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(December 19th 1998) Hermione's POV

I'm a little peeved at Tom. It was in the paper today. He was taking over MACUSA. He better have a good explanation when I get home. Otherwise he can forget knowing our baby. I'm fifteen weeks pregnant and he does this?

"It could be a lie Hermione" Neville tells me.

"Neville's right, I mean what reason does your husband have to take over MACUSA?" Ginny asks.

"He's no longer Voldemort" Luna adds.

"But what if he's been lying all this time? And I fell for it!" I cry.

"Hermione calm, breath" Ginny tells me rubbing my back. "Stressing isn't good for the baby" she reminds me. "Besides this could all be one big misunderstanding" she states.

"You're right, I could be worrying for nothing" I state.

"Exactly, I hope you'll be coming over on Christmas. Mum misses you" she tells me.

"Of course I'll come" I assure her.

"So will you be announcing your pregnancy soon?" Luna asks.

"Yes, on the twenty-third. That way Tom and I can relax for three days before being hounded by owls and the media" I state. "What are your plans for the holidays?" I ask Luna and Neville.

"Rolf has invited me to America to meet his grandparents. I'll be meeting the Newt Scamander" Luna states.

"That's exciting" I state.

"Mum, dad and I are going on holiday in the alps" Neville states. The rest of the journey was uneventful. Aside from Annie appearing to make sure I had lunch.

When I got off the train Tom was there waiting. He smiles brightly when he sees me and hugs me tightly. But I don't return it. "Something wrong?" he asks me concerned.

"We need to have a talk in private" I tell him.

"You saw the paper" he mutters. "Come, lets go home and discuss this" he states offering me his arm. I take it and he apparates us home. I let Crookshanks out and he left us alone. Tom waved his wand and my luggage disappeared.

"Explain this Tom" I say pointing to the paper.

"It's not as it sounds" he tells me as he sits down. "MACUSA was in terrible danger" he states.

"Danger?" I ask confused.

"Do you remember our first appointment with Madame Pomfrey? When Lily ran in at the end with urgent news?" he asks.

"Yes, it was something to do with MACUSA" I state.

"Yes, there had been attacks in America. On young witches and wizards. Some had even gone missing" he states.

"Why? How?" I ask him.

"We still don't know how they found out. But they were hunting us Hermione, like animals. They experimented on those poor children" he tells me.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Muggles" he snarls.

"What?!" I ask shocked.

"I did not wish to tell you. To alarm you or cause you undue stress" he states. "But muggles found out about magic in America. They targeted true-bloods, who had no protection against them" he tells me.

"But, why?" I ask confused.

"To try take our magic away or to turn it into a weapon that they could use against their enemies" he tells me. "The Minister of MACUSA, came to me beginning for help" he states.

"Did you help?" I ask him.

"Of course I did, we managed to locate the true-bloods and save them. But they were traumatized Hermione. What those muggles did to them, was in humane" he tells me.

"What happened next? Did you kill them?" I ask.

"Some were killed, but those who survived. Notice our accents and believed that Great Britain was trying to take magic for themselves. This has lead to war in the muggle world" he states.

"War?" I ask.

"Yes, I fear a new world war is about to begin and we must protect ourselves" he tells me. "So after much discussion with the MACUSA minister, it was decided we combine out ministries. So that we can work together to protect our kind" he states.

"With you as the head man?" I ask.

"I was elected by popular vote from both ministries" he tells me. "Hermione with this alliance, we can ensure magic lives on. Magic has been discovered by the American muggles. It won't be long until the muggles here find out" he states. "Which could lead to us being in danger" he tells me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I've ordered that we severe our ties with the no magical world for the time being. If this is indeed a new world war as I fear, we wizards must go underground. Leave the muggle world to protect ourselves" he tells me.

"I agree, we should miss in muggle affairs" I state. "But I still can't believe they'd do this. To children" I say horrified.

"I know you were raised by muggle Hermione, but this proves just how cruel they can be" he tells me. Grabbing my hands. "Are you with me Hermione?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I need you by my side, not literally. I don't want to put you and our baby in danger. But do you support me in the decisions I make to protect our world from the muggles?" he asks me.

"I..." I trial off unsure feeling conflicted.

"Hermione, please think of our baby. Think of our worlds future, if we let muggles hunt us. We could have more obscurials appear. So many young witches and wizards would die needlessly. What if that happened to our baby?" he asks me.

"No, they can't have our baby" I state wrapping my arms around my bump protectively.

"No harm will come to you or our baby Hermione. Trust me and I will protect us all" he tells me. "Along with our world, I'll ensure our child never has to fear using their magic" he states.

"I'm with you Tom, you have my support" I tell him. He kisses me.

"You're an angel" he tells me with a smile. "Now, enough of this talk. How about a relaxing bath and massage?" he suggests.

"Sounds perfect" I tell him. It'd help me relax. Because what we just talked about. Raised my stress levels and no doubt my blood pressure. Neither is good for our baby. Me relaxing is good for the baby. And Tom is a master at relaxing me. He takes me to our bathroom and fills the tub. With my favourite scents before go undressed and got in. He started to massage my shoulders as I relaxed against him washing my arms.

Tom's POV

I smirk secretly as I give Hermione a massage. She fell for my innocent act. And now MACUSA is under my control & I have her support. With my followers making the muggles go to war over a secret new weapon discovered by the Americans. It won't be long until the whole muggle world will dissolve into chaos and everyone in the magical world will look to me for guidance. As Minister of Magic and the Minister of MACUSA. Everything is falling into place.

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