Current World State

541 25 6

Azur Lane: Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Dragon Empery, Northern Parliament, Iris Libre

Crimson Axis: Iron Blood, Sardegna Empire, Vichya Dominion (Unnoficial at Start of Story)

Unaligned: Sakura Empire

The current world state is one of slight unbalance due to the change in leadership seen within Iron Blood. Said change and the subsequent reformation of the governing body have nullified all alliances with the Sakura Empire and have put the Vichya Dominion's status within the Crimson Axis in jeopardy. For some, this could be seen as the perfect opportunity for Vichya to realign itself with its sister nation, Iris Libre, however, with Iron Blood having crushed all resistance capable of providing immediate aid it remains in Vichya's favour to seek to appease its vastly superior neighbour.

The Sardegna Empire served as a further reminder of this fact when the armies of Iron Blood flooded across the Alps in a record-breaking invasion of the peninsula, resulting in the near annexation of the entirety of the Sardegna Empire and her territories. This was only prevented by the timely surrender of the nation and its fervent recommitment to the Crimson Axis alliance.

The Northern Parliament is another nation in a tenuous position. On the one hand, their defeat seems all but certain whilst on the other this could be their one chance at redemption. Iron Blood has relocated near all its Kansen to the Western and Southern fronts, the time is ripe for an offensive. The aim? To retake the Motherland at all costs for should they fail then the Northern Parliament will cease to exist.

Azur Lane on the whole, Northern Parliament aside, has just suffered a major defeat. The Royal Navy, whilst not entirely committed to the assault, broke the treaty with Iron Blood by allowing Eagle Union to use their bases as resupply points in their attempt to attack the Fatherland. Fearing retribution, Queen Elizabeth has ordered all military outposts to be on the highest alert possible and to report even the slightest signs of an impending attack. 

Eagle Union, on the other hand, has suffered a Devastating Defeat with over 4 carriers, 6 battleships, 5 cruisers and 16 destroyers out of service. This has halted all Eagle Union activity across the Atlantic, with only its Pacific Fleets still capable of operating at even half capacity, which has left the nation wide open to attack from Europe. One can only hope the Royal Navy is capable of containing the terrifying might now within the palms of the newly crowned Empress who now commands the Iron Blood, Northern Parliament and Sardegna Empire's navies.

Iron Blood, oh Iron Blood. Her flag is soaring higher than ever. Her maps, painted in Crimson Red stretch from Coast to Coast to Coast. There has never been a better time to be a citizen of Iron Blood. Undefeated and unopposed. The only thing in its way now is the need to decide which nation to crush next. Long Live Iron Blood!

News From Berlin: Blucher

It is a great and glorious Monday morning. Guten Morgen, Iron Blood! I am your host, Blucher, with the latest world news. Europe is painted Crimson Red! The banners of our most esteemed nation fly high over every capital on the continent! From Moscow to Berlin to Paris to Madrid to Rome! Our Kaiserin ruleth over all!

In even more unfortunate news...for anyone not a citizen of Iron Blood, the Empire's navy crushed the entirety of Eagle Union's Atlantic Fleet sending them screaming back across the ocean from whence they came. Banished from life like bees before flames, they shall never again dare to threaten our magnificent Empire whilst our Kaiserin reigns.

The Sakura Empire has, for lack of a better word, failed to yet acknowledge the change in leadership within Iron Blood and as such cooperation between our nations has ceased. The same cannot be said for the Sardegna Empire, however, who attempted to stab us in the back but were thwarted by the Kaiserin's Armee as they recreated a scene from History by storming the Peninsula through the Alps!! A true modern-day recreation of the legend of Hannibal Barca himself!

The Sardegna Empire surrendered but while they were allowed to feign independence in the form of maintaining their identity, they have all but ceased to exist as a nation in all but writing. Their Empire's days are over and the reign of our Kaiserin has begun!

Back to the most pressing issue at hand, the Eastern Front against the Northern Parliament is at a stalemate as both sides dig in for winter. It is unlikely that we'll be seeing much movent on that front but despite this, the transportation network has been crippled as 100s of thousands of men and equipment that had been occupied in the subjugation of the Sardegna Empire now get raced across the entirety of Iron Blood to reinforce our defensive line and perhaps partake in a Winter Offensive...oops. I suppose I wasn't meant to say that part out loud, was I? HAHAHA! Just kidding.

In all seriousness, the war is all but over. Having already secured all but one of their major cities in the West, the Northern Parliament has ceased being a threat to our sovereignty and it is expected that they'll be capitulating in a short while. While the Sakura Empire didn't do much to provide assistance, it is likely that they'll receive some benefit from any peace deal as a means to reestablish an alliance between our nations but should they refuse I have no doubt that our Empress will be more than capable of taking them on as well.

Sieg! Sieg! Sieg! Dies sollen die Worte sein, die von jedem Bürger von Iron Blood geäußert werden. Lang lebe die Kaiserin! Lange soll sie regieren! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

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