Chapter Nineteen: Sunday, December 18

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After a short while of listening to Dan humming some stupid, repetitive tune while they walked, they arrived at a drainage ditch in the outskirts of town. Sana watched apprehensively as Dan turned to Jotaro with a malicious glint in his eye. " A drainage ditch? This could be fun!" he said, stepping closer to the ditch. " I'd try to jump it, but if I twist my ankle, it could be real bad for old man Joestar. Walking all the way to that bridge would be such a bother... I've got an idea." He looked over at the ditch, and then back to Jotaro with a grin. "Lay down across this ditch and make yourself into a bridge. I'll just walk on you to get across."

Sana's eyes widened. He couldn't be serious, could he? There was no way. Jotaro was strong and Sana knew it, it wasn't like he wasn't, but Dan couldn't mean that. That was insane. If anyone could do it, it was Jotaro, but- there was just no way Dan was serious, right..?

Sana looked over at Jotaro, standing there with a set jaw, eyes shadowed under his hat, completely motionless. Dan noted it, and tilted his head. "What now? You don't wanna be my bridge or somethin'?"

"Shut up," Jotaro said. "The hell you keep yammering about?"

"I said make yourself into a bridge, you good-for-nothing arrogant prick!" Dan shouted, and then, seeing a metal thing half-embedded in the ground, he grinned and kicked it. Sana didn't want to be Mr Joestar right then. The resounding clang sounded painful even for Dan.

"Oh, don't look so upset," Dan said to Jotaro and Sana. Jotaro wordlessly walked to the edge of the ditch and crouched down, as if regarding it. Sana didn't know what to do. She hovered around, wondering if she should help, or if she'd just make things worse.

"Come on. I don't have all day, you know," Dan said.

And so Jotaro silently, obediently, placed his hands on the other side of the ditch, and became a bridge. He looked sturdy enough for now, but Sana knew Dan wouldn't make things easy.

"Hm. Good," Dan said, stepping onto Jotaro's back. Jotaro's grip on the other side tightened. She could see the frown on his face, concentrating with the effort of holding on. Dan didn't move. He just stayed there, on Jotaro's back, balancing on one leg and swinging the other one around.

"You're a pretty sturdy bridge, aren't you? Boing, boing, boing-" Dan grinned, bouncing. Jotaro's knuckles went white. Dan didn't notice it, or if he did, he didn't mention it, and instead stepped off Jotaro's back and instead onto his hands, stepping on his fingers and twisting his ankles around to really increase the pain levels like the bastard he was. "Almost there..." he murmured.

Sana just watched, silently. There was nothing to say that wouldn't make him do something stupider. There was nothing she could do about this.

"Oh, Hayashi, you've got to come across, too," Dan said, looking up at her with a smirk. "After all, it's not proper for a lady like you to walk through a drainage ditch without someone accompanying her. And what if I fell in trying to help you get out..?"

That was the stupidest reason Sana had ever heard, but it wasn't like she could protest it. She glanced at Jotaro. He was shaking slightly now. She had to go now, before he lost any more strength. So she mentally apologised to Jotaro, and stepped across as quickly and lightly as she could.

"Good. You're finally starting to see sense," Dan said. Sana's skin crawled. Dan started to walk away again, and Sana helped Jotaro up.

The two of them exchanged a look, something of mutual hatred for Dan, and Sana mouthed an apology. Jotaro stayed impassive, apart from the most imperceptible nod, and the pair of them walked after Dan. There was nothing they could do yet. Not until the others' plan had come to fruition, and who knew when that would happen? Or, the alternative option of it not succeeding, and Mr Joestar dying. It would be soon, whichever outcome there was. Sana hoped the others were doing alright, wherever they were.

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