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Hello! Here's today's Golden Chapter! Enjoy <33

Recommended song for the chapter: Close —Han Jisung


"Han-ssi...? Han-ssi! Jisung!" Minho was poking Jisung's buff bicep

Jisung was laying on the hospital bed, Minho sitting beside him waiting for him to open his eyes

"Jiiisuuungg!!" The younger wasn't responding

"Jagiya!!" He yelled

Mission: accomplished.

Jisung slowly opened his eyes

"Jag- Minho Seonbaenim...? what happened to me..." Jisung murmured, Minho helped his sit up

"You fainted yesterday night" Minho chuckled


"you were stressed and tired, maybe that's why" Minho shrugged

Jisung nodded.

He looked at Minho's eyes, Jisung's pupils were shaking a little, Minho noticed the visible worry and fear in the younger's eyes

"It's okay, we're safe now" he smiled reassuringly

The younger sighed in relief

"What happened to your injuries ?" Jisung asked, worriedly.

"I'm good, they stitched them up! The doctor said they're not that deep and I'll be able to walk properly after two days" he smiled

"That's good" Jisung said

The two weren't exactly on bad terms, they in fact still love each other but the reason why they broke up was beca-

Someone knocked the door

"Come in!" Minho yelled

The door was slid open

A familiar man stepped in

well, speaking of the devil...Here he is...

Jisung, and Minho's eyes widened

He gave an awkward smile

The tall guy walked towards the middle of the room, he stood there and stared at the two, he then bowed 90 degrees

"I'm sorry for what I have done!!" He blurted out

Jisung and Minho shared a quick look

"I was such a hormonal drunk stupid ass bitch teenager! I'm so sorry, Jisung! I never meant to force myself onto you three years ago! I was hella drunk! And- and I- I never saw you again after that day, I got to meet both of you yesterday —Tragically— so I thought it's a perfect time to apologize! I'm sorry again!!" He said all those things fast, still bowing

Jisung's eyes softened "It's may sit down, Hyunjin. Let's have a talk."

"Really ? Thank you! Am I forgiven ?! How are both of you doing ? How is your relationship ?!" Hyunjin talked excitedly as he made himself comfortable on the couch

"Actually......we broke up" Jisung bit his bottom lip

Minho on the other hand remained silent.

Thoughts of the past lingered in Minho's mind, guilt was eating him alive! He wanted to apologize bracely just like Hyunjin...but he couldn't

"Oh...was it...because of me...?" He asked with a sad smile, staring at his lap

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