Remember: Korean is this, English is this, Thoughts is this
Warning(s): Mentions of sh (self-harm) (past and current), mentions of dead parents, mentions of death
EXTRA WARNING: In my A/N at the end there will be mentions of a car accident, please do not read the A/N if that triggers you, thank you
Seungmin's POV:
After Chan, Changbin, and Minho went to do their own things I leaned up against the wall right by the door to where Y/n, I.N and Han were resting in. A moment later I shook my head and went to find Felix. I knew that if he was anywhere right now, it would be with his boyfriend and girlfriend. On my way from where I was standing, I bumped into Roda. I looked up at him. "Sorry Roda." I say to him. He shakes his head. "It's okay. Where are you heading too moving so quickly for?" He asked me. "You haven't happened to see Felix, Hyunjin and Naomi, have you?" I asked back. He nods. "Yeah, I was just sitting with them. They are in the living room. What's wrong?" Roda tells me. "It's nothing, just wanted to talk with Felix, see how he was doing." I partially lie. Roda just shrugs his shoulders. "Yup still in the living room. Anyways, I need to go check on Beomhan, I'll see you later." I watch as he heads down the hall in the opposite direction I just came from. I walked downstairs and saw that Naomi, Felix and Hyunjin were sitting on a couch together watching something on the TV. I walk over to them, and I see as the three of them look at me. "What's up Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked me. I smiled. "I just need to borrow Felix for like 30 minutes if that's okay. I needed to update him on Y/n and all. I know you all haven't been able to be together as the three of you for a bit so if you want me to wait I can." I tell them. I knew not to push them cause then Y/n would get mad at me for ruining "the sweet moment" between her brother and his partners. I watch as they look at each other before Naomi and Hyunjin nod. "Yeah. We are not going to stop him when it comes to his sister." Naomi tells me. Felix gives them both a quick kiss before getting up and walking over to me. "What's up with Y/n?" He asked as we walked over one of the meeting rooms Day6 had on their base. We both sat down when we go into the room. "Fuck, I don't even know how to start it off. You're going to either be really pissed, really sad or in denial and I'm not sure what version, if any, I want to see." I tell Felix after a moment. "It has nothing to do with our parents, right? Because they are dead. We confirmed that." Felix asks frantically. I slightly hit his arm. "It's nothing to do with your parents, but everything to do with Y/n." I say. He looks at me confused. I sigh knowing I'm just going to have to tell him. "Minho, Chan, Changbin and I went upstairs maybe 40 minutes ago because they couldn't find Han or I.N. I knew that they were with Y/n because Brain had told me. So, we went to check on them. When we got to the room Y/n is in for recovery, we saw that the three of them were on her bed taking a nap together. I knew that Han and I.N would have been worried about her and gone to visit her since those three are like never apart from each other. Chan and Minho went to put a blanket over the three of them and Minho took off Han's glasses. Not long after Minho walked away from the bed, Chan called me over. I was confused until I saw him looking at her right arm, which wasn't already under the blanket..." I trailed off. I really didn't want to tell him what Y/n did because she knew how her brother would react, but I need to.
Felix's POV:
I looked at Seungmin sadly because I knew where he was going with what he was saying. "She didn't." I say trying to deny the reality. I see as he nods his head. "Chan pointed out that there were scabbed wounds and already scarred ones. From what I can tell, she really fell back into self-harming when she left. I knew of one occurrence where it happened not long after she joined us, but she had stopped with me and Han on her ass all the time. She didn't want me to tell you but now that I've seen how bad it is on one arm, I needed to." Seungmin says. I angerly stood up and hit the table. "Why didn't you tell me about the last time before this? You should know that you need to tell me. Fucking hell Seungmin, I'm not about to almost lose her again because of this." I say in English. "I know that. That is the exact reason I'm telling you now. If her one arm looking like that, I don't want to know what her other one looks like. We need to figure out what we can do to help her." Seungmin tells me. "I know she won't like what I'm about to say in the moment but later she will understand. We need to at least tell the other six about her past with that. We need to have eyes on her at all times without making it too obvious. But I am not about to relive what happened last time. We tell them as soon as possible, BUT we can't bring Y/n in or she'll shut down or deny it." I explain. I see Seungmin nod his head. "We'll do it later when we all get ready for bed. Y/n's going to be stuck in the recovery room for a little bit."
Hii! I am back and updating my stories. I wanted to apologize for not updating any of the three stories that I am currently writing. I went up to New York (about a 4-hour drive from where I live) for my birthday and to go see TXT on the 10th (my birthday). My friend and I on our way back (May 12th) got into a car accident. I don't want anyone to worry, everyone is okay and there were no injuries. I was in a major car accident when I was younger that gave me a lot of trauma and PTSD, so I had decided to take a small break from writing while I tried to process and recover from being in the accident I was in on the 12th. Again, do not worry, everyone is okay. II just needed the little break from writing so I could come back like I am now writing some more updates for you all! And as a small note, you will see this as part of my A/N for the next update in Not Ordinary... It's ODDINARY and Our Criminal because I have different audiences for each book (minus the people who read all of them... and if that's one of you, have a gold sticker).
Now moving on from that, here is chapter 43 of Brand New! I hope you guys enjoyed it, I eventually do realize I have to close out this story and wrap up Seungmin and Y/n's story. Maybe I'll write a book two for this one... maybe there will be a spin-off, who knows? If you have any ideas that you want me to put in before I end this story, please let me know.
I hope you all have a great day/night <3

Brand New (COMPLETE)
Fanfiction"Wait for me here! I'll be back before you know it!" That was the last time I heard from or seen my best friend, Kim Seungmin. We were both 12 at that time. It's been 10 years since then... little did I know how much both of us changed since then. M...