Chapter Thirty-One: Wednesday, January 4 - Friday, January 6

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A/N: While reading the Sana/Kakyoin scene, I would recommend listening to 'Doughnut' by TWICE. It's definitely one of the songs that I wrote a lot to, and it reminds me of Sana and Kakyoin a lot. Also, has the,,, uh,,, second meaning,,, if you look at the title,,, and Kakyoin,,, i hate the jokes people will make but you can feel free to I guess. 

The rest of the night was spent in the hospital. Sana's wound was dressed swiftly, and she returned to the waiting room with Polnareff and Jotaro until the morning. Mr Joestar had gone with Noriaki and Mr Avdol, so it was just the three of them left. The atmosphere was heavy, and Sana didn't like it at all. She wasn't allowed to see two of the people she was closest to, and she wouldn't know if they were okay until she could see them, but she had no clue when that would be. Polnareff tried to make conversation, but it swiftly faded out every time. Eventually, he just offered Sana gum, and while the atmosphere didn't get any lighter, at least it was strawberry-flavoured for half an hour.

Sana drifted in and out of sleep for the entire night, and by morning, she wasn't that well-rested, but she dealt with it. She had to know. She had to see. She was so tense she wasn't sure if she could silently sit there for much longer.

But when Mr Joestar returned to the waiting room with shadows under his eyes, Sana couldn't muster a word. Not even the question that buzzed in her bones. She just couldn't do it, because she was scared of the answer.

And so Mr Joestar led them out of the hospital and down the street. It was day, now, about mid-morning, and Sana had barely noticed the time passing. She wanted to ask. She wanted to ask so much, but she didn't know if she wanted to know the answer.

Nobody else asked, though, so Sana knew she had to. So she took a breath and did it: "So, are they both... as okay as they can be? What did the doctors say?" Her voice didn't shake, which surprised her. She glanced at Mr Joestar, whose gaze flickered to her, and then returned to the street ahead.

"Luckily, Avdol's major arteries weren't damaged, so he should be released by tomorrow," Mr Joestar said, and Sana felt a lot better, but then he frowned, and she felt a lot, lot worse. "But Kakyoin, on the other hand, has serious injuries that need to be treated. There's a chance he could go blind."

That was what she'd feared. There was nothing she could do but hope, then. Hope that somehow, he kept his sight, because it was just... she didn't want to be him. She hoped he was okay, stranded in his bed, without sight, without anyone he knew. Sana swallowed, hard, and hoped her pain on his behalf wasn't too obvious.

"That's a raw deal," Polnareff said, quietly.

"I hate to say it, but if his condition doesn't improve soon, we might have to leave him behind," Jotaro murmured. He didn't sound happy, either. It had just hit everyone. The closest anything had come to this was Mr Avdol's fake death, and almost everyone knew that wasn't the truth, so it didn't hit so hard, but... to put it all into perspective like that... it was just a lot to even try and comprehend. Sana just wanted to sleep, and process all of it when she'd had some rest, and hopefully, some coherent brain function. She had just enough rationality left in her to know that he was in the best possible hands, and there was no point in worrying about it, if she could get herself to not think about it. There was no advantage to thinking about it so much. There was nothing she could do, and maybe she could find some peace in that. She didn't know.

"Hey, since there are so many cafés nearby, why don't we get ourselves a drink?" Polnareff said, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"That's a great idea, which one did you have in mind?" Mr Joestar asked, his smile a little too wide to be genuine.

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