Chapter Three: Monday, November 28

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Sana and Jotaro arrived back not long after. It was only about 9:30, yet so much had already happened. Sana had a feeling that it wasn't even over yet, but she kept her mouth shut. Neither she nor Jotaro were in a state to argue.

As they walked past the laundry room, looking for Mr Joestar or Mr Avdol, Sana heard Ms Kujo talking, and Jotaro paused for a moment. Sana stopped, too. They exchanged a glance. Should they ask her where Mr Joestar and Mr Avdol were? Or would that raise too many questions? How much did she know?

"Ah! Jotaro's totally thinking about me at school right now! I feel like I just had a strange connection to my son just now!" Ms Kujo sounded so happy, and Sana really didn't want to ruin it.

"I'm not thinking about you," Jotaro said. Ms Kujo started, and looked out of the laundry room at the pair. Covered in blood and carrying the body of a stranger. Sana couldn't blame her for being startled.

"Jotaro! Sana! What about school- and who is that?" Ms Kujo walked over hurriedly. She looked pale. "He's covered in blood- don't tell me you did that! And-" Ms Kujo took a proper look at Sana and Jotaro. "Both of you, too-"

Jotaro started walking again. "It's got nothing to do with you. I'm looking for the old man. Sucks having to find him in such a huge house."

"I think your grandfather's in the tea room with Avdol," Ms Kujo said.

"Thanks, Ms Kujo," Sana said. "Don't worry about it. We're fine." Sana gave Ms Kujo a smile and hurried to catch up to Jotaro, who paused and turned back to his mother.


"Yes?" Ms Kujo's face brightened.

"You look a little pale this morning. Are you alright?" Jotaro asked. He was right, she did look slightly unwell. No matter if her eyes were as bright as ever, there were still shadows under them.

"Ah- yay! Fine, thank you!" Ms Kujo smiled. Jotaro sighed. Sana glanced at him and rolled her eyes. But when she looked back-

Ms Kujo was grimacing, and she wiped her brow before heading back into the laundry room. Sana had never seen her look so sick. She was just putting on a front for them.

"Jotaro, I think your mother's really unwell. She's just lying for our sake," Sana said.

"It's probably just a cold," Jotaro said. "She said she's fine." Something in his voice lacked conviction, like he was trying to convince himself as well as Sana. There was nothing Sana could do. She just let it be. Maybe he was right. Besides, they had more pressing matters right now, like getting Kakyoin to Mr Joestar and Mr Avdol.

Jotaro and Sana got to the tea room, and Sana slid open the door. Mr Joestar and Mr Avdol looked up immediately. Mr Joestar's eyes went wide. "Who the hell is that?"

"An enemy Stand user," Jotaro said, frowning. Mr Avdol moved some things to make space for Kakyoin on the floor, and Jotaro placed him down. "He attacked us at school this morning."

Sana slid the door shut again and hovered near it, unsure of what to do. This wasn't her family, or, at least, not by blood. But this world of Stands and whoever DIO was- that was the place she was the real impostor.

"He attacked both of you?" Mr Joestar asked. He exchanged a glance with Mr Avdol.

"Not at first," Sana said, suddenly finding words. "He wanted Jotaro, but I threw a book at his head."

Mr Avdol chuckled for a moment, but didn't say anything at all. Jotaro, on the other hand, spoke. "He's a piece of work. It was a close fight, but I beat him and brought him back. I figured we can ask him about DIO."

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