Chapter Thirty-Two: Friday, January 6 + Saturday, January 7

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In the morning, Sana joined the others in Mr Avdol and Mr Joestar's room. She felt a little less exhausted now, and was ready to hear the plan for the rest of the day, if they would be travelling. Although travelling was the thing that exhausted her, at the same time, the alternative was just to sit in a room and wait for the day to go by. Sana knew all too well what a wasted day meant. Ms Kujo was counting on them. It hadn't felt like such a big deal before, but she knew there wasn't that much time left. She wasn't going to let the group waste another day.

"Polnareff," Jotaro said. "So you decided to bring the sword with you after all."

Polnareff looked up, and immediately deciphered what Jotaro meant. "Yeah. I'm gonna turn it in to the police. This thing is a dangerous weapon, you know."

"Hm. That's a good plan. Anyone could pick it up at those ruins and we can't take any chances," Mr Joestar commented.

"It's probably worth a small fortune," Mr Avdol mused, glancing over at the sword. It was resting across Polnareff's knees. Sana was a little puzzled by it. Although it was good he'd taken it with him, she was just a little bit weirded out by it, but she couldn't put her finger on why.

"Still, it's best to just turn it in," Sana said. "After all, it was the enemy's weapon. Who knows if it's a normal sword?"

As if to agree with her, Iggy growled at the sword. It was either that, or Polnareff, but Sana assumed it was the sword. Polnareff hadn't done anything particularly egregious towards Iggy today that Sana was aware of - but then again, he hadn't done anything at particularly egregious towards Iggy at all, as far as she knew, so maybe Iggy was just extra irritated today, for some reason.

Iggy started jumping around and barking at the sword, or Polnareff, occasionally snapping at it, his form tense. He wasn't just angry, then. He was nervous. Sana frowned, and Mr Avdol spoke. "Quiet, Iggy! You can't make noise in here!"

"If you keep this up, we could get kicked out!" Mr Joestar said, trying to calm Iggy with deescalative hand movements. Unsurprisingly, they didn't work, and Iggy kept growling.

"What's up with this mutt today?" Polnareff frowned, glaring at Iggy.

"I don't think he likes the sword," Sana said, shrugging. "I can't say I blame him."

Polnareff sighed. "Ah, well, since the damn dog won't shut up, I guess I'll just take the sword to the cops now."

He stood up, and moved towards the door, but Mr Avdol put a hand out to stop him. "Polnareff! Weren't you listening when we told you not to go off alone?"

"Oh," Polnareff said.

"Seriously, we talked about this earlier!" Mr Joestar shook his head with mild disbelief. "Jotaro, tag along and keep him out of trouble, would you?"

Jotaro nodded. "Gotcha."

The pair left, and the door shut with a quiet click behind them. Iggy growled at the closed door, but eventually, he fell silent, and laid down, staring at the door, as if watching to see when it would strike. Of course it wouldn't, but it made Sana a little nervous. Still, it wasn't like Jotaro and Polnareff couldn't fight any enemy that crossed their path, and the most likely outcome was that Iggy could sense it was an enemy's weapon, or something. He just didn't like the association, most likely. That was probably it.

And so, with that, Sana settled into a chair by the window, with a book about Egyptian restaurants that Mr Avdol lent her. She had no idea where or why he'd picked it up, but it filled the time, and was interesting enough.

Time passed. Sana finished the book, having read it cover-to-cover, including the introduction, the printing details and acknowledgements. She would've known far too much if she remembered anything she read, but she didn't. It had been over an hour and a half, yet Polnareff and Jotaro still hadn't returned. It wasn't such a big deal. Stuff like that happened a lot, Sana knew that. Maybe the cops wanted to know a little too much, maybe Polnareff and Jotaro couldn't even find the cops to get extensively questioned about the sword. There could be any number of things. It was fine.

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