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Recommended Song: Cause I like you - ChangLix




Changbin: 26 years old
Felix: 25 years old
Status: Married
Timing: in the morning, a week before Minsung's wedding.

Before you start reading, remember that both Felix and Changbin are golden blooded so both of them have each other's names tattooed with golden letters on the left side of their chests.

"Changbinnie please reconsider! I swear kids are so cute let's adopt a baby! Pretty pleaaaaase" Felix begged with puppy eyes

Changbin sighed "Felix I already said no multiple times! You've been spamming me with this request since last week you even spammed my messages, insta, snapchat, twitter and whatsapp you fucking bitch and I said no!"

"But whyyyYyYyyYyYyyYy~" Felix whined changing the 'y' tones as he did

Changbin groaned "Look Felix baby, adopting kids is not just because they're cute..Kids are a big responsibility."

"I am responsible! I took care of Eunie and Joonie for a whole week alone without calling Minmin or Sungie for help!"

"Taking care of other people's kids is a whole different thing than taking care of your own kids." Changbin stated earning a big whine from Felix

"But why can Jisung do it and I can't ?"

"Did Jisung ask for those kids ? No. Those are Minho's kids and Jisung married Minho because he loves him. Thus, Jisung is going to take care of kids that he never asked for!"

"But he loves them!"

"I know that, Felix. I'm not ready to have kids yet.'s a big responsibility and I'm a CEO who barely has time to sit with his Husband. Managing work and balancing it with free time at home to spend with my Husband is hard, let alone have kids as well ? That's pretty tough for me...think about it, Bubs." Changbin stated as he fixed his work suit and booped Felix's nose

"I'll take care of them alone it's fine you don't have to play with them!"

Changbin sighed and clicked his tongue "You know I don't change my mind once I settle on an answer right ? you've known me for 20 years now. come on, Yongbok."

Felix pouted

Changbin turned around after wearing his shoes and pressed his lips on Felix's pout

"I'm off to work.." He flashed a small smile as he left the house

Felix stood at the door frame with a big pout on his face, his hands placed on his hips as he huffed "He thinks a kiss would stop me ?! Then he's right! You won this time Changbin! But you're not winning again!" He stomped to his room to get ready for college

Felix got his bachelors in economic studies and now he's working on the magistrate

Minho majored in politics meanwhile Jisung is an interior designer who got his job but goes to college as well to get his magistrate

Hyunjin majored in art and Seungmin is an athlete he's a pitcher in baseball

Chan ( 27 years old ) Is close to taking his magistrate in psychology

And Jeongin who's a year younger than Felix is studying dermatology

Every single one of them found the thing he likes, they would gather every weekend to record songs that 3RACHA wrote but never published like scars, god's menu, all in, and many more. Or songs that Jisung wrote like Sunshine, another day, 19, slump, secret secret and more. Or songs that Changbin wrote like sorry I love you, grow up and mixtape: on track.

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