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REMEMBER: Korean is this, English is this, Thoughts is this

Y/n's POV:

After we arrived at the police station, I was being taken to one of the interrogation rooms. I see Jungkook look at me in shock. I smiled at him. I knew he was confused why I was here. Not long after joining Stray Kids, I had gotten the chance to meet Jungkook again, but this time I got to see the real him. I got shoved into the room before the officer who put me in the room took off my cuffs and told me to sit. I rolled my eyes before walking around the room. I laughed to myself thinking about how the people who used to work with me, that don't know how corrupt this place is, must be shocked to see me. I kept walking around for five minutes before I started pounding on the glass that separates me in the interrogation and the detectives and officers that are in the room on the other side. "You know that I know you are in there! I used to be on that side before~!" I say with a sing-song voice. I laughed again. I guess I can see where people think I've changed. To be fair, this was always me. I just suppressed it on the hope of finding my brother, but once I joined him and his team, I knew that I was right where I belonged. I hear the door click a little bit. I looked up to see Jungkook come into the room. "I came in here to let you know that they are on their way." He says. I looked at him confused. "No need to worry. I made sure everyone was out of the room behind there. I heard from Felix. They are sending Seungmin here to check on you and figure out the best way to get you out of here." I smiled at that. "Good to know that I am not being left behind. How's life going Jungkook?" I asked him. He scoffs. "Apparently not as exciting as yours. I heard you and Seungmin got together. The others told me to send their best wishes for you both." Jungkook says. I smile genuinely. "Tell them I said thanks. You all should stop by the base soon. I miss you all, plus the last time I saw any of you was..." I trailed off. Jungkook just nodded, knowing exactly what I was talking about. "Felix told me to let you know that you need to use your boyfriend's code name." He tells me. "Ah right. I forgot that we changed a bunch of code names. Got it." I mention. Jungkook and I talk for a few more minutes before he gets ready to leave. "An officer is going to come in here and interrogate you. Give them hell." He says while smirking at me. "I always do." I say back right as he was walking out the door. A moment passes before an officer comes into the room and sits across for me. I smiled. She seemed new to this. "Lee Y/n. My name is Officer Bae Sumin. I am here to ask you some questions." She tells me. I scoffed. "Whatever, ask away." I said shortly. "Can you give me your full name, date of birth and age?" She asks. "Shouldn't you already have that information?" I retaliated. I hear her sigh. "Just answer the question Ms. Lee." Officer Bae says. "Lee Y/n. December 27th, 2001. 22 years old." I finally answered. "Thank you. Next question. Family relations." I rolled my eyes. "Lee Felix. My brother." I tell her. This continues for a while before we break. Officer Bae Sumin leaves the room. I slam my head on the table not paying attention to anything else. "You are going to give yourself a concussion if you keep slamming your head off of everything when you are annoyed." I hear. When I look up, I see my lovely boyfriend standing by the door. "Fucking finally. It took you long enough." I say before standing up and walking over to Seungmin. When I am standing in front of him, he pulls me into a hug. "You are such a dumbass. Didn't Han tell you to not get caught?" He says. I laugh at that. "It's not my fault Sky. Someone saw me and ratted me out to the police." I say bitterly. Seungmin and I both knew that we were going to find out whoever called in that they saw me. It wasn't going to end well for them. "Damn straight. We are going to find them." He tells me. "Anyways got anything for me?" I ask. We go and sit down against the wall, and I lay on my back while Seungmin stayed sitting. He put my head on his legs and smiled. "Two things actually. One pertaining to this and the other pertaining to those certain three." Seungmin says to me. "Wait! Did they finally-?" I asked excitedly. It was common knowledge that I.N, Chan and Changbin all had a thing for the other two. Seungmin nods his head. "FUCKING FINALLY!" I cheered. Those idiots had been crushing on each other longer than I had been in the gang. "You'll never believe who made the first move." He tells me. "No shit, I.N actually admitted first?" I said with wide eyes. "Yeah, so apparently they've been together for at least a week. The only reason I found out was because I caught them kissing." I laughed. "Anyways. Let's talk about the plan to get you out of here. JK mentioned that he will be the last one out tonight here so he will be helping us out. After everyone is out, JK will send us a text, so that Chan can loop the footage. After that, he will help you get out through the window. Han, Yongbok and I will be waiting down the street in that van we got the other day. In the process of getting you out, JK will leave a note that let's the cops know that there is a ninth and final member of Stray Kids. JK will come in later so you can add what you want to it. After that we are heading straight back to base." Seungmin says. I nod my head. "I have to leave now but remember. Don't give up." My boyfriend tells me. "Never do." I tell him. Seungmin gives me a quick peck before leave. This will be fun.

~ A few hours later ~

I knew it was almost time to finally break out of this fucking place. I hear the door open one last time and see it's Jungkook. "Hey Y/n." He says to me. He passes me a paper and pen and I write what I need to on it. "Are you ready?" Jungkook asks. "As ready as I'll ever fucking be. Not only with South Korea know all of Stray Kids now, but the whole world will. It'll be fun." I say smirking at him. After I hear the ding on Jungkook's phone, he helps lift me up to the window in the room. I jump down and ran down the street to catch up with Han, Seungmin and Felix. They were never going to catch me that easily.


And at the end of the day, there were nine. Lee Felix who goes by Yongbok, the second in command and thief. Christopher Bang who goes by Bang Chan, the hacker. Lee Minho who goes by Lee Know, the undercover agent. Seo Changbin who goes by Spearb, the sniper. Hwang Hyunjin who goes by HJ, the seductor. Han Jisung who goes by Han, the arsonist and getaway driver. Yang Jeongin who goes by I.N, the assassin. Kim Seungmin who goes by Sky, the leader. Lee Y/n who goes by Freya, the assassin and undercover agent. They make up the gang known as Stray Kids. Watch out, because they will come for you.


A/n: OH WOW A TRIPLE UPDATE?! Damn I'm on a roll. Thanks, ADHD for actually being in my favor for once. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well! I have more chapters coming soon but right now I am heading to sleep. I hope you all enjoyed! I hope you all have a great day/night. Good night <3

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