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REMEMBER: Korean is this, English is this, Thoughts is this

WARNINGS: Violence, talks about death, talks about surgery, talks about medical procedures

Chan's POV:

It had been a couple of hours since Felix, Han and Seungmin came back with an almost lifeless Y/n. Felix and Seungmin were still asleep. I might not have known Y/n for long, but she felt like a little sister to me. Felix already reminded me of home in a good way, but having Y/n here as well, she just made me feel even more at home. I went upstairs to the medical room and knocked on the door. The nurse that was checking in on Y/n opened the door for me. "You here to see her?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Go ahead, I was just getting ready to leave since I finished checking her." The nurse said. "Are there any updates you can give me on her condition?" I asked the nurse. She goes over and grabs the chart. "Patient Lee Y/n. Age 22. Brought back to base after receiving a gunshot wound to her stomach and is now getting medical attention. When Lee Y/n was brought to the medical room, she was just barely clinging on to life. While performing surgery to get the bullet out, she flatlined twice but was brought back through chest compressions. Currently the patient is in a medically induced coma to help her body recover fast." The nurse tells me. I nod my head and then dismiss her. I pull a chair up next to the bed and hold Y/n's hand. "You've given us all a scare. Your brother is worried sick and so is Seungmin... hell all of us are. Listen to me. Don't fight on trying to wake up sooner than you need to. Take the time to let your body heal. You can come back to us when you are ready. You just went through something so traumatic for your body, we will understand. Don't worry about Felix and Seungmin. We all will take care of them; I can promise you that." I tell her. I don't know if she can actually hear me, but I still talk to her anyways. "You probably didn't know this but when I was first starting out in this gang, I got shot. Nothing as bad as you just went through, it was only my shoulder." I say while rubbing it. "It's actually the reason all of us got a matching gang tattoo. We decided that it would be a good idea for any member of Stray Kids to get the tattoo that way you could be identified as a member of the gang. Once you wake up and get better, I'm going to take you to get yours." I say. I laugh slightly at myself. "I guess this is why the others tell me that I am like a dad. I always try to look out for everyone. I just want to make sure that we are all doing okay. I want to let you know that if you ever need anything that I will always be there to listen and to help." I sigh. I wish Y/n was able to talk back but I understood. I sat there with her for a few more minutes. "I have to go now but I will be back later." I say as I squeeze her hand. I stand up and give her a kiss on her forehead before I head out the door. When I close the door behind me, I sigh. While Y/n is going to be out, I can tell that everyone is going to suffer. 

~ 2 hours later ~

Seungmin's POV:

I woke up not too long ago and saw that Felix was asleep on a different couch in the living room. I sighed remembering what happened. I went into the kitchen and saw Chan and Minho talking. "Hey Seungmin." Minho says. "Anything on Y/n?" I ask them. Chan looks over at me. "I checked on her about two hours ago, right as the nurse was leaving." He tells me. "What did the nurse say?" I asked Chan. "You are going to want to sit down for that Seungmin." Minho says. "You know too?" I asked. He nods his head. "Chan told me not long after he checked on her. Now sit your ass down." Minho tells me. I sit down on the chair next to them. "The nurse told me that once you guys brought her here, that she was barely clinging onto life. They performed surgery to get the bullet out of her stomach and she flatlined twice, but they were able to bring her back through chest compressions both times. They also put her into a medically induced coma so she can recover better." Chan tells me. I run my hand through my hair before standing up and getting ready to head up to the medical room. "Where are you going?" Minho asks me. "I think you know." I say shortly before heading upstairs to the room. I walked in and saw that Chan kept the chair at the side of the bed. I sat down in the chair and just sighed. "Hey Y/n." I start. "This is weird because I don't even know if you can hear me and if you can't then this is awkward as fuck." I say before laughing a little. "I want you to know that it is okay to rest. You take your time on recovering. We will all be right here when you wake up." I take a shaky breath in. "I don't know if you ever realized all those years ago, or even now... but I love you. And not in a friendly way either. I think I first realized that I fell in love with you when we were 12, months before I left. Then when you arrived back into my life, I knew once again that you stole my heart. When you wake up, whenever that is, I will tell you about my feelings and I'm going to take you on a date. That is guaranteed." I smile softly. "Felix says you'll be great at keeping me in check, but I think we both will have to keep each other in check because you might be just as bad as I am. We'll see though.

Y/n's POV: 

I wish I could tell him I felt the same. Don't worry Seungmin, when I wake up, everything will be okay. And I'm going to raise hell on anyone that gets in our way.


Aaa chapter 20! 20 chapters woah. This is crazy! Also, just a heads up, next chapter there will be a bit of a time skip, considering the events happening in this story so far. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! ALSO, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE THAT READS THIS THAT CELEBRATES! It is currently a little after 9 pm here on the east coast of the US so it's still Christmas time. To everyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas: Happy Holidays!! I hope whatever holiday you celebrate is just as amazing! I will probably post another chapter of Brand New considering I have ideas already!! Have a great day/night! I love you all <3

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