Ch29: Takeover

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Prince of Wales POV:

I'm leading a fleet of our girls comprising myself, Z18, Z25, Jervis, Regensburg, Sirius, Aurora and Albion. It's not a large fleet but given we're merely escorting the first convoy to the Sakura Empire, we aren't expecting any trouble and have merely come as a formality. 

As we near Sakura, we're greeted by girls from the Empire who thank us for coming. Amongst them are Takao and Hiei who join our fleet as our escorts into the harbour. 

????: Ladies from Iron Blood, welcome to the Sakura Empire. I am Prime Minister Tojo-

Me: Well met, Prime Minister. I am Prince of Wales and these are my companions. 

He nods before leading us towards the waiting cars. The streets are lined with people who wave flags from both our nations as we pass. It's a small gesture but one that speaks volumes of their intention to gain an alliance with us. Unfortunately for them, my Empress seems to have no desire for such an alliance and to be fair she seems to get along better with nations ruled by other KANSEN as opposed to those ruled by humans such as this one.

Tojo: I'm sure after such an arduous journey you'll desire rest so we'll reconvene tomorrow morning. I'll give you a personal tour of the city as I'm sure we'll have much to discuss.

Me: Thank you, Prime Minister.

We both part wats at the villa they've prepared for us. As we enter the lobby, we're greeted by the staff who introduce themselves before leading us to our separate rooms to change. We have dinner and speak about how things seem fairly stable within Sakura. One of the things we'd been tasked with observing was the current state of the political system within the nation but from what I can tell everything's fine.

With that in mind, after we finish dining we head out onto the terrace overlooking the capital to enjoy the night air before retiring for the night. It's then when we get the first signs that something's amiss.



Massive explosions sound in the distance as a large firefight seemingly erupts within the middle of the city. Overhead, aircraft dive towards the city while engaging targets on the ground only to get caught up in a dogfight. I am tempted to attempt to leave the city or aid in the fighting but ultimately decide to remain where we are as we don't know what's happening and might cause a diplomatic incident if we take unnecessary actions.

My decision is further proven correct as the fighting soon dies down and the night returns to peace and quiet save for the light flickering from burning buildings deep within the city.

Albion: You'd almost think it was just a dream.

Regensburg: I'm still of the opinion that we should have at least investigated.

Me: I-

We're interrupted by the sight of a vehicle arriving at the main gate. It is Souryuu who exits the vehicle and begins making her way towards the front doors of the villa. Sensing the need to be there when she arrives, the girls and I head down to meet her.

Souryuu: Good night. I'm terribly sorry for the disturbance.

Me: What happened?

Souryuu: It's perhaps best if you came with me. I can explain on the way.

Deciding to go along with whatever game they're playing for now, I decide to go alone but the others refuse to let me leave without coming along so in the end we all leave together.

While travelling in the car, Souryuu turns to face me.

Souryuu: We have seized control of the government.

Me: We?

Souryuu: The KANSEN of Sakura Empire. 

Me: Okay, but when you say you seized it, what do you mean?

Souryuu: We're still in the process of relaying the changes to the rest of our forces. An announcement will follow tomorrow which will address the nation. However, as we wish to maintain good relations with Iron Blood I'll tell you.

Me: Go on.

Souryuu: We've replaced the governing body with KANSEN.

Some time passes before I find myself being led into a throne room. There, seated on the throne, sits not the Emperor but rather Hakuryuu. Thankfully, they don't take it as an insult when I refrain from kneeling. Others in the room include both Akagi and Kaga as well as Azuma, Mikasa, and more. From them, I learn that Hakuryuu is now the Empress with Nagato acting as Prime Minister. Her deputy is Azuma. Mikasa is put in charge of the Army with Kinu and Ryuuhou acting as her assistants. Izumo, on the other hand, is placed in charge of the Navy with both Atago and Takao acting as her second-in-commands.

They don't ask for much save for recognition and the acknowledgement that the treaty between our two nations is still in effect. After confirming with Empress August, I reiterate our commitment to the treaty. My words are met with much relief though my follow-up question causes the room to go silent once more.

Me: Why carry out the attack now?

Nagato: Your visit proved the necessary distraction. They stopped watching our every move giving us the opportunity to strike and thus we took it.

I wonder if this was part of the Empress' plan and thus why she sent us surely not even she could see this far ahead!

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