasted potatoes. Tom got Char-grilled Rib Platter with the same sides as me.

"Minister, I was wondering if you could answer a question" Madame Rosmerta says as she served our food.

"Of course" he says.

"Is it true the ones responsible for exposing our world have been caught?" she asks. I look up surprised. This was news to me. I didn't even know they had discovered who the culprits were. But Tom has kept me in the dark, not wanting me to stress.

"Yes, they'll be facing trial next weekend once they've been processed. And interrogated about why they exposed out world" Tom states. "Now, may my wife and I eat in peace?" he asks.

"Yes, of course. On the house minister" she tells us before leaving to serve other customers.

"I didn't know you had found out who exposed our kind in America" I state looking at Tom.

"Yes, we did. The culprits attempted to run, but failed" he states. "They'll face trial and be punished to the full extent of our laws" he tells me.

"Good, I want to be there" I tell him.

"Are you sure?" he asks me concerned. "I don't want you becoming upset" he state.

"I'll be fine, I want to hear what they have to say for themselves" I tell him.

"Probably plead innocence and blame me" he grumbles.

"Hey, it'll be ok" I say grabbing his hand. "I stand by you no matter what, remember. Because we love each other" I state.

"I love you Hermione and we're so close to being free of the muggle threat also" he tells me. "But enough of work, how's school?" he asks me curious.

"I believe I passed my first half of my NEWT exams. And Draco has forbid me from mentioning in the dorm. Or studying for them anymore" I tell him. "He won't even let me talk about the exams I've already done" I whine. He chuckles amused.

"Any thoughts on what you want to do after?" he asks me.

"None yet, but I was thinking of taking a gap year. Focus on our daughter and focus on getting a job next year" I tell him.

"Sounds good to me" he states. The rest of our Valentines date was lovely. Afterwards he escorted me back to the castle. Before having to leave to return to the ministry.

Tom's POV

"Is the potion ready for phase three Nott?" I ask.

"Yes my lord" he says.

"It'll only effect muggles?" I ask.

"Only muggles, about forty percent of their population" he states.

"Guess that's better then nothing" I state. "Excellent work, dismissed" I tell them. And they left. I see Bruno with his new mate. They're getting along well. It'll be time for the first breeding season soon. I said farewell to them and Borgin before returning home. Where I see Hermione was attempt to call.

"There you are" she says with a smile when I answer. I notice her in her PJs. "I wanted to wish you a good night, where were you?" she asks.

"Work, you know I don't take the mirror with me there" I remind her.

"Right, anyway good night and sweet dreams" she tells me.

"Be sweeter if you were here with me" I tell her and she blushes slightly. "Have a good sleep and take it easy with you last week of exams. I'll see you Saturday" I state. She nods and kisses the mirror before it goes dark.


Future chapters:

Trials Begin

Birth of Kora

Exam Results

Epilogue: 19 years later

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