A Week Later

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Tom's POV

"My lord it's been two weeks and your no closer to winning the true-bloods love. Then you were a week ago" Avery states.

"Us women are complex creatures" Mrs Zabini tells him.

"Why not use a love potion?" Nott asks.

"I'll never use a love potion" I snap. "It's what made me weak, but I am strong now" I state. "And my heir will be strong" I add as I pat Bruno. He may not be as long as some Anaconda's can get. But he's a descent size to scare my followers. Especially with his strength.

"I'm sure it will be" Rosier Snr says with a smile.

"My lord, when will other matches be made for the new law?" Rookwood asks.

"Matches will be announced tomorrow, Hermione will not be thrilled and it may set things back a little. But she'll come around" I tell them. "If not, Bruno eats her cat" I say and they laugh.

'No furballsss' Bruno hisses at me.

'I only joke, dear friend' I hiss to him reassuringly.

'Birdsss, are my favourite' he hisses.

'Then I ssshall get you one' I hiss.

"My lord?" Lucius asks.

"Yes Lucius, something wrong?" I ask him.

"No, it's just you were speaking to him again and you know none us can understand Parsel tongue. It makes us nervous" he reminds me. I chuckle.

"Fear not my friends, we were merely discussing who Bruno would ate next" I tell them. They stiffen. "None of you" I assure them and they relax a little.

"Now how are things with the elves?" I ask Rookwood.

"Things are well, not all were thrilled by being freed. But all appreciate getting more work from outside their families. Some were over joyed of course" he states. "Here's the update for your wife" he adds handing me a file.

"She'll be pleased" I state smirking.

"What will you name your heir sir?" Mrs Zabini asks curious.

"Why that'll be up to my queen" I tell them. "I'm sure she'll choose wisely" I state. "Speaking of my wife, I must return before she thinks something is up" I tell them. "Keep up the good work" I add and left. I walk through Knockturn Alley. It'd become our HQ, no one can enter it unless I've given them permission.

I then apparate to Grimmauld Place. "Hermione, what's the plan?" I hear someone ask. I smirk and head towards the kitchen silently. I see Hermione with her friends.

"We showed the world he hasn't changed, then we take him down" she states.

"But it's been two weeks since you were made to marry him. He has done nothing suspicious and has been a model wizard" Ginny states.

"He gave me back my parents Hermione, maybe he has changed" Neville adds.

"He's playing us" Hermione tells them.

"You sure?" Luna asks.

"Even dad believes he's changed" Ginny states.

"Mine too" Luna adds.

"He's brainwashing you all and I will prove it" she tells them.

"Perhaps give him a chance Hermione" George tells her.

"You never know, you may like the new him" Ginny adds.

"I won't be made a fool of" she states. "Look, you all should go. He'll be home soon" she tells them. I smirk and disappear upstairs. I watch her say goodbye to her friends and she goes to the drawing room. I apparate downstairs.

"Hermione, I'm home!" I shout.

"Drawing room!" she calls and I smirk. Heading there. "Evening" I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders. Resting my head on her shoulder. "What are you reading?" I ask her curious.

"The book you gave me on spell creating" she states.

"Knew you'd enjoy it, have you had dinner?" I ask her.

"Not yet, I can get Annie to make something" she tells me.

"No need, it's her day off remember" I remind her. "How about we go out?" I suggest.

"Sure, I fancy some Italian" she tells me.

"I know just the place" I tell her straightening us. "I'll go change, I suggest you freshen up" I state and left the room. Can't believe she thinks she can plot a coo in my own house. Oh it'll be fun to claim her. I just have to be patient a little longer, then she'll be begging for my touch. Then we shall fully cement our union in our bed and Hermione Jean Granger will be dead. Hermione Vasuki will rise, just as the curse is supposed to happen.


Pictures above showing you Bruno and his size.

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