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Prinz Eugen's POV:

It happens suddenly. One minute, August's commanding our entire fleet and having everyone execute complex manoeuvres. The next, she's falling from the sky. I didn't see anything hit her. There weren't any explosions besides her own attack against Enterprise and yet...

Me: Au-

Roon: Aug-

Rossiya: Augu-

Ulrich: NO-


Faster than any lightning, louder than any thunder, Friedrich barrels through the enemy formation like a wrecking ball through freshly laid bricks in an effort to catch August before she hits the water. Completely ignorant of friend and foe alike, she carves a highway through our fleet and theirs but does ultimately succeed in arriving in time for August's body to fall into her waiting arms.

As she cradles her, the world seemingly pauses. On the side of the enemy, they've seemingly fished Enterprise out of the water but despite having the perfect opportunity to attack, they pause. We ourselves should take this opportunity to let loose and wipe them out but everyone on our side is equally as focused at the scene unfolding before us. The very world lies still with bated breath, not a slither of wind to be felt for miles on end.

Bismark: Maintain-


Thunder claps and all at once the world goes dark. Black clouds roll in at breakneck speed, plunging the world into utter darkness. Girls begin panicking. Musical notes form in the darkness above, massive and visible for all to see. Piano Sonata No. 14 begins playing soon after. We all stand in silence, watching, waiting but when the starting notes of Saltatio Favillae begin playing, every living thing flees.

Allies and enemies alike scatter like rats from fire. Even I hurriedly remove myself from the equation as swiftly as my engine permits. All fighting ceases as it becomes a race against the clock to survive.

Red lines of scorching flames appear in the blackened sky above us moving in a wavy pattern towards the epicentre of this madness, towards Friedrich.

Rossiya: What's going on?


Roon, usually one not to back down from a fight, is the first to clear that safety mark. She must be travelling in excess of what should be possible but even as she reaches relative comfort, she doesn't attempt to slow down. The enemy's fleet at this point is nowhere to be seen but even if they were I can imagine they're equally in a hurry to get away from the incoming storm. No one wants to be near a furious-

Rossiya: It's clearing...

All: WHAT?

Looking up, sure enough, the clouds begin parting letting through some light. Seeing this, we all stop and turn back to see what's going on but only then do we realise we're rather far from where we had initially started off. Neither Friedrich nor August are anywhere in sight but as we continue searching in every direction we eventually find something. It is the coast of Iron Blood. We've reached land but where's our Empress?


North Sea
Iron Blood (FDG's POV:)

Why aren't you waking up? Come now. Don't leave things like this. I know I haven't been the best possible mother I could have been. I know that sometimes I may have acted as though I were the child in the equation but please...don't leave me.

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