Remember: Korean is this, English is this, Thoughts is this
Seungmin's POV:
After Felix asked if we had anything on Y/n and we didn't, we ran into the bar. We then heard a gunshot noise over the coms. I noticed Yoongi was there and he pointed towards the one room in the back. Before we ran back there, he grabbed my shoulder. "You need to prepare for what's in there, cause it's not good." He says. I look at Han. "Oh god." I mutter out before running back there. When we got in the room, I see Felix over Y/n holding her stomach. She looked really pale. "Han, call the others, tell them to get the medical room set up and prepare themselves. Also tell them to get the doctor to the base. Now." I tell him. "I can't fucking lose you again." I hear Felix say. I go up to him and pull him back. "Go to Han, he's letting the others know what happened. I got her." I tell him before pushing down on Y/n's gunshot wound. "Hey Y/n... you need to look at me." I tell her. She tries to smile at me. I smiled back faintly. "I'm sorry... I should have tried to leave." She tells me and I shake my head. "Hey. No. You did everything right- Y/n look at me." I saw her start to close her eyes. "I'm sorry." That was the last thing she said before she passed out. "No. No! Come on Y/n you need to wake up! I need you to wake up. I need you!" I keep pressure onto her wound trying to stop the bleeding. Han runs into the room. "Seungmin come on we need to get her back to base!" He yells at me. I pick up Y/n and run to the car. "Han step on it now." I tell him. We speeded back to the base. Five minutes later we arrived. Felix ran up to the car and opened the door. "Seungmin..." He says when he sees how pale Y/n is. We rush into the house, up to the medical room and I place Y/n on the bed. "You two need to leave now." The doctor tells Felix and I. We start denying. Before I realize it, I'm being pulled out of the room by Changbin and Felix is being pulled out by Chan. "No! Let me back in there! I need to be in there with her!" I yelled. I kept trying to push Changbin off of me but then Hyunjin grabbed me as well. I started to cry. Why? Why did this happen to Y/n? She's done nothing wrong. Why wasn't it me? She can't leave like this! Not before I tell her that I love her. I stopped fighting against Changbin and Hyunjin and then broke down crying. Felix came over and hugged me. He was also crying.
~ 1 hour later ~
Han's POV:
Seungmin and Felix cried themselves to sleep and the rest of us moved them onto the couches in the living room. We all then went into the kitchen. When I looked up, everyone was looking at me. "I think I speak for all of us when I ask what the fuck just happened." Hyunjin said. I take a deep breath before clearing my throat. "Felix and Y/n got assigned a mission, along with members of Enhypen, TXT, BTS, and Itzy. Apparently, Red Velvet was working with a company based in Australia." I start off. "Wait..." I.N says. I nod my head. "Yup, what you're thinking is correct. The company that they were working with that is based in Australia, happens to be the same one that their parents own and run." I tell them. "So why did Seungmin put them on that mission?" Changbin asked. "Trust me when I tell you that he didn't even want to put either of them on that mission at first. Seungmin ultimately decided to put them on that mission because of their relation to their parents." I say. "Why were you and Seungmin there?" Chan asks. "Due to Code Levanter still being in effect, Seungmin asked me to go with him and trail behind them in case anything happened. Both Felix and Y/n were made aware that we were going to be trailing them. This was only supposed to be a mission to find anything that could be useful." I explained. "So why is Y/n in the medical room pale as hell? Also why is Seungmin and Felix asleep after crying?" Minho asks me. I take a shaky breath in. "While on the mission, Felix along with Suga, Sunoo, Yeonjun, and Lia were out in the bar area of that bar we all share joint ownership of. Y/n let them know that she was going to look around the bar to see if she could find anything useful. We gave the siblings an in earpiece so that way they could keep in contact with each other and us in case they found anything, or something happened. While Y/n was looking around we heard her call for Felix over the coms. She stated that she thought she saw something and that everyone needed to get to her as soon as possible. She sounded very panicked. Y/n started to explain where she was when suddenly her earpiece shut off completely. Two minutes later I heard a gunshot over Felix's com, and he started to yell for Seungmin and I. When we arrived in the room, we saw Felix holding pressure onto Y/n's stomach and found out she'd been shot." I tell them all. I felt tears in my eyes. I don't know why but I felt a bond with Y/n. I told Felix about it the one day. I told him that I had like this brotherly love towards her, and he laughed. He told me that it was okay, and he was happy. Felix was happy that Y/n started to make her way into everyone's hearts. He said it made him feel like they had a real family. "Shit. So, you mean that Y/n is in the medical room upstairs trying to hold on to life because she got shot in the stomach?" I.N asked me. "Yeah. And we all better hope she makes it through because I am not ready to see how Felix and Seungmin are going to react to anything if anything happens to her."
A/N: Chapter 19! Can you believe that this story is almost at 20 chapters? I originally started writing this book after talking with Naomi4572 and telling her about wanting to write another story. Little fact about the stories I write; I have ADHD, which often times makes me have 50 different things running through my head at once. This story was actually a product of one of those 50 things lmao. Also thank you so much for over 400 reads?! That's completely insane! I write for fun nine times out of ten and I never expected this story to get that many reads. Also thank you for over 30 votes as well! That's also crazy. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and all the chapters to come. I love you all <3 Have a great day/night (Also if you want to hear all the songs from this book in a playlist, look up Brand New on Spotify and look for the name Sephie :D)

Brand New (COMPLETE)
Fanfiction"Wait for me here! I'll be back before you know it!" That was the last time I heard from or seen my best friend, Kim Seungmin. We were both 12 at that time. It's been 10 years since then... little did I know how much both of us changed since then. M...