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Enjoy, folks!


The guy snickered "So you won't run away again...

...Han Jisung"

"Yah! Release me! It's already been a year!" Jisung yelled "I've done everything you asked me for! I didn't hit you, I kissed you back whenever you kissed me, I even had sex with you!! And you still don't want to let me go!!"

"How rude...I was your savior, Jisung. Without me being there to please you when your dear Minho left you, you would've been dead now because of sexual frustration." He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! You did it against my will, Bitgaram! And no matter how many times I begged you to stop, you never listened!" Jisung said, matter-of-factly

Bitgaram frowned and walked in Jisung's direction, stretching the belt as he came closer

He stared right into Jisung's eyes "Say that again, slut. I don't care about beating you up till the morning since your wounds heal faster than your older brother. You better behave! The only thing restraining me from beating the fuck out of you is your grandfather!"

Jisung remained silent

Garam placed the belt under Jisung's chin and lifted his face up "You better be ready tonight, in my room." He walked away then, laughing like a maniac.

Jisung bit his bottom lip

His sad gaze moved on to his bleeding arm...watching the wound as it slowly heals before his eyes...

'I wonder how are you doing right now...Lee Minho.'


Hey again, Sungie..

It's been 3 years...where are you now ? Were you only in my imaginary...? I can't believe that I lost you that easily...Listening to wish you back is very painful...all of your fans are really sad till now...flyers and posters wishing you to rest in peace are still hanging in the streets, malls, school, colleges and even at the place I work in... the other 3RACHA members faces were revealed and everyone was astonished...they looked amazing. However, they didn't release your face because they don't have your's sad that nobody got to see your beautiful least I get to gate keep it for myself hehehehehehe

Anyways, I married Rima to raise our kids and give them the best life possible. We don't love each other romantically though, we just agreed on getting married because we feel comfortable and we both think that it's the best decision!

I hope you're doing good, Let's meet soon, Love.

Minho closed his diary and smiled


He jolted when he heard the voice of Ha-eun crying downstairs

He ran towards her

"What's wrong baby! Are you okay ?!" He picked her up "Shhh it's fine, it's okayyy don't cry honeyyy" He calmed her down with his soft voice.

Ha-eun sniffled a couple of times before burying her face into Minho's chest. He softly smiled and walked with her in his arms

"Paaa~" Ha-joon whined as he crawled towards his father

Minho chuckled "Do you want to be picked up as well ?"

The baby pouted

Minho leaned down and picked Ha-joon as well

"Woah, both of you got heavier!" He giggled

"Oh my god Minho! I'm so sorry, did they annoy you ? I'll pick Ha-joon!" Rima panicked when she saw Minho carrying both kids

"It's fine, Rima. I'm their father and I'm responsible as well! You don't need to worry about me carrying them..I was one if the reasons they're here anyway so I must help" He smiled

Rima smiled "Thank you..." She sighed "I ran to the kitchen to check on the dinner so they were left alone..I think Ha-eun was trying to stand up and walk but she fell, that's why she's crying.."

"Why do you assume that ?" Minho asked, sitting on the couch and placing the two kids on his laps

Rima made herself comfortable on the couch beside Her husband "I saw her getting up a few times when you were out, working.."

"That's cool!" Minho exclaimed "Eunieee why do you stand up when papa's not here ?" He pouted

Ha-eun stared at him cluelessly when she heard her name, then she pinched his nose  and started squealing and giggling when Minho winced

Rima started laughing, staring at her new family in adoration...this is Family...this is Home...What she was used to have was completely the opposite of this...

"Rima ? Are you okay ?" She flinched out of her thoughts when she saw Minho very close to her...his hand placed gently on her forehead

"You don't have zoned out, I was worried.." He chuckled

Blush spread on her chubby cheeks as she slightly backed away "Oh ah..." she smiled "I'm good! Definitely!"

"Are you sure ? Okay then"

'You're only hurting yourself, Rima...' she thought as a sad smile appeared on her face

She sighed and got up to wash her face, and thoughts away...


I hope you enjoyed this little chapter! Another one will be updated right now

Next Chapter:

"Rima...? Please don't do this! What happened ?!"

"No!! I don't want to hear your voice!! Go away, Grandfather!!

"Does mommy wuv flowers ?"


See ya later Puddings

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