Remember: English is this, Korean is this, Thoughts is this
Seungmin's POV:
I looked at Y/n and smirked. "Well, one of the clubs we run just reopened. I need to go make sure it's running properly. Why don't we see if the guys want to head over there with us?" I say. I see Y/n light up with excitement and run out of the kitchen and into the living room. I laugh at her. I was glad that we were on somewhat good terms again. It hurt knowing that we were fighting not even a week ago. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Y/n run back into the kitchen. "They all said they were fine with going! I have a question though. Do I have to wear anything fancy? I fucking hate dressing up unless absolutely necessary." Y/n asks me. I shake my head. "No. Wear whatever you want. Who's going to yell at you? If someone gets on your case for not wearing something dressy then tell them to talk to one of us. They'll shut up right away." I explain. I see her sigh in relief. I knew how much Y/n hated dressing up even when we were younger, so it was no big surprise that it stuck even into adulthood. "Well then I am going to go change then so I don't look like a hobo." She said. Before Y/n left I grabbed her arm. "Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Whether that is shorts and a tee shirt or a dress you will look beautiful in whatever. Also make sure to bring a gun and keep it on you. You never know what could happen."
Y/n's POV:
I nod my head to what Seungmin told me and head to Felix and I's room. I see Felix putting on a beanie before looking over at me. "Did you just finish getting ready?" I ask him. He nods his head. "Yup. You about to get ready?" Felix asks me. I nod my head. "Can I have one of your beanies to wear?" I didn't receive a response verbally, but Felix threw one of his plain black beanies at me. I smiled. "Thanks." I tell him. "Yup. I'm going to head downstairs to meet up with everyone else. See you down there." Felix tells me with a smile. I head over to the closet and start looking at my clothes. I decided just to wear something simple. I grabbed the clothes I wanted and went into the bathroom to change. When I finished, I headed downstairs to where everyone else was after grabbing my gun and putting it on my waist. Chan sees me first. "You ready to go Y/n?" He asks me. I nod my head. I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't excited. I wanted to get some fresh air and maybe have a few drinks. We all head out to one of the cars and head on our way to their club.
~ 20 minutes later ~
The car finally stopped, and I looked out the window. There was a decently sized building called 'MIROH'. There was a line of people waiting to get into the club. We all stepped out of the car and went to the door. "Hey Roda." Seungmin says to the guy at the entrance of the club. "Hey Seungmin. You guys here to check the place out?" The guy named 'Roda' asked Seungmin. He nods his head. "Yup. I also want you to add someone to the list for me." He says before pulling me closer to him. "Oh! Hello there! I didn't notice that you were there." The guy says. "Oh no it's okay. I tend to blend in easily. My name is Lee Y/n or Freya, it's nice to meet you." I introduce myself. Seungmin looks at me confused when I introduce myself as Freya. I looked at him, silently telling him I'd explain later. The guy looks at me. "It's nice to meet you Y/n. My name is Roda. I work with the dumbasses that you are with-" I hear Han laugh at that. Roda rolls his eyes. "Anyways. I also work with two other guys and a girl named Narachan, Bitsaeon and Naomi and we are a small gang called M.O.N.T. We work with Stray Kids." He finishes introducing himself before speaking again. "So Lee huh?" He asks me. "Yup. This fool..." I say pointing at Felix. "Is my older brother." Roda looks at Felix shocked. "No shit?! You found her?" He says shocked. Felix just nods his head. "Can we go in now?" I hear I.N whine. Roda just shakes his head. "Yeah, go on in. Seungmin, I'll add Y/n onto the list. Heads up, Narachan is on the bar tonight and Bitsaeon is just floating, you know how he is." Seungmin nods his head. "Thanks Roda. See you tomorrow yeah? Make sure to bring the other three dumbasses." He says. Roda hits the back of Seungmin's head. "They're older than you, have some respect." I laugh at their antics. "Come onnnn! I want to go inside." I hear Hyunjin say this time. "Okay, okay. See you later Roda." Seungmin says before leading us all inside. I looked around at the inside of the building. It was very lively. There were people dancing on the dance floor, some people were at the bar, and others were sitting in one of the multiple booths that were scattered around the building. We all walked over to one of the booths close to the dance floor. "Y/n! Let's go get some drinks!" Han says. He grabs my hand and pulls me over to the bar. When we arrive at the bar, a guy, who I assume is Narachan, comes over to us. "Hey Han! Nice to see you here. Who's this with you?" He asks. "Hey Nara! This is Y/n, she's Felix's younger sister and the newest member of Stray Kids. Y/n, this is Narachan or just Nara as we call him. He's the leader of M.O.N.T and also helps us out along with Roda, Naomi and Bitsaeon." Han says introducing me to Narachan and Narachan to me. "It's nice to meet you." I say to him. "Likewise. Anyways what do you guys want to drink?" Nara asks us. Han says his drink along with drinks for the other seven. I order a beer. Han just took the drinks over to the guys and I decided to stay back to get to know Nara. While I was talking with him, a guy decided it would be a great idea to try to talk to me. "Hey girly! Why don't you come over here?" He asks me. I roll my eyes. "I am not going to cause a scene; I am not going to cause a scene." I repeated to myself in English. I guess Nara heard me because he laughed. "No. I think I am perfectly fine right here." I say. I could tell this guy was obviously drunk. I sighed. 'Don't use violence unless absolutely necessary.' I keep repeating to myself. "Hey bartender! Get this girl another drink!" The drunk man yelled at Nara. As Nara goes to get me another drink the guy keeps getting closer and closer to me.

Brand New (COMPLETE)
Fanfiction"Wait for me here! I'll be back before you know it!" That was the last time I heard from or seen my best friend, Kim Seungmin. We were both 12 at that time. It's been 10 years since then... little did I know how much both of us changed since then. M...