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Hi guys! I forgot to update two days ago and I was hella busy because my second semester of school started today
as an apology I'll give a triple update today!

Recommended song for the double update: Song cry — August Alsina.



She opened her eyes, the sight of Minho calming their baby boy twin made her heart melt

She sighed a relief

Minho moved his gaze towards her " woke up" he softly said with a smile

She smiled

"You did it..." Minho said softly

"We did it..." She corrected him

Minho got up from the sofa and walked towards her, giving her the baby boy

"He looks like you~" Rima said

"Nahhh he looks more like you" Minho laughed

"We can't decide now because they're so young!" She said

"Yeah you're right!" He laughed

"Yeah you're right!" He laughed

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"So cute

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"So cute..." she sniffled "Ah~ why am I cryinggg"

Minho giggled "You finally achieved one of your dreams, that's why!"

She nodded, gently placing a kiss on her baby boy's cheek

"Where's the girl ?" She asked

"The doctor took her to complete some tests, they already tested the boy."


"What about the names ?"

"What would you like to name them ? After all, you went through the painful experience of pregnancy and delivery, suggest your favorite names and let's agree on two" he smiled

She nodded and listed a couple of her favorite girl names and boy names.

Quarter an hour later they settled on two beautiful names

"Ha-eun for the girl and Ha-joon for the boy it is!" Minho exclaimed

"Aww those names are so cute!" She squealed "I'm so excited for them to get older!"

"Me too!!" Minho beamed

'I'm a father now...Han Jisung! I hope you're seeing this...' Minho smiled softly





A man walked and grabbed the hostage's cheeks "That's it for ready for tomorrow" he smirked, pecking the guy's golden bloody lips

The hostage was in disgust "Why are you doing this to me...?"

The guy snickered "So you won't run away again...

...Han Jisung"


I know this is pretty short but two more chaps are going to be uploaded today so it's alrighty I guess 🤣

Next Chapter:

"Say that again, slut. I don't care about beating you up till the morning"

"You better be ready tonight, in my room."

Hey again, Sungie..


See you in the next chapter puddings!

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